Task 3. The connections of automatic control system links
3.1.Study the indicated functions using the following procedure:
- open MatLab6.5
- click “Start” icon
- click “Toolboxes” icon
- click “Control System” icon
- click “Help” icon
- click “Search” icon
- type the following data in “Search for” box
in turn.
The required information may be found under the “Control System Toolbox” header.
3.2. Creating transfer functions
For instance, you may create the transfer function by typing in the “Command Window”
W1=tf([4 7],[1 2 1]) <enter>
MatLab6.5 will respond:
Transfer function:
4 s + 7
s^2 + 2 s + 1
3.3. Series connection of links
3.4. Parallel connection of links
3.5. Feedback connection
where “+1” means positive feedback.
In the case of negative feedback
Using two transfer functions:
where the values of must be chosen by each student separately within the numbers from 1 to 15.
Your task is to define the equivalent transfer function of:
- series connection of 2 links;
- parallel connection of 2 links;
- feedback connection of 2 links (with positive and negative feedback).
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