АвтоАвтоматизацияАрхитектураАстрономияАудитБиологияБухгалтерияВоенное делоГенетикаГеографияГеологияГосударствоДомДругоеЖурналистика и СМИИзобретательствоИностранные языкиИнформатикаИскусствоИсторияКомпьютерыКулинарияКультураЛексикологияЛитератураЛогикаМаркетингМатематикаМашиностроениеМедицинаМенеджментМеталлы и СваркаМеханикаМузыкаНаселениеОбразованиеОхрана безопасности жизниОхрана ТрудаПедагогикаПолитикаПравоПриборостроениеПрограммированиеПроизводствоПромышленностьПсихологияРадиоРегилияСвязьСоциологияСпортСтандартизацияСтроительствоТехнологииТорговляТуризмФизикаФизиологияФилософияФинансыХимияХозяйствоЦеннообразованиеЧерчениеЭкологияЭконометрикаЭкономикаЭлектроникаЮриспунденкция |
Case ReportANIMAL SURVIVAL EVIDENCE This paper comes in support of Dr. Zammit's shortly addressing a reader's question regarding the very important and still quite elusive topic of the "pets' survival" (Issue dated Feb.21 2014). This topic has always been in the focus of animal lovers' interest, and certainly deserves a most serious treatment in the overall frame of the survival hypothesis, which gains lately an increasing attention in respectable academic circles. This article is aligned with the already published overwhelming database, which interested people can easily find in the relevant literature along the last few decades. They address in various levels of depth the evidence for animal survival, often backed by detailed case reports pointing to an undeniable connection that pet owners are able to keep with their beloved pets after their transition. Between the best reference sources in this regard are of course Sylvia Barbanell's work "When your animal dies" (1965), G.N.Tyrell's classical investigations into apparitional phenomena etc. - besides modern research results made possible by advanced ITC technology and outstanding medialic performances. My own experiential database in this regard also includes a most impressive instance, a few years ago, of my transited cat's early communication with me by the opportunity of an EVP contact with my mother. The pet addressed me in a loud meowing from the background followed by a short sentence ("I don't feel anymore pains") expressed in my mother tongue (theoretic considerations about this effect are far beyond the scope of this paper). Similar cases have been reported by ITC investigator Anabela Cardoso and others. A particularly impressive case related to a dog's reincarnation for a purposefully preconceived task, outstanding by its complexity, has been reported by well known Brazilian leading ITC expert Sonia Rinaldi, too (maybe she would kindly consider to disclose this case by herself in a future Issue of this Journal). My case report here is limited to some highly impressive contact phenomena I currently have (on a daily rate!) with my little Miniature Schnauzer, SALLY, who left this physical world at Oct. 08 2013, 01:45 a.m. in the Intensive Care Unit of the University Veterinary Clinic for an undiagnosed pulmonary complication. A few words about her and her quite unprecedented emotional integration into our family would be in place here, for a wider perspective on this case. Sally reached her advanced age of 17 after a years-long and sustained intensive supporting care by special nonconventional means under the loving remote assistance and radiesthetic monitoring of her health status by regretted American veterinary surgeon Dr. Gloria Dodd. A few months after Dr. Dodd's own transition as a result of a rapidly invading malignancy, a renal carcinoma has been detected on Sally's kidney, but seen the malignancy's very early stage and Sally's advanced age, surgical removal of the tumor has been excluded as available option. Her actual transition had no causal link to this tumor, and happened "coincidentally" short time after its detection, as already said by a respiratory dysfunction. Please consider in this regard Sally's own description of the event of her transition, mediated through American animal-communicator medium Eileen Laskovec, as quoted in her report dated Nov.4 2013 (the medium's comments are introduced in small fonts): "I was taken to heaven by strings" - she shows 3 or 4 people-spirits in heaven, they have strings from musical instruments. They remained in heaven but could attach the strings to her and pulled her into the afterlife via the strings." For authentication of Sally as real source for this Information received, please consider also the following report Item, one of the many small details totally unknown to the communicator, obviously referring to a set of acupuncture therapy Sally received shortly before her transition: ""They put pins (needles) in me" in order to do medical tests/procedures; these could be painful and she didn't like them".... Similar pieces of persuasive Information with biographic content, originating in Sally's own memory and successfully delivered by her, have been independently received by medialic animal communicator Maureen Harmonay at Oct.15, 2013. Quite coincidental with the moment of her transition, Mrs. Sonia Rinaldi (my old close friend sharing with me the love for dogs and therefore daily updated with Sally's condition), receives upon her own inquiry (on my behalf) in Sao Paulo the unmistakable trans-message from her disembodied friends (hereby enclosed as wave file): " Sally ta no fim" (Portuguese): "Sally is at her end" Note a relevant authentication of the transcendental Information source: Please listen to Sonia's own misspelling of Sally's name (with a strong English accent), as compared to the correct phonetic structure in the recorded reply... Also worth to be mentioned here that at the time of this message, no one (the highly specialized medical staff in the Intensive Care Unit keeping her under observation included!) was aware of Sally's critical condition! MOREOVER: One of the first instances of a special interest and overwhelming persuasive potential in the connection I have with Sally is her early manifestation in one of the frames of a short movie clip recorded by Mrs. Sonia Rinaldi shortly after Sally's transition. Please decide by yourself about the identity of the image, as compared to Sally's life-time photo displayed together with it in this document kindly shared with me by Sonia:
Note that Sonia herself was not aware of the content of this frame before my drawing her attention to it! She has been not less surprised of this trans-video apparition effect than me... At the time of her recording she was unaware even of Sally's breed, assuming she is a puddle. The breed has been kept intently hidden from her until this picture has been received. Both Sonia and I have absolutely no shadow of doubt about the recorded apparition's identity with Sally. But, of course, I couldn't proceed feeling dependent on Sonia's kindness and willingness to seek specific contact to my beloved little dog. I had to do the work for myself, so I've started looking for Sally by using a modified Schreiber technique, consisting in recording dynamic random backgrounds on a Sonny video camera through an attached Oldfield filter (able to diffract visible light into its monochromatic spectral components, probably more appropriate for intentional modulation by transcendent agents). The resulting short clips are subsequently analyzed frame by frame for their content, and relevant structures found this way are saved and further digitally processed for best outcome. I was no way surprised learning that Sally is able and willing to manifest this way in multiple images received daily. In most of them she shows herself alone in different positions and contexts, but in many instances she appears together with her newly acquired friend dogs in the beyond, or with people taking care of her (she lives currently with my parents in the Beyond, and in some photo transmissions she is either with one of them or with both, though sometimes individuals unknown to me also show up as keeping her on their hands, kissing her or just keeping her face toward the recording instrumentation for better focus...) Please compare the few samples hereby attached with her live photo (the one besides Sonia's trans-image) and decide for yourself whether such images may "condense by chance" upon a random moving background of cloudy not structured patterns:
Scarcely any need for comments...
Here also a few samples of people connected to her current life in the Beyond:
And how about this short message appearing on the background of a moving curtain? In my second mother-tongue, the Romanian Language, the word "LATRU" means "I am barking".... (!) I leave for everyone's guess WHO is barking there....
Besides the Trans-video channel, Sally used several times my Psychomanteum (materialization setup according to Dr. Raymond Moody's instructions) for contacting me. In one of these instances, she succeeded to reach a 3D consistency extruding for a few seconds from the mirror's surface, just to be quickly withdrawn by an invisible hand acting from behind her, and to progressively disappear into the background of the setup). She has been occasionally seen also sitting on the floor in the Psychomanteum by an Oldfield-filter-assisted environmental screening. Currently I am waiting for a possible full materialization she might initiate in several sittings I will attend in the UK next month, with world-famous physical mediums David Thompson and Alexander Stewart...My optimism in this regard is fuelled by various partial materialization effects she lately performed using for this purpose 3D ash configurations (instantly and effortlessly identified by many witnesses) in ashtrays, obsessively recurrent pattern generation effects on home-made fried food Items she liked in her lifetime, various random residual structures from domestic activity etc. Поиск по сайту: |
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