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Chapter Twenty-Two
It had the makings of a perfect evening. The snow had finally stopped falling, leaving the landscape covered in a fresh blanket of white. A fire blazed in the hearth, and Holly sat on the floor playing Monopoly with Ethan and Ryan. Adam shut down the computer and ambled over to sit behind Holly. He stroked her hair, enjoying her interaction with his brothers. Yes, it was a perfect night. So it shouldn’t have surprised him when the phone rang. He sighed in disgust and dropped his hand from Holly’s hair. “Don’t answer,” she said huskily, turning to smile at him sweetly. For a moment, he almost heeded her request. But it could be Cal calling with news, or it could be Mom and Dad. “I’ll be right back,” he said, dropping a kiss on her upturned lips. He shoved himself from the floor just as the phone quit ringing. Before he could settle back down, his cell phone started buzzing. Fuck. Whatever it was, it must be important. He walked over to the computer desk and flipped open his cell phone. “Adam here,” he said shortly. “Adam? It’s Lacey. Look, I need your help. All of you if you can swing it. I’ve got a missing kid. Fresh snowfall’s made it impossible to pick up any tracks. I could use you.” Adam sighed and ran a hand through his hair. Damn. The last thing he wanted to do was trek out into the cold, but he couldn’t very well leave a child out to freeze to death. “Where do we need to come?” he asked in resignation. “Meet me in town. We’re organizing our search here at headquarters. And listen, Adam. Bring your rifles. We have reason to believe this is an abduction.” Adam shut the phone and looked up to see three pair of eyes watching him. Holly uncurled her legs and stood up. She walked over to him, worry creasing her brow. “What’s wrong?” she asked. Behind her, Ethan and Ryan also stood, their attention focused solely on Adam. “That was Lacey,” he said. He glanced down at Holly to gauge her reaction.
She frowned slightly but didn’t say anything. “What did she want?” Ryan demanded. “She needs our help. Got a kid gone missing and with the fresh snowfall, they can’t get any tracks.” “Man…” Ethan said. “You have to go,” Holly said softly. “I mean, you have to find the child.” Adam nodded. “You go on. I’ll be fine,” she said, hugging her arms around her. “One of us should stay,” Adam said, looking to his brothers for confirmation. “Holly shouldn’t be alone.” He didn’t want to alarm her, but there was no way they’d leave her unprotected with her husband out there. The incident in Denver was still too fresh in his memory. “I’ll stay,” Ryan said. “You and Ethan go on.” Adam nodded. “All right.” He enfolded Holly in his arms. “We’ll be back as soon as we can, baby.” She reached up on tiptoe and kissed him. “Bet your ass you will.” He grinned. Then he turned to Ethan. “You ready?” Ethan brushed his lips across Holly’s hair then hurried over to the closet where they kept their gear. Five minutes later, they walked out the door and got into the Land Rover. As he backed down the drive, heaviness settled in his chest. He couldn’t explain the feeling, but worry nagged at him.
* * *
Holly turned to Ryan as the door closed and spread her arms out. “Just you and me.” He grinned and sauntered over to her. “I can think of worse things.” Her heart turned over in her chest. “Oh, the things I’m going to do to you,” he said wickedly.
She smiled and shoved him playfully. “Oh no, bad boy, what I’m going to do to you. ” He raised a brow. “I think I like the sound of that.” She fluttered her eyelashes. “Meet me. Bedroom. Five minutes.” He reached out to grab her, but she darted from his grasp. She ran for the bedroom, shrieking with laughter. “Five minutes!” she called back. She shut the door behind her and headed for the closet where she’d hidden the sexy lingerie she’d bought in Denver. She pulled the silky, peach camisole top from the tissue where it was wrapped then snagged the matching silk shorts. Quickly shimmying out of her jeans and shirt, she danced out of the closet on one foot as she thrust the other into the shorts. She tossed her hair with her hand and headed into the bathroom for a quick check. The smiling, laughing girl in the mirror was a long way from the tattered, scared rabbit who’d run for her life just weeks ago. She picked up a brush and ran it through her now light brown hair. She only had about one minute before Ryan would break down the door. She dropped the brush and scurried out of the bathroom and headed for the bed. To her surprise, Ryan was there waiting for her. Naked. “Oh, you’re bad,” she scolded. “You were supposed to wait five minutes.” He grinned sheepishly at her. “Telling time has never been my strong point.” She stood there, hand on her hip. “Come here,” he ordered. “I ought to make you wait,” she grumbled as she crawled up the bed. He curled an arm over her waist and rolled her underneath him in one smooth motion. His lips rested an inch above hers, and he lowered them until they brushed across her mouth. “You look hot in that outfit,” he rasped. “It’s a damn shame I’m going to have to take it off so quickly. She laughed. “A terrible shame.”
He pulled at the top until it bared one breast. “I love your nipples. They’re perfect. Pink. So feminine.” He rolled his tongue across the puckered tip. “They taste as sweet as they look.” “You’re such a miserable tease,” she groaned out. He tugged at the camisole top until the straps fell down her shoulders. He continued to pull at it until it gathered around her waist. “I could suck them all night.” He licked and nipped at the stiff points. His tongue circled one, outlining it in a wet trail. Then he sucked it between his teeth and exerted firm pressure with his mouth. The bite of pain mixed with the nearly unbearable pleasure had her squirming restlessly beneath him. “I like having you at my mercy,” he murmured. “One of these days, I’m going to have to tie you up and have my wicked way with you. I bet Adam and Ethan would love it as well.” Oh Jesus. She didn’t think it was possible for her to become any more aroused, but she was so wrong. Images of her bound, subject to their every whim and desire sent threads of desire through her pussy and deep into her pelvis. “You like that idea, I see,” he teased. Yeah, she liked that idea. Too damn much if her reaction was any clue. He scooted down her body and pulled at her lacy waistband with his teeth. As more of her skin was bared, he licked and nibbled at the sensitive flesh. Finally, he pulled her underwear all the way down and threw them over his shoulders. Then he moved back up her body, spreading her legs as he went. He settled between her legs, his large cock nestled in the hot wetness of her pussy. She quivered in response, every nerve ending on fire. “Fuck me,” she whispered. She felt him swell even larger between her legs. “God, I love it when you talk dirty,” he muttered. She grinned and sank her teeth into his shoulder.
“Damn, woman, are you trying to make me come before I ever get inside you?” “If you’d hurry your ass up, you wouldn’t have to worry about that.” “Impatient little minx.” He shifted over her, put a hand between them and guided himself to her entrance. “Much better,” she said with a breathless sigh. “I ought to make you wait.” She bit him again. “Fuck me.” He surged inside her in one powerful stroke. He gathered her tightly in his arms, held her close as his hips began undulating between her legs. “Harder,” she urged. “Are you trying to kill me?” he complained. “Wuss.” He yanked at her hair. “Watch it, wench.” He pushed himself up off her and grasped her legs in his hands. He doubled her knees to her chest and withdrew, arced above her. He slid forward inch by agonizing inch until she was breathless with wanting. Then he plunged deep, his hard thighs slapping against her butt. She gasped at the depth. “Don’t stop,” she gasped when he paused. He grinned down at her. “Not so cocky now, are we?” “I’m so going to get you back for this,” she gritted out. He pulled back and stopped. She bucked her hips, trying to seat him fully again. “Fuck me,” she begged. He groaned and slid into her again. “I love a woman with a potty mouth.” She laughed. He began to thrust harder, setting a breathtaking pace. She tried to catch up, to breathe, but she was robbed of air. He let her legs go and they slumped to the side. She wrapped her arms around him, pulling him as close to her as she could. Then she circled his waist with her legs, locking him into place.
They kissed hotly, wetly, their tongues imitating the sliding motion of his cock in and out of her pussy. His hands tangled roughly in her hair as he pulled her mouth to his. Urgency mounted in her groin. Her orgasm raced upon her with speed she’d never experienced. There was no slow build to the finish. It exploded around her in a violent surge. Every muscle in her body strained painfully and then released like an arrow from a bow. Ryan thrust powerfully against her, his hips rocking her forward on the bed. “Oh, damn,” he strained out. Yeah, damn. She collapsed beneath him as he surged forward again, his seed rushing into her body. His hips twitched and jerked as he continued to jet his release. Finally he slumped between her legs, his forehead resting on hers. His breaths came in jerky spurts as he sucked in mouthfuls of air. “You’re going to kill me,” he groaned. “But what a way to go,” she said. He rolled to the side of her and drew her into his arms. “Want me to draw you a bath?” She smiled. “No, I’d much rather stay right here.” “You wore me out,” he complained. “Whiner.” He tweaked her nipple with his free hand. “Watch your mouth or I’ll slide my dick in it to shut you up.” “Promises, promises,” she chided. He chuckled and rested his chin on top of her head. “Go to sleep.” She sighed. “You going to get the lights or shall I?” He groaned but slid out of bed and padded toward the light switch. Before he reached it, the lights flickered and went out, plunging the room into darkness. “Ryan?” she called out in a wavery voice. Icy dread snaked down her spine. She knew he hadn’t flipped the switch. He hadn’t even touched it yet.
Ryan strode back to the bed. He reached down for his jeans and threw her clothes onto the bed. “Get dressed,” he commanded. She hurried out of bed and pulled the camisole over her head. She reached for the underwear and thrust a leg into them. “Come with me,” Ryan said, reaching for her arm. He hustled her down the hallway, his arm curled protectively around her. “Is it the weather?” she asked as they entered the living room. Ryan bent over the desk and dug out a flashlight. “No, I don’t think so.” Fear formed a hard ball in her stomach. “What is it then?” He turned to her, his face barely outlined in the darkness. “Listen to me. I want you to go into the guest bathroom and lock yourself in. There’s no windows. Stay until I come get you.” Terror swept over her. “Ryan, what’s going on?” He bent and kissed her hard, taking her breath. “Go.” She ran. Through the dining room and down the other hallway where all the guestrooms were situated. She felt her way in the darkness, her hands sliding down the walls. She threw open the door to the bathroom and rushed in, slamming it behind her. She bolted the lock then felt around in the darkness. The counter, the rim of the toilet. She fumbled with the seat and quietly set it down then sat and hunched forward, hugging her knees to her chest. Hours passed or was it minutes? It felt like an eternity. Where was Ryan? There was no sound, only the suffocating cape of darkness. Then she heard footsteps. Slow, wary footsteps. Closer they came until they stopped outside the door. She sucked in her breath and battled the panic that threatened to overtake her. “Holly, it’s me. Open the door.” She surged from the toilet and yanked open the door. She threw herself into Ryan’s arms. “What’s going on?” she whispered.
“I’m not sure. I’ve checked the house, the grounds. The fuses are fine, no cut wires. Must be trouble in the line.” She sighed in relief. “I was scared.” “I know. I’m sorry. Come on out into the living room. I want you where I can see you. I’ll build up the fire.” She followed him down the hallway, her hand tucked securely into his. As they stepped into the living room, a shadow darted into her line of vision. Before she could react, a shot rang out and Ryan jerked. He fell to the floor inches from her feet. Holly screamed. Oh God, Ryan had been shot! She dropped to the floor, uncaring of the danger to her. “Ryan! Ryan!” she screamed. She ran her hands across his chest, and they came away warm and sticky. Blood. Pain exploded in her head as someone yanked her up by her hair. She reacted in fury, kicking and hitting. The dark figure threw her away from him, and she hit the wall. Before she could run, he was on her. He backhanded her across the face, knocking her to the floor. She lay there stunned, pain flashing in her vision. The attacker yanked her hands behind her and slapped handcuffs on her. She struggled wildly, but he had her pinned beneath his knee. He bent her legs, putting them together then he snapped a pair of cuffs around her ankles. “Get off me, you bastard!” she shrieked. He slapped her again then shoved a cloth in her mouth. Then he tied a bandana around her head, securing the gag. With his knee still squarely in her back, he fumbled for a minute then she heard the beeping of a phone. He was calling someone. Who? “I’ve got her,” he said. “Yeah. Taken care of.” He paused for a minute. “I’m taking her to the cabin. It’s remote. No one will find her, and I’ll make sure all loose ends are tied up.” He clapped the phone shut then grabbed her arms and hauled her up. “You and I are going for a ride, bitch.”
He dragged her toward the door, and she stared back at Ryan, straining to see him in the dim light. Tears flooded her eyes. Ryan. Oh God. The bastard had killed him. Sobs welled in her throat, escaping around the gag. A blast of cold air washed over her naked legs as the attacker pulled her outside into the snow. Her skimpy nightwear offered no protection from the biting cold. As if she were nothing, the man threw her over his shoulder and headed for the road. A few minutes later, he stopped and dumped her into the ditch. She looked up to see a dark vehicle, an SUV of some type. The man yanked open the back then turned to pull her up. He threw her into the back, and she landed with a thump, all the breath knocked from her. He slammed the door, and seconds later, she heard the driver’s door open and then the engine started. Grief and rage poured over her, swirling, a storm she couldn’t control. She ignored the cold, her injuries, she could only think of Ryan lying lifeless on the floor. The SUV rounded a corner, jostling her. Something smooth and cool slid into her chin. It took her a moment to realize it was a cell phone. He must have dropped it when he threw her in the back. Her heart beat furiously as she tried to figure out a way she could use the phone. Her hands were secured behind her back, her legs were handcuffed, and the cloth was stuffed in her mouth. First the gag had to go. She slid her head repeatedly on the floor, trying to move the bandana down her head. After several agonizing attempts, she felt the bandana slip and loosen. She scrubbed her cheek until finally she worked the bandana down around her neck. She chewed and worked her tongue, shoving the cloth from her mouth. Finally it fell and she sucked in huge breaths, trying to make the panic subside. Getting the phone open would be tricky. She rolled and contorted her body, flipping over to her other side. She wiggled her fingers, reaching, straining for the phone. Her
fingers slid over the surface, and she dug her fingers into the seam until finally she cracked it open. She glanced her fingers over the buttons, feeling for which was which. Awkwardly, she pushed one, then another until finally she had the sequence of Adam’s cell phone number inputted. Then she felt for the send button, praying she guessed right. As soon as she pressed the last button, she rolled and squirmed, rotating back over until her mouth and ear were close to the receiver. Let him answer, she prayed. Let him answer.
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