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Chapter Twenty-One
They arrived in Clyde by noon and Adam pulled into the small parking lot of the sheriff’s office. Holly looked less than thrilled when she realized where they’d stopped. “We need to tell Lacey what’s going on so she can be on the lookout for Mason,” he explained. “If she sees him, she can let us know. Added protection.” “But will she?” Holly asked softly, turning her wide eyes on him. “Tell us, I mean?” The question hung between them, hovering in the air. “I don’t see why we need to involve her,” Ryan spoke up. Adam ignored Ryan. “Do you trust me, baby?” “You know I do,” Holly said. “It’s her I don’t trust.” “Then know I’d never do anything to endanger you.” Holly stared back at him for a long moment then nodded. Satisfaction rolled and flexed inside him. He reached over and squeezed her hand. “Come on, this won’t take but a second.” Holly sucked in a deep breath and opened her door to get out. Personally, she’d rather pluck her fingernails off one by one than have to deal with the jealous redhead. The four trekked into the small building and Lacey looked up from where she sat behind her desk. She lifted a brow in question as Adam strode across the floor toward her. Holly hung back, and Ryan slipped his arm around her neck, letting his hand dangle loosely over her shoulder. Lacey stood, her eyes warily glancing over Adam and beyond to where Holly, Ryan and Ethan stood. “Adam,” she said nodding in his direction. “What can I do for you?” “We’ve got a problem, Lacey. We could use your help.” “What kind of problem?” “Mason Bardwell,” Adam said harshly. “We have reason to believe he’s trying to kill Holly.”
Lacey leaned back against her desk and folded her arms across her chest. “You sure about that, Adam?” “I’m sure. Now can we expect help from you?” She swept her gaze up and down Holly before her eyes darted back to Adam. “Yeah, whatever I can do. You know that.” “I need to know if you see him,” Adam said. “Immediately.” “Don’t want me to detain him?” Lacey asked. “You want to press charges?” “We don’t have proof. Yet,” he added. “You gonna hole up at the cabin then?” Adam nodded. “For now. Until we’re sure Holly’s safe.” Something that looked remarkably like hurt flashed in the other woman’s eyes. Holly felt a pang of sympathy. It was obvious Lacey had feelings for Adam, and just as obvious that he didn’t return them. “I’ll keep my eyes open, and I’ll tell my deputies to do the same,” Lacey said. “But if he shows up, don’t do anything stupid, Adam. You call me.” “We’ll do whatever it takes to ensure Holly’s safety,” Adam said evenly. “I won’t make any promises as to how that happens.” “Good enough. I’ll check in on y’all when I’m up there next.” “Thanks, Lacey. We appreciate it.” He tipped his Stetson in her direction then turned to face Holly and the others. “Let’s get on home now.” Holly glanced back at Lacey one more time before she followed the guys out. Unmistakable dislike glittered in the other woman’s eyes, and Holly didn’t look away, unwilling to be intimidated. Finally Lacey’s gaze fell, and Holly walked out. “We should stop by Riley’s and ask him to keep a look out as well,” Ethan said as they piled into the Land Rover. “Good idea,” Adam said. “I’ll stop and run in. You all can wait in the truck.
Thirty minutes later, they drove out of Clyde after stopping at Riley’s. When they finally pulled into the drive of the cabin, Holly expelled a long sigh of relief. She’d never been so happy to be anywhere before. She walked inside with the guys and promptly sagged onto the couch. She reached for the afghan strewn to the side and pulled it up to her chin. “Cold, doll?” Ethan asked. She nodded and snuggled deeper into the couch. “I’ll build a fire.” “I’ll case the perimeter,” Ryan said. “I’ll go with you,” Adam said. “I need to check on the horses anyway.” Holly watched as they walked out the back door then she turned to Ethan and arched her brow. “Case the perimeter?” Ethan chuckled. “It’s Ryan’s way of saying he’s going to check out the property, make sure nothing’s been disturbed and probably set a few traps.” “Traps?” she echoed. “He’s ex-military, doll. He thinks like a soldier.” “Do you think he’ll come for me here?” His eyes softened. “I don’t know, but if he does, we’ll be prepared.” He headed toward the back door. “I’ll be right back. I’m going to get some wood for the fire.” She settled back against the sofa cushions and closed her eyes. She was home. She’d done it. She’d sought a divorce from Mason. The ball was rolling, and all she had to do now was wait until she was free. And then she could begin her life with three men she wasn’t sure she could live without.
* * *
Over the next few weeks, Holly became more convinced than ever that she had made the right decision. She was happy. Happier than she’d ever been in her life. As great as the sex was, there were plenty of nights when they just enjoyed each other’s company. Those were some of her favorite times.
They played games. Talked about good times. Eased further into their lives together. Whatever reservations Holly’d had about committing to three men, they were fast disappearing. One day after a fresh snowfall, Holly went riding with all three brothers. They took her further up into the high-country where they hunted elk every fall. There on top of a plateau, Holly understood what it was that had drawn the brothers to the mountains here. She remembered Ryan’s statement that there wasn’t another place as pretty as the Rockies. He was right. If there was, she hadn’t seen it. Her life had taken such a drastic turn. Never would she have imagined that her spoiled existence would take her to a rustic cabin high in the Rockies. It was only now she realized how fake her entire life had been. Devoid of reality. She’d floated through her young adult life with no goal, no direction, no aim. Here, in the arms of three men, instead of feeling like she’d traded one dependency for another, she felt alive and free. Capable of making her own decisions. Encouraged to be strong and stand on her own. She sat on her horse, high above the valley and stared out over the horizon. Behind her, she knew Adam, Ethan and Ryan waited, but they didn’t rush her, and she wasn’t in any hurry to leave the magnificent view she beheld. There was no explanation for the change she felt blossoming within her. It surged and swelled until it was all-encompassing. It demanded release. Wanted acceptance. Wanted her to acknowledge it. For the first time in longer than she could remember, she felt completely at peace with the direction of her life. Adam exchanged looks with his brothers. They all wore expressions of satisfaction. Holly had greatly changed from the scared, wary woman he’d rescued from the ditch. In her place stood a strong, confidant woman. He was exceedingly proud of her. They all were. He couldn’t imagine a better mate for them. She turned around in her saddle, her brown eyes all soft and warm.
“I don’t think I’ve ever seen anything more beautiful,” she said. Her breath came out in a visible cloud in the cold air. He disagreed with her. He’d seen something more beautiful. He was looking at her. “I can’t wait to see it in the fall when all the aspens are in color,” she added. He smiled back at her. He got a ridiculous thrill every time she mentioned the future. He felt like an adolescent with a first crush. He knew his brothers weren’t any more immune than he was. She nudged her horse away from the ledge and drew abreast of him and his brothers. “I could stay here forever.” He smiled again at her use of forever. He was turning into a goddamn pussy. And liking it at that. God help him. “You are staying here, forever,” he pointed out. “We can come up here as often as you like.” She smiled sweetly at him, delight shining in her eyes. “What do you say we head back?” Ethan spoke up. “I’ll make us some hot chocolate, and we can play Monopoly. I want revenge for the last time Holly cleaned me out.” Holly’s laughter rang out over the mountainside. White flurries began drifting downward, and Holly’s eyes lit up in delight. “More snow!” They all smiled indulgently at her and turned their horses back toward home. As they continued, the snow began to fall harder. They’d get several inches before it was over with. Added to the six they’d already received, they’d get quite the dump before the night was over.
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