АвтоАвтоматизацияАрхитектураАстрономияАудитБиологияБухгалтерияВоенное делоГенетикаГеографияГеологияГосударствоДомДругоеЖурналистика и СМИИзобретательствоИностранные языкиИнформатикаИскусствоИсторияКомпьютерыКулинарияКультураЛексикологияЛитератураЛогикаМаркетингМатематикаМашиностроениеМедицинаМенеджментМеталлы и СваркаМеханикаМузыкаНаселениеОбразованиеОхрана безопасности жизниОхрана ТрудаПедагогикаПолитикаПравоПриборостроениеПрограммированиеПроизводствоПромышленностьПсихологияРадиоРегилияСвязьСоциологияСпортСтандартизацияСтроительствоТехнологииТорговляТуризмФизикаФизиологияФилософияФинансыХимияХозяйствоЦеннообразованиеЧерчениеЭкологияЭконометрикаЭкономикаЭлектроникаЮриспунденкция |
Lesson 211
15. Do exercise 8 b in a minute. 16. Read the text (exercise 3) in 3 minutes and retell it. 17. Skim through (переглянь) the text. Then read the question and find the answers in the text.
THE FIRST TELEGRAPH Samuel Morse was born in 1791 in Charlestown (USA). When he was young his greatest interest was painting. He ididied art in London. Then Samuel returned to America шиї opened a studio in Boston as a portrait painter. In 1832 at the age of forty-one, far out in the Atlantic Ocean, on board the ship going from France to New York, he met a man who told Morse that electricity would move so fast that its speed could hardly be measured. Since then his entire life changed. Morse ilmught, if electricity could be found in any part of a wire, it could be used to send messages. Now art was a Hiing of the past. Morse began to work out a way to send messages. His energy and enthusiasm were concentrated on one thing — to make an instrument that could send messages to any part of the world. Morse worked hard to make a.workable telegraph. With nl most no knowledge of electricity he tried one thing after itnother. Then he had the idea of what a relay is called. It was an electric battery on the line adding more power to iiend the message further. By means of relays and batteries the first real telegraph was born. It was introduced to the public in January 1838. Morse also invented the tihort telegraphic sound (.) and long sound (—), known as Morse code. This is the alphabet still used in telegraph astern today. I. What was Morse interested in when he was young? '.'.. When did his life change and why? 3. What instrument did he want to make? •I. When was the real telegraph introduced to the public? їм. Head the words and word-combinations with the translation. a studio ['stju:diou] — студія, майстерня to measure ['теза] — міряти, вимірювати entire [in'taia] — цілий, весь a wire ['waia] — провід a message ['mesid3] — повідомлення, донесення of what relay [ri'lei] is celled — з чого складається реле power ['раиэ] — енергія further ['fa:6a] — далі by means of — за допомогою a code [koud] — код 10. Read and translate the text (exercise 17).
the greatest interest to open a studio to open a school at the age of... on board the ship to send messages his energy and enthusiasm to work hard an electric battery one thing after another to add more power to send the message further the short telegraphic sound still used Its speed could hardly measured. He had an idea. He worked hard. The invention was introduced to the public. найбільший інтерес відкрити майстерню відкрити школу у віці... на борту корабля посилати повідомлення його енергія й ентузіазм наполегливо працювати електрична батарея одну річ за іншою збільшити потужність послати повідомлення далі короткий телеграфний сигнал все ще вживаний Його швидкість важко виміряти.
У нього виникла ідея. Він багато працював. Винахід був представлений громадськості. into practice was the German Philipp Reis, but his telephone was too primitive to find any practical application. Л telephone that found the application was invented by the American Graham Bell. On March 10, 1876, he made mi instrument that successfully transmitted a sentence. To his assistant who was in another room, Bell transmitted the message, "Mr. Watson, please come into my room". Bell's telephone was very simple. It consisted of a metal diaphragm placed in the field of a horseshoe1 magnet. The diaphragm, vibrating under the impact2 of sound waves3, produced oscillations4 in the electric current5 transmitted nlong the wires. A similar device6 at the other end of the line turned the electric oscillations into sound. The telegraph and the telephone were considered to be the "final" solution7 to the communication problem. But they were soon followed by an even more wonderful invention, which made communication possible without wires. It was the radio. 1 horseshoe ['hosju:] — підкова ' impact ['impaskt] — вплив (якоїсь якості) ' wave [weiv] — хвиля 1 oscillation [,osi'leij"n] — коливання :> current ['kArant] — потік 0 device [di'vais] — прилад, механізм 7 solution [sa'lurjn] — рішення 1. Who was the first to suggest the idea of transmitting speech elecrically? 2. When did it happen? 8. Which telephone found practical application? 4. What message was first transmitted? 5. What did Bell's telephone consist of? (>. How did the device work? 7. Is it possible to consider the present-day telegraph and telephone the final solution of the communication problem? Why do you think so? Ж Answer the questions. 1. Is it your last school-year? 2. What examinations will you pass this year? 8. Will you continue your study after finishing school? 4. What institute or technical school are you going to Enter? 5. What profession are you going to choose? Explain your
6. Are you going to improve your English after finishing school? Why? 27. Prepare yourselves for a dictation in 5 minutes: review the word-combinations and sentences of exercises 2 and 8. Shut the textbooks and write down the words, word-combinations and sentences in English while the teacher is dictating them in Ukrainian. 28. Let's practise the Future Indefinite Tense. Make, up affirmative, negative and interrogative sentences with the following verbs to do, to work, to become, to enter, to pass, to choose, to help, to show, to prepare, to go. (Consult § 20.) Example. 1. I shall do my lessons in the evening. 2. We shall not enter the institute.,_ \ 3. Will you go anywhere next summer? 29*. Translate into English in writing. 1. Минулого року він відкрив майстерню і цочав наполегливо працювати. З того часу його життя змінилося. Всю свою енергію й ентузіазм він сконцентрував на одному — написати картину, яку він бачив уві сні (in a dream). 2. Його швидкість важко виміряти. 3. Цей новий винахід дуже корисний. 4. Це добре відомий винахід, чи не так? 5. Лічильник Гейгера широко використовувався в Україні з 1986 р. ЗО. Do task 5 on pages 114, 115. Lesson 23 31. Read your translation (exercise 29). 32. Read the words and word-combinations with the translation. art [a:t] — мистецтво an artist ['oc:tist] — художник; митець a painter ['peinta] — художник a sculptor fskAlpta] — скульптор painting fpemtin] — живопис a collection [ka'lekj'n] — колекція, зібрання a gallery ['gaelari] — картинна галерея an exhibition [,eksi'biЈn] — виставка, експозиція to exhibit [ig'zibit] — виставляти, експонувати to display [dis'plei] — виставляти to paint ['peint] — малювати фарбами, зображати masterpiece ['ma:stapi:s] — шедевр an art school — школа мистецтв ART GALLERIES IN LONDON London is known for its art museums and galleries. Of all London's great art collections two will be mentioned here. One of the greatest museums of art in the world is the National Gallery which was founded in 1824. It has the collections of all the important art schools. Almost all old masters are represented there. It includes, for example, 19 Rembrandt's paintings. The Tate Gallery is famous for its two distinct collections: British painting and a modern foreign collection. The Tate Gallery covers all that is significant in British painting from the 16th century to the present days. |4. Make up short dialogues in pairs using the table. — What art museums in Kyiv would you like to visit?
the National Art Museum, the Russian Art Museum, the Museum of One Street Exhibition Hall. the Art Gallery, the Kyiv Mohyla Exhibition Hall, the Tattoo Art Gallery. lift. Read the dialogue in pairs and make up your own one. — I'd like to visit the picture gallery (the art museum, the fine arts museum, the art gallery, the exhibition hall). And what about you? — Oh, I'd gladly go with you. — What gallery would you like to visit? — I'd like to visit the National Art Museum. I've never been there. — Do you know where it is? — Certainly. It is 6, Hrushevskyi Street. — What do they display? — I don't know. But we can ring them up. Mi*. Do task 6 on pages 115—117. 'M*. Translate into English. (Consult §57.) 1. Картинна галерея експонує нові картини, чи не так? 2. Національна галерея у Лондоні — одна з найбільших у світі, чи не так? 3. Цей художник створив шедевр, чи не так? 4. Живопис — його захоплення, чи не так? 5. Він не художник, чи не так? 6. Твій брат скульптор, чи не так? 7. У тебе немає такої колекції, чи не так? 8. У цій картинній галереї є зібрання багатьох художніх шкіл, чи не так? Lesson 24 38. Do task 6 on pages 115—117. 39. Read your translation (exercise 37). 40. Look through the advertisements, choose a gallery you.\uant to visit and explain your choice. GALLERIES National Art Museum 6 Hrushevskyi St г., 228-64-29 Oleksa Novakivskyi's paintings. Aug. 24 — Sept. 20. National History Museum 2 Volodymyrska Str., 228-28 44 "Ukrainian People's Republic, 1918", documentary exhibit. Through Sept. 20. Russian Art Museum Tereschenkivskyi Str., 224 62-18 Paintings from the museum's collection. Through Sept. 5. Taras Shevchenko Museum 12 Taras Shevchenko Blvd., 224-40 39 Paintings by Volodymyr Pasivenko. Aug. 21 — Sept. 7. Kyiv History Museum 8 Orlyk Str., 293-11-58 "The Purpose and Happiness of Life", documentary exhibit dedicated to the 130th anniversary of Mykhailo Hrushevskyi's birth. Through Sept. 15. "Chornobyl. Facts and Documents". Through Sept. 15. "I'd Like to Recall All Names..." documentary exhibit dedicated to victims of Stalinist repression. Through Sept. 15. Tattoo Art Gallery 3/1 Zankovetska Str., 228-11 92 Tattoos. Exhibit and application. Sept. 4—7. Ivan Gonchar Museum 29 Sichnevoho Povstannia Str., 295-24-19 "Holy Ukraine", Woodwork and etchings by Anatolii Pokotiuk. Through Sept. 22. Kyivo-Pecherskyi State Historical Cultural Reserve (Pecherska Lavra) 21 Sichnevoho Povstannia Str., 1 build., 290-66-46 "Vizantium and Kyivan Rus" historical exhibit. Through Oct. 24. (1. Read the dialogue in pairs and make up your own ones. — Hello! Is this the National Art Museum? — Yes, it is. I'm listening to you. — You are displaying Oleksa Novakivskyi, aren't you? — Yes, we are. You are welcome. — Are you open today? — Yes, we are. We work from 10 to 18. — Thank you. 12. Read the dialogue in pairs and make up your own one. Use exercise 40. — Hello! Is that the...? — Yes, it is. I'm listening to you. — How can I get to your museum? — I don't know where you are now. But you should remember that you may take trolley-buses numbers..., buses numbers... to the stop.... 43. Using the dialogues (exercises 41, 42) as an example and the advertisements (exercise 40) make up dialogues in pairs. ' '''''д-сАМч 44*. Translate into English in writing. (Consult §§23, 24.) 1. Я не бачив її з грудня. 2. Я читав цю статтю вчора. 3. Минулого року ми їздили до Львова. 4. Я ніколи не був у Донецьку. 5. Я читаю цю книжку з учорашньою дня і вже прочитав 140 сторінок. 6. Я ніколи не був у цьому музеї. 7. Вчора ми відвідали художню галерею. 8. Ми нарешті закінчили цю роботу. Lesson 25 45. Read your translation (exercise 44). 46. Read and retell the jokes. A gentleman wishing to settle1 something on art ap "Everything about aviation in Room 11," he got a response. 1 settle — з'ясовувати 2 approach [a'proutj] — підходити; звертатися 3 Correggio — Корреджо (видатний італійський живописець) *** "How do.you like this picture?" the artist asked his visitor. "H'm, it might be worse." "Oh!" said the artist disappointedly1. "I'm sorry to hear you say that. Won't you withdraw2 that statement3?" "Very well," said the visitor, "it couldn't be worse!" 1 disappointedly — розчаровано 2 withdraw [wi6'dra:] — брати назад (слово) 3 statement ['steitmant] — заява, твердження 47. Translate into Ukrainian. (Consult § 49.) 1. Neither I nor my friend was there. 2. Neither he nor you are right. 3. Neither you nor he has done it. 4. Neither he nor you have done it. 5. Neither I nor you have read this article. 6. Neither you nor Roman has been there. 7. Neither we nor you have been to London. 8. Nei- ther we nor my brother has been there. 9. I have been neither to Lviv nor to Moscow. 10. You have read neither this nor that book. •IK. Do exercise 42 in pairs. Ш*. Translate into English in writing. 1. Я не знаю ні його, ні його друга. 2. Я не був ні в Одесі, ні в Ялті. 3. Ні він, ні його друг не переклали цей текст. 4. Ні ми, ні вони не читали цю книжку. 5. Ні Петро, ні Микола не брали участі у вечорі. 6. Він не писав і не читав. Він дивився телевізор. 7. Ми не грали ні в футбол, ні в волейбол. Ми грали в шахи. 8. Ні наша сестра, ні ми з братом не були сьогодні в кіно. 9. Вони не читали і не писали. Вони гралися з моєю сестричкою. 50*. Do task 7 on pages 117, 118. Lesson 26 51. Read your translation (exercise 49). K2. Read and retell the jokes. — I painted something for last year's academy1. — Was it hung? — Yes, near the entrance2 where everybody could see it. — Congratulations3! What was it? — A board4 saying, "Keep to the left!" academy — тут щорічна виставка Лондонської академії мистецтв 2 entrance ['entrens] — вхід 1 congratulation [kangrsetju'ieijn] — поздоровлення Л board [ba:d] — дошка; тут покажчик *** — І knew an artist once who painted a cobweb1 on the - Sorry, dear, I just don't believe it. - Why not? Artists have been known to do such things. — Yes, but not maids! cobweb ['kobweb] — павутиння '■ maid [meid] — служниця ЧИ. Translate into Ukrainian. (Consult §§49, 52.) > 1. He is either in the yard or in the room. 2. Either you read this book or I'll take it. 3. I don't know who it was. It was either my sister or my brother. 4. That boy's name was either Roman or Petro. 5. You can visit me either today or tomorrow. 6. I haven't read this book.— I haven't either. I haven't read this book.— Neither have I. 7. I have never read this book.— Neither have I. I have never read this book.— I never read it either. 54. Translate into English. 1. Я думаю, що він зараз або читає, або малює. 2. Ти можеш прочитати або цю, або ту книжку. 3. Я думаю-, Чцо він зараз розмовляє або з батьком, або з мамою. 4. Я не прочитав цю газету.-— Я також. 5. Я не був там.— Я також. 6. Я можу відвідати тебе або завтра, або післязавтра. 7. Я не люблю каву.— Я також. 8. Я не ходжу до цієї бібліотеки.— Я також. 55*. Do exercise 54 in writing. 56. Do task 7 on pages 117, 118. Lesson 27 57. Read your translation (exercise 54). 58. Read and retell. Critic: The picture of the horse is good, but where is the wagon1? Artist: Oh, the horse will draw2 that. 1 wagon ['wsegan] — віз 2 draw [dro:] — 1. тягнути; 2. малювати 59. Read the dialogue in pairs. Make up your own one. — Hello! Is it the picture gallery? — Yes. — I'd like to visit your gallery. What exhibitions are on now? Is the gallery open every day? How much is the admission? — You are welcome. We work every day except Monday. The exhibition of modern English paintings is on. The admission is 1 hryvnia for grown-ups and 25 copecks for children. We are waiting for you. — Thank you. (10. Read and try to understand. SOME SIGNS AND NOTICES FOR TRAVELLERS. IN THE AIRPLANE No Smoking. Fasten Seat-Belts. Smoking Is Forbidden. These notices appear in the plane while it is on the ground, when it is taking off or landing. ON SHIP Dining-Saloon — the place to have dinner. Boat-Deck — the place where the boats can be lowered to the water if there is any danger of sinking. Arrows (-») show the way for first-class passengers and tourist-class passengers. WHEN YOU LAND Customs — the place where you get a printed notice and declare your luggage. The arrow -* with the words To the train shows the way to the railway station. AT THE RAILWAY STATION Entrance and Exit or Way In, Way Out, Waiting Room. Refreshment Room — the place where you can eat or drink something. Arrivals and Departures — tell you the time when trains arrive and depart and the number of the platform. Cross the Line by the Bridge when it may be necessary to cross the line. Cloak-Room, Luggage Office. They may have two parts: Deposit — you leave your things there: Withdrawal — you take away your things there. Booking Office — the place where you buy your tickets. (Remember, that you buy your tickets to the theatre at the Box Office.) (II. Read the words with the translation. sign [sain] — 1. знак; 2. вивіска notice ['noutis] — повідомлення, оголошення take off ['teik'of] — злітати boat-deck ['bout,dek] — палуба для човнів danger f'deind3a] — небезпека customs ['kAstamz] — 1. таможня; 2. мито; митний збір
luggage ['Ілдкіз] — багаж declare [di'klea] — оголошувати, декларувати entrance ['entrans] — вхід exit ['eksit] — вихід exit visa ['vi:za] — віза на виїзд cloak-room ['klouk,rum] — 1) камера схову (багажу); 2) роздягальня, гардероб deposit [di'pozit] — здавати (на схов) booking-office ['bukin,3fis] — квиткова каса box-office ['boks,ofis] — театральна каса W. С. — water closet ['worts'klozit] — туалет 62. Read and translate the text (exercise 60). 63*. Write down the words (exercise 61) into your vocabularies. 64*. Do task 8 on pages 118—120. Lesson 28 65. Read the words (exercise 61). 66. Read the dialogues in pairs and make up your own ones.
— What flights do you have to Kyiv? — At 11.30 and 15.00. — Are these direct flights? — Yes, they are. — What airport do we land at? — At Boryspol. — One ticket, please. Flight at 11.30. ... ***. j — Have they already announced check in? — Yes. — Here are my ticket and passport. — All right. Your gate is number 2. — Thank you. *** — Excuse me, please, where is the booking-office? — It is just round the corner. — Thank you very much. — It's all right. *** — Please, one ticket to London. — Single, sir? — Yes. — Here you are, sir. And here is the change. Thank you.
67. Answer the questions. 1. What signs can we see in the airplane? 2. What signs can we see when we land? 3. What signs can we see on ship? 4. What signs can we see at the railway station? 5. Where do we buy tickets at the railway station? 6. Where do we buy tickets to the theatre? 68. Write the correct word choosing from those in brackets. 1. I want to say (something, anything). 2. Do you want to say (something, anything)? 3. Is there (something, anything) in the bag? There is (anything, nothing) in it. It is empty. 4. I have (some, any) English books. 5. I read (some, aiiy) stories in my English books. 6. Do you have (some, any) English books? 7. My mother has bought (some, any) butter. 8. I don't have (some, any) French books. 9. Do you speak (some, any) foreign languages? — Yes, I do. I speak (some, any) foreign languages. I speak English and Russian. 69. Read an,d retell. Flying instructors say that pilot trainees1 are divided into optimists and pessimists when reporting the amount2 of fuel3 during flights. Optimists report that their fuel tank4 is half full while pessimists say it's half empty. 1 trainee [trei'ni:] — стажер, практикант 2 amount [a'maunt] — кількість 3 fuel ['fjual] — паливо, пальне 4 tank [taenk] — бак 70. Read and find the difference in understanding the same phrase. 1. A young lady asked a young man, "When does the next train come in, and how long does it wait here?" "From two to two to two-two," was the reply. The young lady exclaimed, "Are you the whistle1?" whistle ['wisl]— свисток ) - 2. An old lady asked a young man, "What time does the next train arrive and how long does it wait here?" "From two to two to two-two," was the reply. "Let's ask somebody else," the lady said to her husband, "this poor man stutters1." 1 stutter f'stAta] — заїкатися, запинатися 71*. Translate into English in writing. 1. Коли літак на землі, коли він піднімається або приземляється, з'являються оголошення: «Не палити! Застебнути ремені!» 2. Йди до каси і купи два квитки в театр. 3. Йди до каси і купи два залізничні квитки. 4. Де можна купити авіаквиток? — У касі. 5. Де можна купити квиток на поїзд? — У касі. 72. Do task 8 on pages 118—120. Lesson 29 73. Read your translation (exercise 71). 74. Read and retell the jokes. Hotel Keeper: Here are a few views1 of our hotel for you to take with you, sir. Guest: Thanks, but I have my own views of your hotel. 1 view [vju:] — 1) зображення; 2) думка; точка зору *** Guest: Look here, the rain is simply pouring1 through the roof2 of my bedroom. Summer Hotel Proprietor^: Absolutely according to our prospectus, sir. Running water4 in every room. 1 pour [po:] — литися 2 roof [ru:f] — дах 3 proprietor [pra'praiata] — власник 4 running water — проточна вода Guest: And the flies1 are very thick2 around here! Hotel Manager: Thick? What can you expect for 5 dollars a day? Educated3 ones?" 1 fly — муха 2 thick — 1) жирний; 2) тупий, дурний 3 educated ['edju:keitid] — освічений, вихований 75. Read the words with the translation. hotel [hou'tel] — готель expensive [iks'pensiv] — дорогий cheap [tji:p] — дешевий reserve [ri'za:v] — резервувати, бронювати price [prais] — ціна single ['singl] — окремий; номер (кімната) на одного double fdAbl] — подвійний; здвоєний vacate [va'keit] — звільняти (про кімнату, приміщення) 76. Read the dialogues in pairs and make up your own ones. — I need a single room. — Have you reserved it? — No, I haven't. — We have a single room on the third floor. — What's the price per night? — It's 60 dollars. Bed and breakfast. — It is too expensive. Is there a cheaper room? — Yes, we have a single room on the fifth floor. It's price is 35 dollars. Bed and breakfast. — What is the check-out time? — Twelve. How long will you be staying with us? — I plan to stay for two days.. Do I pay in advance or on departure? — On departure. — The room suits me, and here is my passport. — Your room is ready, and be so kind and sign the hotel register. Surname (name)... Christian name... Nationality (country)... Place of birth... Date of birth... Permanent address... Signature...
' Л
*** — I'm leaving tonight. Get my bill ready, please. — Here it is. — What time must I vacate the room? — At twelve. But you may stay here after twelve for additional pay. — Thank you. Where shall I pay the bill? — Here, please. — Please give me a receipt bill. — Here you are. — I have enjoyed my staying here. I hope to be back again soon. — Thank you. You are welcome. 1. Мені потрібен номер. 2. Скільки коштує номер на двох? 3. Де оплатити рахунок? 4. Я сподіваюсь знову бути у Вашому готелі. 5. Як Ваше прізвище? 6. Скільки часу Ви проживатимете в нашому готелі? — Я планую прожити у вас тиждень. 7. Цей номер занадто дорогий. Я хочу дешевший. 8. Коли розрахунковий час у Вашому готелі? 9. У Вашому готелі розплачуються при від'їзді, чи не так? 10. Кому оплатити рахунок? 11. Дайте, будь ласка, квитанцію. 78*. Do exercise 77 in writing. 79*. Be ready to write a short control paper. Do exercises 32, 61, 75. Lesson 30 80. Read your translation (exercise 78). 81. Write a short control paper in 15 minutes:
a) write down the translation of 10 words and word-combinations given by the teacher in Ukrainian; b) write down the translation of 5 sentences given by the teacher in Ukrainian. 82. Read the words, word-combinations and sentences with the
християнин; християнсь^ кий Різдво різдвяні канікули зимові канікули Gregorian calendar Julian calendar Christmas is the national holiday in Ukraine. Christmas is one of the biggest holidays in the world. Catholics and some other Christian Churches celebrate Christmas on the 25th of December. The Greek (Orthodox) and Greek Catholic Churches celebrate Christmas according to Julian calendar, that is on the 7th of January. In Ukraine the New Year is celebrated twice: on the first and on the fourteenth of January. Happy New Year! григоріанський календар юліанський календар Різдво — державне свято в Україні. Різдво — одне з найбільших свят у світі. Католики і деякі інші християнські церкви святкують Різдво 25-го грудня. Православна та греко-като-лицька церкви святкують Різдво за юліанським календарем, тобто 7-го січня. В Україні Новий рік відзначається двічі: першого і чотирнадцятого січня. З Новим роком! The third quarter Lesson 33 1. Do exercise 82 (the second quarter) in I minute. 2. Answer the questions.
1. How did you celebrate the New Year? 2. Where did you celebrate the New Year? 3. When do we celebrate Christmas? 4. Christmas is the national holiday in Ukraine, isn't it? 5. Did you have a New Year's tree at your school? 6. Did you have a New Year's party at school? 7. How did you decorate the New Year's tree? 8. What did you do at the New Year's party? 3. Read and retell the jokes. Visitor: Do you like reciting1, dear? Child: Oh, no, I hate2 it. But my Mummy makes3 me do it when she wants people to go. 1 recite [ri'sait] — декламувати 2 hate [heit] — ненавидіти 3 make do — примушувати робити, *** Mother (to her little son who is going to a party): Now, dear, what will you do when you've had enough to eat? Little Tommy: Go home. *** He: If you are tired of dancing, let us sit down and have a little tete-a-tete l. She: No, thank you. After such a big supper I really couldn't eat a thing. tete-a-tete ['teitoc:'teit] — фр. побачення 1. Read the text in 3 minutes and tell your classmates what it is about. NEW YEAR IN ENGLAND AND SCOTLAND In England the New Year is not as widely observed as Christmas. Some people ignore it completely and go to bed at the same time as usual. Many others, however, celebrate it. The way of celebration varies very much according to the local custom and family tradition. The most common way of celebration is a New Year party which usually begins at about eight o'clock p. m. and goes on until the early hours of the morning. There is usually an informal supper of cold meat, pies, sandwiches, cakes and some drinks. At midnight the radio set is turned on, so that everyone can hear the chimes of Big Ben. Then the party goes on. Another popular way of celebrating the New Year is to go to a New Year dance. Most hotels and dance halls hold a dance on the New Year's Eve. The hall is decorated, there are several different bands and the atmosphere is very gay. The most famous celebration is in London, at Piccadilly Circus, where crowds gather and sing and welcome the New Year. In Trafalgar Square there is also a big crowd, and someone usually falls into the fountain. In Scotland most traditional ceremonies are connected with the New Year. There's a New Year's Eve Fire Festival / in each city; men parade with blazing tar barrels, then throw them into a great bonfire. In Scotland it's considered lucky if a dark-haired man is the first to set foot in the house after midnight on New Year's Eve, bringing a coin, a piece of bread or a lump of coal as a symbol of plenty for the coming year. Centuries ago, it was the custom to put an ivy leaf in water on New Year's Eve and leave it there until Twelfth Night (the 6th of January). If the leaf remained fresh and green, it foretold a good healthy year; if black spots appeared on it, this meant illness and death in the family. 5. Read the words and word-combinations with the translation. local ['loukal] — місцевий custom ['kAstam] — звичай, звичка chimes [tjaimz] — бій курантів the New Year's Eve [i:v] — переддень Нового року band [bsend] — оркестр :' ',.■•, crowd [kraud] — натовп fountain ['fauntin] — фонтан blazing tar barrels ['bleizin 'ta: 'baeralz] — палаючі бочки з дьогтем bonfire ['bon,faia] — багаття, вогнище to set foot in the house — переступити поріг дому lump [Ілтр] — грудка, кусок a symbol of plenty — символ достатку ivy ['aivi] — плющ foretell [fo:'tel] — провіщати, передбачати 6*. Read the text (exercise 4), make up apian of it, write it down and retell the text according to the plan. Lesson 34 7. Read your plan (exercise 6) and then retell the text (exercise 4). 8. Read the dialogues in pairs and make up your own ones.
— Hi, Maxym, haven't seen you for ages. How are you? — Hi, Martyn. Glad to see you. I'm fine. I met the New Year in London. — Did you really? How lucky you are! — I met the New Year in Trafalgar Square. There was a big crowd there. People were singing and dancing and a young man fell into the fountain. Besides, in the hall of my hotel the atmosphere was very gay. The hall was decorated, the band was playing and we were singing and dancing. I'll never forget the New Year in London. — It was very interesting, wasn't it? — Certainly. I visited many places of interest and I have a videocassette. I think I'll give it to you sometime. *** — Look, John. Take a bag and go to the baker's. — No, Mama. I am so busy now. — What are you busy with? — I'm doing my homework. — Are you joking? Are you doing your homework? You are watching TV. You neither do your lessons nor help me about the house. You are such a lazy boy! 9. Read and retell. Two Americans were travelling in Spain. One morning they came into a little restaurant for lunch. They did not \ know Spanish, and the waiter did not know English. They were going to tell him that they wanted some milk and sandwiches. At first they pronounced the word "milk" several times. Then they spelled it. But the waiter could not understand them. At last one of them took a piece of paper and began to draw a cow. He was finishing his drawing, when the waiter looked at it and ran out of the restaurant. "Do you see," said one of the travellers. "What a pencil can do for a man who has language difficulties in a foreign country?" The waiter was back again some time after, but he brought no milk. He put down in front of the two men two tickets for a bull-fight1. 1 bull-fight ['bul'fait] — бій биків 10. Use the pronoun one (ones) to avoid the repetition of the preceding noun. 1. This band is as good as that band. 2. This fountain is more beautiful than that fountain. 3. This luggage is more expensive than that luggage. 4. I don't want to buy this expensive dress. I want to buy a cheaper dress. 5. The shop-assistant showed me a grey suit. I asked him to show me a black suit. 6. Cotton dresses are cheaper than silk dresses. 7. These lamps are brighter than those lamps. 8. This bonfire is as bright as that bonfire. 1 L. Divide the following words into three groups: a) adjectives forming their degrees of comparison by means of -er, -est; b) those forming their degrees of comparison by more and most; c) those having irregular forms of degrees of comparison. (Consult § 6.) hot, bad, thin, beautiful, manj, old, good, expensive, chea"p, little, nice», much, important, red, happy, wealthy, widespread, wonderful, true, strong, sour, rosy, progressive, proud, pale, noble, light, lori'g, large 12*. Write the comparative and superlative forms of the adjec tives (exercise 11). 13. Do task 9 on pages 120, 121. ■' \
14. Read the comparative and superlative forms of the adjectives (exercise 12). Read the text and answer the questions. A VERY INTERESTING TRADITION Every country has its traditions. As you know in England traditions play a very important part in the people's life. Here is one of those traditions. Every year a large number of old cars drive to Hyde Park in London to take part in the run. Among the cars there are those which were made at the beginning of the century. The run takes place on the first Sunday in November. It begins at eight o'clock in the morning from Hyde Park. Some cars look very funny. The drivers are dressed in the clothes of the time the cars were made. The oldest cars drive in front. The run is not a competition, but a demonstration of cars of all models. Some cars come to Brighton, which is about a hundred kilometres from London, only late in the evening; others don't get there, they have to stop on the way, 1. What takes place in England on the first Sunday of November? 2. What cars can be seen in the run from London to Brighton? 3. When does the run usually begin? 4. Do all the cars get to Brighton? 5. When does the run end? 6. Why does it take so much time to drive from London to Brighton? 7. Do you like this English tradition? 16. Look at the picture on page 61 and say: a) what the members of the family are doing; b) what the father and his son have done; c) what the father and his son will do; d) that the members of the family do it every day; e) that they did it yesterday; f) that they were doing it when you came in. Use the following words and word-combinations in your sentences: to read a newspaper (book); to play chess; to watch TV: to build a house; to play with a doll.
17/. Read the sentence and ask as many questions as you can to ■^ get more information. England is rich in traditions. 18. Do task 9 on pages 120, 121. 19*. Do exercise 16 in writing. s Lesson 36 20. Read your sentences (exercise 19.) 21. Read and retell the jokes. Mrs. Newrich: I want to teach my son a foreign language. Professor: What language, Madam, French, German, Italian, Spanish, Russian? Mrs. Newrich: Which is the most foreign? *** A young Frenchman of an American college was invited to a party where his classmates sang a number of French songs in his honour1. They sang them in the best American-French. "I say, old man," said one of the classmates after. "I suppose those French songs made you feel homesick2, eh3?" "No," responded the Frenchman, "only sick4." 1 in his honour — на його честь 2 made you feel homesick — викликали у вас тугу за батьківщиною 3 eh? [еі] — тут так? 4 sick — приступ нудоти 22. Read the text and answer the questions. ST VALENTINE'S DAY1 St Valentine's Day is celebrated on the 14th of February. This holiday is called so because St Valentine is the patron2 of sweethearts3. Nowadays St Valentine's Day is celebrated not only in Great Britain and the USA, but also all over the world. On that day grown-ups and children send each other love messages4. Here are some examples of them: "Dear Mary! I'm in love with you and think about you all the time. I want you to be my wife. Love, Peter" "Dear Michael! I'm in love with you and you are always in my heart. I want to see you all the time. Please visit me today. Barbara" "Dear William! Let's get married, so we we'll be able to do our hometask together. Jane" "Dear Tom! I can't love you any more, because I have a dog now. Kate" So you see that some of the messages are serious, others are funny. All children, teenagers and even grown-ups like this holiday very much. 1 St Valentine's ['seint'vaelantainz] Day — день Святого Валентина 2 patron ['peitran] — йокровитель 3 sweetheart ['swi:tha:t] — закоханий 4 message ['mesial] — послання 1. What holiday is celebrated on the 14th of February? 2. Why is it called so? 3. What do grown-ups and children send each other on this holiday? 4. Are all love messages serious? 5. Do you like this holiday? 23. Translate into English. 1. Святий Валентин є покровителем закоханих, чи не так? — Так. 2. Ми відзначаємо день Святого Валентина у листопаді, чи не так?— Ні. 3. Сьогодні 14 лютого, і ми відзначаємо день Святого Валентина. 4. Вона щойно віднесла на пошту послання своєму другові до дня Святого Валентина. 5. Коли я увійшов, він писав послання своїй подрузі. Через два дні — день Святого Валентина. 6. Вчора я відіслав п'ять листівок з посланнями до дня 24*. Do exercise 23 in writing. Lesson 37 25. Read your translation (exercise 24). 26. Look at the picture and say: a) what the people at the post-office are doing; b) what the girl is doing; c) what the old man has done and what he is doing; d) that the young man "does it every day; e) that the old man does it every Friday; f) that the people will do it tomorrow; g) that they all were doing it when you came in. Use the following words and expressions in your sentences: to write an address; to write a letter; to buy envelopes (stamps); to put a letter into the envelope; to get a parcel; to wrap a parcel; to buy newspapers. 27. Translate into English. (Consult §§ 17, 23, 26.) 1. Поглянь! Він пише адресу. 2. Він уже написав адресу. 3. Зараз він іде до службовця, купує марку, приклеює її до конверта й опускає його в скриньку. 4. Він уже поклав листа в конверт. 5. Де ти купив поштову листівку? — Я завжди купую такі поштові листівки у цьому поштовому відділенні. 28. Read and retell the jokes. — But darling, we can't live in love. — Sure we can. Your father loves you, doesn't he? *** Caroline: Has your daughter's second marriage been a success1? Victoria: Oh, yes, quite. She has discovered2 without effort3 that she made a huge mistake in divorcing4 her first husband. 1 success [sak'ses] — успіх 2 discover [dis'kAva] — виявляти 3 effort ['efat] — зусилля 4 divorce [di'vo:s] — розлучатися 29*. Do exercise 27 in writing. 30*. Do task 10 on pages 121, 122. Lesson 38 31. Read your sentences (exercise 27). 32. Describe the picture (p. 64). 33. Read the dialogues in pairs and make up your own ones.
— You send parcels from here, don't you? — No, sir, you can do it over there. — Thank you. — Do you send parcels from here? ' — Yes, we do. Where is your parcel? — It is here. Can you wrap it? — Certainly. — Is this the right window for poste restante letters? — Yes. Your passport, please. — Here it is.
З «Англійська мова», 11 кл. — Here are two letters, please. — Thank you. — Where can I post the registered letter? — "Registered Letters" window. It's window 7. — Thank you. 34. Read the joke and act it in pairs. At the medical examination1 the eye doctor showed the table with letters to the examinee2. — Can you read the letters in this line? — No. — In this line lower? — No. — What about this top line? — No. — So, you can't make out3 any letters! — I make them out all right, but I don't know what they mean. I can't read! 1 medical examination — медичне обстеження 2 examinee [lg'zsemi'ni:] — екзаменований; тут пацієнт 35. Read the following dates. (Consult §8.) 31.12.1997; 3.05.1991; 4.07.1996; 8.01.1991; 13.05.1905; 4.03.1991; 24.08.1991; 7.03.1905 36. Answer the following questions. 1. How much is 54 plus 67? How much is 7 multiplied by 10? 3. How much is 45 minus 28? 4. How much is 49 divided by 7? 5. How much is 11 plus 27 plus 91? 6. How much is 81 divided by 9? 7. How much is 100 minus 47? 8. How much is 3.5 minus 1.7? 9. How much is - plus -? 4 ^ 2 37*. Read and write down in words the following common and decimal fractions. (Consult § 9.) Ъ ~; ~i 2f; 7|; 23^; 20^; 201^. 2 25' 37' 4 7 3 8' 4 1.735; 37.450; 47.05; 403.7; 8.5 38. Do task 10 on pages 121, 122. Lesson 39 39. Read common and decimal numerals (exercise 37). 40. Read the text in 2 minutes to understand its general meaning.
ENGLISH PAINTERS Sir Joshua Reynolds (1723—1792), the first President of the Royal Academy of Arts, was not only a painter but the founder of the academic principles of the "British school". Reynolds was the most outstanding portraitist of the 18th century. In his pictures he did not only paint portraits but produced characters. The picture "The Little Heracles Defeating Snakes" was bought by Catherine II. Another famous English painter, was Joseph Turner (1775—1851), whose business was to paint the light. He proved that with the help of light it is possible to show qualities of any subject. We know practically nothing about Turner's life. Son of a London barber, he started drawing and painting when he was a little boy. When Turner was thirteen, he chose the artistic career. In 1802 Turner was elected academician of the Royal Academy, where his oil paintings had been exhibited. He died at the age of seventy-six. Turner was a representative of Romanticism. The description of nature dominated in his paintings. In his work with colour he anticipated, in some degree, the practice of impressionists. In his late works he anticipated sometimes the practice of expressionists of the 20th. Turner's "The Shipwreck", "Burning of the Houses of Parliament" and "Snow Storm" are masterpieces of the great artist. 41. Read the words with the translation twice. portraitist ['po:tritist] — портретист character ['kaerikta] — 1) характер; 2) образ Heracles ['heraklkz] — Геракл quality ['kwoliti] — якість barber [Ъа:Ьэ] — перукар anticipate [aen'tisipeit] — передбачати shipwreck ['Jiprek] — корабельна аварія masterpiece ['ma:staphs] — шедевр 42. Read the text (exercise 40) and answer the questions. 1. What was Joshua Reynolds? 2. What pictures of this artist do you know? 3. What was Joshua Reynolds famous for? 4. What was Joseph Turner? 5. When did he choose an artistic career? 6. What did he prove in his works? 7. What dominated in his paintings? 8. What Turner's pictures do you know? 3*. 67
the Royal Academy of Arts an outstanding portraitist to produce characters oil paintings a representative of Romanticism to anticipate something to compose a masterpiece to be closely linked With the help of light it is possible to show qualities of any subject. He chose artistic career.
He was elected academician of the Royal Academy. The description of nature dominated in his paintings. Королівська Академія Мистецтв видатний портретист створювати образи живопис олійними фарбами або олією представник романтизму передчувати щось створювати шедевр бути тісно пов'язаним За допомогою світла можна передати якість будь-якого предмета. Він вибрав кар'єру художника. Він був обраний академіком Королівської Академії. Опис природи домінував у його картинах. Lesson 40 A masterpiece was composed by this artist. 1. He chose a career of an artist. 2. This artist painted the portrait of my father. 3. The Royal Academy elected him as an academician. 4. He sent a parcel to his friend. 5. She did this exercise in two minutes. 6. Yesterday he wrote two letters. 7. He made a mistake in this sentence. 8. Roman read this book two days ago. 9. He wrote a very interesting story. 10. They learnt this story by heart. 49. Translate into English. Use the text (exercise 40). 1. Ми практично нічого не знаємо про цю книжку. 2. Його життя було тісно пов'язане з селом. 3. За допо 60. You want to visit a picture gallery. Your friend has the newspaper "Kyiv Post" with addresses and telephones of Kyiv galleries (exercise 40, page 44). Inquire what works of art are exhibited in different museums (work in pairs). 51. Make up the questions. 1. Who... chess with you? — My elder brother played chess with me. 2. How many girls... the picture gallery? — Three girls visited it. 3. How many of them...? — I knew three of them. 4. How many museums...? — We visited two museums. 5. How much...? — A ticket costs 2 hryvnias. 6. How much... for the trip? — We paid 5 hryvnias. 7. How many English books...? — I have many English books. 8. Who... the sights? A young man showed them to us. 52. Read the dialogues and make up similar ones. — Excuse me, how far is it to walk to the railway station?, — It's half an hour to walk. — Can I get there by bus? — Yes, a bus stop is in the next street. — Thank you very much.
I do not go to the museum every day. I haven't seen her today. They did not tell me about it. She does not have breakfast every day. He wrote no letters yesterday. He never helped his brother. Nothing begins here in time. I saw her nowhere. Nobody was there. There is nobody in the room. There isn't anybody in the room. I did not tell anybody anything about it. I never told anything anybody about it. *** Я не ходжу до музею щодня. Я сьогодні не бачив її. Вони мені про це не говорили. Вона не снідає щодня. писав учора ніяких Він не листів. Він ніколи не допомагав своєму братові. Ніщо не розпочинається тут вчасно. Я не бачив її ніде. Там нікого не було. У кімнаті немає нікого. У кімнаті немає нікого. Я нічого нікому не говорив про це. Я ніколи нічого нікому не говорив про це. 11. He never tries to speak English, though as far as I know he studies this language. It seems to me he is afraid of making mistakes. But he always tries to show his knowledge of French. 57. Read and retell the jokes. — Is it possible to confide1 a secret to you? — Certainly.-1 will be as silent2 as the grave3. — Well, then I have a pressing need of two bucks4. — Do not worry. It is as if I heard nothing. 1 confide [kan'faid] — довіряти 2 silent ['sailant] — 1) мовчазний; 2) німий 3 grave [greiv] — могила 4 a buck [Ьлк] — амер. розм. долар *** — If you are good, I'll give you this bright new penny1. — Haven't you got a dirty old nickel2? 1 penny — 1) ленні, пенс; амер. монета в 1 цент. 2 nickel ['nikl] — амер. монета в 5 центів. 58. Cover the left side of exercise 55 and translate the sentences Into English In 1 minute. 59. Translate Into English In writing. (Consult § 52.) 1. Ніхто не хотів виконувати цю вправу. 2. Я не побачив там нікого. 3. Він нічого не знає про мене. 4. Ми ніколи не допомагали йому. 5. У парку не було нікого. 6. Він ніколи мені про це не говорив. 7. Він нікому про це не розповідав. 8. Вона про це ніде не говорила. 9. Ніхто на нього не глянув. 10. Він не працює ніде. Lesson 42 60. Cover the left side of exercise 55 and translate the sentences Into English In 1 minute. 61. Redd your translation (exercise 59). 62. Read and retell the joke. A firm had the following legend1 printed on its salary2 receipt3 forms, "Your salary is your personal business, and should not be disclosed4 to anyone."
The new employee, when signing the receipt, added, "I won't mention it to anybody. I'm just as much ashamed of it as you are." 1 legend ['led3and] — напис 2 salary ['saslan] — заробітна плата, оклад 3 receipt [ri'si:t] — розписка про одержання; квитанція 4 disclose [dis'klouz] — розкривати; розголошувати 63. Change the sentences using not. (Consult § 52.) Remember. no is replaced by not... any Поиск по сайту: |
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