АвтоАвтоматизацияАрхитектураАстрономияАудитБиологияБухгалтерияВоенное делоГенетикаГеографияГеологияГосударствоДомДругоеЖурналистика и СМИИзобретательствоИностранные языкиИнформатикаИскусствоИсторияКомпьютерыКулинарияКультураЛексикологияЛитератураЛогикаМаркетингМатематикаМашиностроениеМедицинаМенеджментМеталлы и СваркаМеханикаМузыкаНаселениеОбразованиеОхрана безопасности жизниОхрана ТрудаПедагогикаПолитикаПравоПриборостроениеПрограммированиеПроизводствоПромышленностьПсихологияРадиоРегилияСвязьСоциологияСпортСтандартизацияСтроительствоТехнологииТорговляТуризмФизикаФизиологияФилософияФинансыХимияХозяйствоЦеннообразованиеЧерчениеЭкологияЭконометрикаЭкономикаЭлектроникаЮриспунденкция


Читайте также:
  1. Учебный проект по роману «Жизнь взаймы».




(английский язык)






Методические указания и задания для самостоятельной работы студентов по теме «Жизнь студента» / Сост. А.В. Трефилова, Т.Н. Сайтимова. - Волгоград, «Перемена», 2006.


Предназначены для студентов I курса всех специальностей дневной формы обучения, изучающих английский язык. Могут быть использованы студентами при прохождении темы как в аудиторное, так и внеаудиторное время.


Text 1


Hello, friends. Let me first introduce1 myself. You know how difficult it is to tell much in a very short time. But I'll try hard so you'll have some idea who I am.

My name is Katya. My surname2 or last name is Ivashenko. I was born on the 13th of October in Sochi. This is the nicest city in the Russian Federation situated on the Black Sea coast. Now I am a first-year student3 at the Faculty of Psychology of Volgograd State Pedagogical University. I’m a full time student4 as you’ve already guessed.

Now let me describe5 my appearance6. I am tall and slim7 and have fair8 hair and blue eyes. My friends say that I am pretty. I love reading, theatre and classical music. My favourite9 composer is Tchaikovsky. I don't like ballet too much. But I like theatre and I am a theatre-goer10. I spend much if not all of my money on theatres and books.

I would like to tell you about my family. There are five people in our family. My father's name is Leonid Borisovich. He is a professor of biology. My mother's name is Natalya Yakovlevna. She works in a research institute11 and she is a historian by profession. My parents are very educated people but simple and easy to be with12. We are great friends with my parents and I can discuss everything with them.

My younger sister is still a pupil. Her name is Tanya and she is in the 7th form. But she is so tall that you can think that she is a school graduate13. She is very strong too. That is because she plays basketball. She doesn't like to study much and we argue14 sometimes about it. But we are good friends with my sister.

My grandmother, who is my mother's mother, lives with us. She is very kind and helps us a lot.

We also have a dog Dazy and a cat Murka. They fight sometimes, but usually they are friends and miss15 each other.

Our family is very friendly, we have many friends and relatives16.

In May I have finished school No. 5. I did well17 in all the subjects but my favourite subjects at school were Biology and English. I also enjoyed18 lessons of Mathematics. Quite unusual for a girl, don't you think? My father always wanted me to be a biologist, like him. But I want to work with people, not with animals. I want to understand people better. And of course it will help me to understand myself better too. Also, I think that psychology is a fast developing science19 and I will always have an interesting job.

As you see, my biography isn't very long yet. But we'll meet again in the next lesson and I'll tell you more about myself. See you later...



1. to introduce [ /׀ ntrә′dju:s] представлять, знакомить

2. surname [ ′sз:ne ׀ m] фамилия

3. to be a first – year student – быть студентом первого курса

4. to be a full time student – быть студентом дневного отделения

5. to describe [d ׀ ′skra ׀ b ] – описывать

6. appearance [ ә′p ׀ ərəns ] – внешность

7. slim – стройный

8. fair – [feə] – белокурый

9. favourite [′fe ׀ vәr ׀ t] – любимый

10. a theatre goer – театрал (ка)

11. a research institute – научно – исследовательский институт

12. easy to be with – легкий в общении

13. a school graduate – выпускник (ца) школы

14. to argue [ a:gju: ] - спросить

15. to miss – скучать

16. a relative [′relәt ׀ v] – родственник (ница)

17. to do well – хорошо учиться, делать успехи

18. to enjoy [ ׀ n′dζо ׀ ] – получать удовольствие

19. a fast developing science – быстро развивающаяся наука


Exercise 1.

a) Introduce yourself with the help of the following questions:

1. What is your name?

2. Where and when were you born?

3. How old are you?

4. Where do you live?

5. How many people are there in your family?

6. Do you have brothers or sisters?

7. Do you have grandparents in your family?

8. Is your family friendly?

9. Do you have a girlfriend or a boyfriend?

10. What school did you finish?

11. Did you study well at school?

12. What was your favourite subject?

13. What do you like to do in your free time?

14. What sport do you go in for?

15. What are you going to be?

b) Ask your deskmate the same questions and prepare a short story about him or her.

c) Introduce your desk- mate to the class.


Exercise 2.

Choose one of your classmates and describe him or her to the class. The student who guesses correctly chooses another person and continues the game.


Exercise 3.

Arrange A and B in pairs of antonyms:


1. tall 1. fat

2. blond 2. aggressive

3. clever 3. weak

4. pretty 4. stupid

5. slim 5. short

6. strong 6. ugly

7. friendly 7. brunette


Exercise 4.

Work in two teams. Take it in turns to choose words from the list and make up your own sentences. Each correct sentence gets one point. The team with the most points is the winner.

Years old, name, favourite, student, people, parents, pupil, city, job, easy to be with, friendly, relatives, pretty, kind, fair hair, educated.


Exercise 5.

Bring a picture of a person you know well (mother, father, grandfather, friend, favourite singer). Show it to the class and describe that person, using active vocabulary of the lesson.

Text 2


Now, let me describe my usual working day. My classes begin at 8:00 o’clock. So on week-days I have to get up1 at 7: 00 a.m. I turn on2 the radio and do my morning exercises. I don't take a bath3 in the morning because I don't have enough time for it. I take a cool shower4 (that's when I completely wake up) and brush my teeth5. After that I go back to my room and get dressed6. I brush my hair7 and put on a light make-up8. Then I have breakfast. I love to listen to the latest news on the radio while I am eating.

I leave the house9 around eight and walk to the near­est bus-stop. I live rather close to the University and it usually takes me about ten or fifteen minutes to get there by bus. Sometimes when the weather is fine and I have enough time I walk to the University. You know that it is very healthy to walk.

The classes begin at 8.00 in the morning and they finish at 2 p.m. We have lectures in different subjects. As a rule, we have three or four classes a day. Sometimes it is very hard to wait till they end.

Usually I don't miss my classes10 because I want to pass my exams11 successfully. But sometimes I do, especially when the weather is fine and the classes are boring.

At 11:00 we have lunch. That's my favourite time. That is the time to share the latest news and to gossip12. My friends and I prefer13 not to go to the canteen and we often have lunch in a small cafe not far from the University. At 11:30 we have to be back to our classes. During the working day we also have several short breaks that last for ten minutes.

Sometimes I have to stay at the University till 5 or even 6 o'clock in the evening because I go to the library to get ready14 for my practical classes or to write a report. As a rule, I have no free time on week-days. So by the end of the week I get very tired15.

I come home at about 7 o'clock in the evening. My parents usually wait for16 me at home. We have supper together. Then we sit in the living room, drink tea, watch TV or just talk.

At about eleven at night I go to bed. I like to read some­thing before going to

bed. Sometimes I fall asleep17 while I am reading.



1. to get up – просыпаться

2. to turn on – включать

3. to take a bath – принимать ванну

4. to take a shower – принимать душ

5. to brush one’s teeth – чистить зубы

6. to get dressed – одеваться

7. to brush one’s hair – причесывать волосы

8. to put on a make – up – накладывать макияж

9. to leave the house – выходить из дома

10. to miss classes – пропускать занятия

11. to pass exаms – сдавать экзамены и выдержать их успешно

12. to gossip – сплетничать

13. to prefer – предпочитать

14. to get ready – готовиться

15. to get tired – уставать

16. to wait for – ждать

17. to fall asleep – засыпать


Exercise 1.

Translate info English

· в будние дни;

· включать радио;

· принимать душ;

· чистить зубы;

· одеваться;

· слушать последние новости;

· у меня уходит час, чтобы добраться до института;

· добираться на автобусе;

· пропускать занятия;

· сдать экзамены успешно;

· подготовиться к занятиям;

· устать;

· приходить домой;

· иметь свободное время;


Exercise 2.

Tell about your typical day. The following questions will help you:


1. Do you get up early?

2. Is it easy for you to get up early?

3. Do you wake up yourself or does your alarm-clock wake you up?

4. Do you do your morning exercises?

5. What do you prefer: a hot or a cold shower in the morning?

6. How long does it take you to get dressed?

7. What do you usually have for breakfast?

8. Some people look through newspapers or listen to the latest news on the radio while having breakfast. What about you?

9. When do you usually leave your house?

10. How long does it take you to get to the University (Institute)?

11. Do you go there by bus/trolley-bus or walk?

12. Where do you usually have lunch (dinner)?

13. What time do you come home?

14. How do you usually spend your evenings?

15. Do you have a lot of free time?

16. What time do you usually go to bed?


Exercise 3.


Fill in the table with DO, GET, HAVE, GO, then make up sentences.

shower a bath breakfast lunch/dinner free time lectures / classes a break an idea a job your home – work the washing up/ ironing home shopping on a picnic out with friends/ family to bed to the gym to the cinema/ theatre up dressed tired



Exercise 4.

Talk about yourself. What do you never /rarely /sometimes /often/ usually / always do on Sundays? Choose phrases from the list below. You can add some of your own ideas.

Do the washing up, go jogging, go to the cinema, go shopping, eat out, watch TV, go fishing, visit museums, go climbing, go windsurfing, meet friends.

Exercise 5.

In pairs, ask and answer questions, as in the example. Then, write a short story about your partner.


How often do you … go to the swimming – pool?

go to the theatre? never

clean your room? every day/month/evening

go fishing? every 3/3 days / Sunday

go out with your family? every 2/3 days / Sunday

play computer games? sometimes

watch TV? once/twice a week/ month

meet your friends?

go shopping?



How often do you go to the swimming – pool?

I go to the swimming – pool once a week.


Telling the Time

We tell the time in two different ways.


1. twenty to six

five forty



2. (a) quarter to six

five forty – five



3. six o’clock

six sharp



4. (a) quarter past six

six fifteen



5. twenty past six

six twenty



6. half past six

six thirty



Note: a.m. – ante meridiem (before 12 noon)

p.m. – post meridiem (after 12 noon)

Exercise 1.

Fill in the gaps in the chart below


11:15 eleven fifteen a quarter past eleven
2:30   half past two
7: 50 seven fifty  
9:20   twenty past nine
3:45   three forty five  


Exercise 2.

Write the times, as in the example.

a) 6:00 a.m. – six o’clock in the morning

b) 6:00 p.m. – six o’clock in the evening

c) 10: 00 p.m.

d) 2:00 a.m.

e) 8:30 a.m.

f) 9:15 a.m.

g) 4:45 a.m.

h) 7:20 p.m.


Exercise 3.

Read the dialogue and make up your own one.

– What time is it now?

– It is a quarter to ten

– Ah, my watch is three hours slow then.

Text 3

My friend

Lucky are the people who have friends. I’m happy to have lots of friends. Some of them are very close, some are less. But all of them make my life more interesting and enjoyable1.

I’d like to tell you about one of my best friends. His name is Sasha. We are of the same age and we live in the same block of flats2. Sasha is a tall slender3 boy. He has got dark hair, large green eyes, a straight nose and thin lips. Sasha is a nice guy 4. He is very honest5 and just, responsive6 and kind. I trust7 him a lot and I’m sure that I can rely on 8 him in any situation. Sasha never lets people down9. My friend is very responsible10 too. He always finishes whatever he starts.

He’s got only one shortcoming16. He is a bit stubborn17, nevertheless he is pleasant to deal with. I never quarrel18 with Sasha. But if there is some misunderstanding between us we try to make peace as soon as possible. What I like best about him is that he is always willing19 to help and share his knowledge, thoughts, feelings.

We have much in common20. We go in for sports and like to play chess. We enjoy listening to music. Unfortunately we can’t spend a lot of time together because we both are very busy now. But when we have some free time we like to walk around the city centre visiting small cafes, cinemas and shops. We talk for hours about all sorts of things. We discuss films, TV programmes and books. So we get along21 perfectly.

I’m happy to have such friend as Sasha. I respect11 my friend for his fairness12, strong will13, intellect and modesty14. I miss him when we don’t see each other for a long time. I hope15 we’ll be friends forever.



1. enjoyable [ ׀ n′dζo ׀ әbәl] – приятный

2. a block of flats – многоквартирный дом

3. slender [′slendә] стройный

4. a guy [ga ׀ ] – парень

5. honest [ ′on ׀ st] – честный

6. responsive [r ׀ ′spons ׀ v] – отзывчивый

7. to trust [trлst] – доверять

8. to rely on smb. – полагаться на кого-либо, доверять

9. to let smb. down – подводить кого-либо

10. responsible [r ׀΄ spons ׀ bl ] – ответственный

11. to respect [r ׀ ′spect] – уважать

12. faireness [feәn ׀ s] – справедливость

13. strong will – сильная воля

14. modesty [mod ׀ st ׀ ] – скромность

15. to hope [hәυp] – надеяться

16. shortcoming [ Ѕ o:t kлm ׀ ŋ]- недостаток

17. stubborn [´stлbən]- упрямый

18. to quarrel [′kworəl] – ссориться

19. willing [΄w ׀ l ׀ ŋ] – готовый, склонный

20. to have much in common – иметь много общего

21. to get along – ладить, уживаться


Exercise 1.

1. Have you got many friends?

2. Are they your close friends?

3. What is your close friend's name?

4. When did you make friends?

5. How old is your friend?

6. Do you have much in common?

7. You have the same interests and attitude to life, don't you?

8. Does your friend have fair or dark hair?

9. Does your friend go in for sports?

10. What sports does he (she) go in for?

11. Do you go in for sports together?

12. How do you usually spend your weekends? Do you go to the museums, theatres and art galler­ies?

13. Do you like to discuss books with your friend?

14. Can your friend play any musical instrument?

15. What kind of music does your friend like?


Exercise 2. Match the words in columns A and B and make up sentences using them.



strong time

best lips

dark programmes

television will

free hair

thin friend


Exercise 3.

Find the odd word.

1. tall, short, old, well-built (man)

2. brown, grey, pale, wavy (hair)

3. cinema, factory, gallery, theatre (building).

4. slender, responsible, honest, responsive (character)

5. happy, sad, busy, lucky (state).


Exercise 4.

Use a list of activities below and the following verbs to make sentences, as in the example. Example: My friend likes listening to Rock music, but he dislikes reading

Love / like / don’t like / dislike / hate.

a) listening to (rock/classical/pop/ jazz) music.

b) walking in the park

c) going on a picnic

d) going to the cinema

e) travelling

f) reading

g) exercising

h) fishing

i) playing (football/basketball/tennis/volleyball)

j) camping

k) watching TV

l) playing the (guitar/piano/violin)


Exercise 5.

Read these sentences. What do they mean?

- A stranger is a friend you haven’t met yet.

- A friend in need is a friend indeed.

- Lend your money and lose your friend.


Complete your own story using text № 1, 2, 3 and retell it.

1 | 2 | 3 | 4 |

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