АвтоАвтоматизацияАрхитектураАстрономияАудитБиологияБухгалтерияВоенное делоГенетикаГеографияГеологияГосударствоДомДругоеЖурналистика и СМИИзобретательствоИностранные языкиИнформатикаИскусствоИсторияКомпьютерыКулинарияКультураЛексикологияЛитератураЛогикаМаркетингМатематикаМашиностроениеМедицинаМенеджментМеталлы и СваркаМеханикаМузыкаНаселениеОбразованиеОхрана безопасности жизниОхрана ТрудаПедагогикаПолитикаПравоПриборостроениеПрограммированиеПроизводствоПромышленностьПсихологияРадиоРегилияСвязьСоциологияСпортСтандартизацияСтроительствоТехнологииТорговляТуризмФизикаФизиологияФилософияФинансыХимияХозяйствоЦеннообразованиеЧерчениеЭкологияЭконометрикаЭкономикаЭлектроникаЮриспунденкция

Describing people

Читайте также:
  1. C) Some people prefer draught beer. They say bottles give beer a different taste.
  2. Describing a holiday
  3. Describing important moments
  4. Listen to three people talking about their hobbies. For questions 7- 12 put a tick (P) under the right answer. You will hear the monologues twice.
  5. MEETING PEOPLE/ Знакомство
  6. Read the text and match the people and their pets.
  7. Suitable for each person or people (1-5).
  9. What changes occur to the brain as people age?
  10. Why do people divorce?
  11. Write sentences to describe what these people are doing.

C) Rad t he descri ption qu ickl y. Tick the t hings 1-5 that Fiona mentions.

D Kate's boy friend.

2 D How Fiona met Kat e.

3 DKa te's personali ty.

4 0Kate's appearance.

s DKate's favou ri te hobbies.



Abou f six yui.,.s o8. ° I woS 1nvtf ul fo on old school f,-1e.nd" s we.dd 1na We. ho.d bun re.olly fr1e.nds of school buf I hodn 'f seen her fo,. 1.1 few ye.1.1,-s. So I wos 1.1 bd surpri sed fo 3e.f on 1nvtf 1.1 f1on When I ,.e,1.1 l1sed I kne.w no one. e.lse. of fhe.

we.dd1113. I fliou 3Af d woS 301118 fo be. o lon3 doy Bv.f fhe.n I

n-£.f Kofe. And. we.II. [JU-"5S she. 's rrry be.sf fne.nd now

The. f1rs f fh1rlf) I nof1ce.d obouf Kofe. woS he.r sh0"5 In fod d was d1f f1culf fo m1SS fhe.m! The.y were. b,.13M,.e,d ond f he.y were. fhe. only fli1n3 I could se.e. - she. wos under 1.1 foble. look 1n:J fo,. lie.,. confocf le.ns' AsI wolke.d by I so1d ·N ice. s/ioe.s!" ond

I liui.rd he.r Soy "Tlio.nks 1• Then wlie.n she. come. ouf f,.om unJe.,. fhe. fl.Ible. we. looked of e.och ofher o.nd l1.1u3he.d! We. hod e.xocf ly fne. some. dress on! We. hove. very sondor fosfe.-1.!J. ciofhe.s,,,

foc f - we. like. b,.13Af clof/ie.s - sf r 1pe.d ond flowery J,.e.sSt,S ond fops Bu f we. look comple.f e.ly d 1f fe.re.n f She. is fonne.d ond looks Sp1.1n1sh o,. If 1.1l11.1n I look f yp1co.ll y En:Jl1sh! We. ·,.e. bofh 111 our m1d -fwe.n f 1e.S buf '""'f notr" IS shod o.nJ blonde. ond ner S IS lon:J ond dork I'm nof ve.,.y foll buf she. 's fol/er f/ion mos f men I know In focf she. looks like. 1.1 mode.I ond I we.II, don' f!

Ou,. pusonolt fie.s we. very d1f fe.,.e.n f, foo She. 's much mo,.e. c.onf 1de.nf fhon I om Bu f s/ie. co.n be. SO d1so,.9°111se.ci of f1me.S

I con' f,.e,me.mber fhe. numbe.,. of f1me. s we.' ve. m issed fhe. sf o,.f

of 1.1 film. ploy o,. conce.,.f be.couse. Ko fe. wo.S lofe.! Howe.ve.,., she's funn y wo.r"m ond fhe. mosf constde.,.ofe. ond unse.lf 1sh pe.,.son I know She. s 1.1lw1.1ys re.o.d y wtf h 1.1 wp of fe.o ond some.

o.dv1ce. when I hove. o prob lem

I've. le.orne.d so 1>1..1c.h f,. om Kofe. And I woS SO luck y fo me.e.f

/ie_,. I'm sure. we.'// be. f,.1e.nds fo,. life. And oil be.co.use. of fh ose. love.ly..e.d shoes ond lier fyui. f fos fe. 111 clof ne.s'

Reading a description of a good friend Writing descriptions of people:orga nisation usef ul phrases ·

Review describing people; cha racter adjectives; adjectiv es to describe behaviou r


(v 9' " w'


Read the description agai n and answer these questions.

1 Where did Hona meet Kate?



2 Why did t hey sta rt talki ng?



3 What kind of thi ngs do t hey both like?



4 How arc t hey different in appearance?



s How a rc t hey di fferent in personality?


6 Why doc<> f iona think Kate is kind?




Fiona's story contains four parts, which each have a di fferent function. Put parts

a)-d) in t he order 1-4 in which t hey occur in the description.

a) lier fcclings n ow ......... 4......

b) Cha ract er:...............

c) Int rod u ct ion/How t hey me t:...............

d) Ph ysica l appea rance/Cl othes:...............


a) Read t he description again. Underline

these useful phrases for describing people.

1 We have si m ilar tast e i n...

2 I/We look...

3 Sh e looks l i ke a...

4 She's t he... (person) I k n ow.

b) Wh ich phrase or phrases in 4a):

a) arc followed by a n oun?.. .}..,

b) cont ains a superlat ive? -·-····---·--·-

c) is followed by an adjec t i ve?...............



a) Complete sentence h) so it has t he same meani n g as sent ence a). Use th e phrases

in 4a).

1 a) Sh e has a worried expression on her face.

b) ..Sb.d P.9KS..WPt:ried.

2 a) People t hin k l'm intelligen t beca u se I wea r glasses!

b) beca u se I wear


3 a) We like t he same kind of m usic.

b) We have........................................ 1nusic.

4 a) Can you t ell me about her a ppeara n ce?

b) Can you t ell me w ha t she


.. ·····································?

s a) I d on't k now a nyon e m ore t alent ed t ha n Pa u l.

7 a) Ihave a similar face 10 m y sister.

b) I look........................ sist er.

8 a) I don't k n ow a nyone worse a t driving t ha n h i m.

b) He....................................... driverI k n ow.

b) Correct the mistakes in t hese sentences.


1 Th ey look. don't they?


2 My bro t h er an d I have similar taste on ca rs.


3 People thi n k I look like Swedish bu t I'm actually Brazilian!


4 My dad is one of t h e m ost funny peo pl e I kn ow. s He looks likes h is fat h er, doesn't he?

6 Sh e looks well in t h a t d ress.


a) Think abou t someone you know well.!\lake notes in t he tabl e.

how you met



physical appea ra n ce





what you think of the person now


b) Writ e a description.

• Use you r n ot es from Ga).

• Use t he organisa ti on of t he description i n 3.

b) Paul is..................

k now.

person l

• Use the phrases i n 4.

• Read and check for mista kes.

• Give your descri pt ion to your teach er nex t class.

6 a) je a n and Ka t e enj oy t he sam e t ype of

fil ms.

b) jea n and Kate have....................................

fil m s.



Tick the thi n gs you can do in English in t he Reading and Writ ing Progress Portfolio, p88.

Telling a story

When Jamie wal ked

i n to t he offices of t he Cha rlton Corpo ration, he was fceling

absol u tel y terrified.

He'd never been in

su ch a large building before. Eve rythi ng looked so clean, so organ ised a nd even

qui t e glamorous. It did n't hel p, of course, t hat he was la te. He'd decided to go by u nderground rather t han t he bus and it 'd been delayed. He'd sa t in a tun nel near Padd i ngt on Station. He had n 't even been a ble to use his mobil e to tell

t hem he'd be la t e.


It was now 9.25 a nd his i nterview was su pposed to start a t 9.


He told t he receptionist his na me a nd apologised for being la te. The receptionist to ld hi m not to worry. I n fact, he told Jam ie, one of t he interviewers had n't a rrived yet. So i t didn 't ma iler. Ja mie sat down i n one of t he la rge armchairs in

reception a nd picked u p a newspaper. But he could n't concentra te on any of t he stories.

"Relax, Ja m ie. Relax," he told himself.

Abou t five min utes later a woman sat down beside Ja mie. She was wea ring a suit a nd carrying a lea t her bag tha t looked expensive. She looked nervous too.

"Nice hag, " Jamie said.

"Thank you," she replied. "Arc you here for an i nterview?"

Jamie sudden ly felt a lot better. She was obviously in t he same sit ua t ion as he was. A nd she was qui te good-looki ng, too.

"Yes," h e said.

"Arc you feeling nervou s?" she asked.

"No, not really, "Ja mie lied. "Alt hough a n old school friend of mine works here and he says t hat my i nterviewer is rea l l y bad -tem pered a nd rude. She works in a d ifferen t office a nd every t i me he's m et her, she's been really arroga nt. So I'm not look ing forward to that!"

The woman laughed. She had a beau tiful la ugh, Jami e

t hought. They started cha ning abou t interviews. Jam ie told her abou t t he t ime he'd gone for an i n terview and realised he still had a piece of chewing gum in his momh. He'd been so nervou s tha t he'd pu t i t u nder b is chair i n t bc in terview room. She la ughed again. She likes me, Ja mie t hought.

Ile told t h e woma n some m ore stories a bou t himself. H e lost h is last perma nen t job, he told her, when he fell asleep at his desk t he day after a big party at a friend's house. He

had n't really cared as he though t the job was too st ressful

a nyway. She laughed agai n. Maybe he shou ld ask her for her phone n u mber, Jam ie t hough t.

Reading a story abou t a n intervi ew

Writ ing verb forms in stories

Review Past Si m ple; Past Conti n u ous; Pa st Perf ect


Read the first pa rt of th e st ory and pu t even ts a)-h) i n the correct order 1-6. There are two ext ra events tha t do n ot happen i n th e stor y.

a) 0Ja mie pu t some chewing gum under

a chair.

b} 0Ja m ie said sorry to th e recept ion ist.

c) DThe woma n and Ja mie talked abou t i nterviews.

d) 0Jamic caught an undergrou nd train.

e) DThe woman told Jam ie she had a n in terview too.

f) 0Ja mic asked t he woman for h er phone nu mber.

g) 0Jamic arrived at the Charl ton Corporal ion.

h) 0Jamie met the woma n.


Read t h e story again and ch oose th e best answers.

Why was Jamie nervous?

a) Beca use he had an in terview.

b) Beca use h e was la te.

@ Bot h a) and b).

2 How was Jamie l ucky?

a) One of his interviewer s was also la te.

b} I!is u ndergrou nd t rai n wasn't delayed for long.

c) No one else had applied for t he job.

3 Why d id Jamie lie to t he woma n?

a) Because h e was feeli ng more relaxed.

b} Because he t hought t he woman was nervous.

c) Becau se he t hough t she was a tt ractive.

4 How d id Jamie know somet hi ng abou t his i nterviewer?

a) He had worked wit h her before.

b) One of his friends knew her.

c} He had been at school wit h h er.

5 Why did Jamie thi nk the woma n liked him?

a) Because she laughed at all his stories.

b) Because she told him she did.

c) Both a) a nd b).


Help with Writing

a) Underline the first exam ple of each of these verb forms in the first pa rt of the story.

Presen t Perfect Sim ple he's met

2 Past Sim ple

3 Past Conti n uous

4 Past Perf eet

s Present im plc

6 Present Contin uous



a) Read and complete ihe second part of the story with the correct for m of the verb in brackets.


A t t hat moment, a ma n appea red a nd Ja mie's new friend 1. Jpod (sta nd) up. The man

..... obvious l y............................ (meet)

t he woma n bcf orc. The y kissed each other on

t he cheek and Ja m ie, stu pid l y, felt a hit jealous.

But while t hey 3 ·········--·--------· (wa l k) towa rds the lift, the woman looked back, 4

(sm ile) an d said "Good l uck!"

A few mi n u tes later, th e receptionist told Jamie that his in terviewers were ready now. He IOok.Jamie to a room a t the end of a long

corridor and 5 •••••• (knock) on the door.

Two people 6................••.....•..... (tal k) in the room a nd Jamie heard someone laugh.

Then t he recept ionist open ed t he door and looked at Jamie.



b) Look at where the verb forms arc used and choose the correct word in the rules.

• We usuall y usc prcscntl past verb forms i n di rect speech in stories.

• We usually usc present/pas t verb forms in stories when we describe t h ings t hat happen.

c) Look at the story again. \Vhich verb forms arc used most often in the story?


a) Think ahout a time you fch very nervous abou t someth ing, for example an i nterview or your first clay at a new school or work place. Make notes in the table.

What was the day?


How did you feel? Why?


Did you meet anyone who helped you feel less nervous?


What happened in the end?

".......••..............•..)'OU............................. (feel)

OK? " t he receptionist asked.

Jamie's face 8..............-........... (be) white. He suddenly felt sick. He 9••••.....• •• ••........... (h ear) that laugh before. And although h e 10•..•.•......

(not ca n) see his interviewers yet, he could see a fa milia r expen sive lea t h er bag on th e tabl e...


b) Why didn't Jamie feel very well when he arrived at the room?


b) Write a story about your experience.

• Use your notes from 5a).

• Use past verb fo rm s (Past im plc, Past Perfect, et c.) to describe the t h i ngs that ha ppened and, if

ncce sa ry, present verb for ms (Present Simple, etc.) for di rect speech.

• Remember that you can i nven t some or all of t h e story if you want to.

R ead and check for mistakes.

• Give your story to your teacher next class.


Tick the things you can do in English in t h e Reading and Writ ing Progress Portfolio, p88.

1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | 12 | 13 | 14 | 15 | 16 | 17 | 18 | 19 | 20 | 21 | 22 | 23 | 24 | 25 | 26 | 27 | 28 | 29 | 30 | 31 | 32 | 33 | 34 | 35 | 36 | 37 | 38 | 39 | 40 | 41 | 42 | 43 | 44 |

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