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Topical Vocabulary

×èòàéòå òàêæå:
  1. A) Study the vocabulary for work and jobs. Match words and phrases from the left-side column with their Ukrainian equivalents.
  2. A) Study useful vocabulary for recruitment and selection.
  4. Active vocabulary.
  5. Additional Vocabulary
  6. Additional vocabulary
  7. End of the 1-st term vocabulary
  8. End of the 2-nd term vocabulary
  9. Etymological division of the OE Vocabulary
  10. Family – Key Vocabulary in Context
  11. I. Basic Vocabulary

to wake up, to get up, to go to bed, to fall asleep, to get to sleep, to oversleep, to have a late/early night, to have a nap, to have a lie – in, to bother, to have breakfast, to have a snack, to live alone/on one’s own/by oneself, to make one’s own breakfast/dinner, to have a shower/a bath/a wash, to have a shave, to clean/brush one’s teeth, to wash one’s hair, to leave home, to get to work, to have a lunch break, to leave work, to get home, to stay in, to have a rest, to go out, to have friends for dinner, to come around, to chat, to do the shopping, to have a cleaner, to do the washing, to do the washing up, to do the ironing

I. Match the phrases and their definitions:

1. to get up 2. to have a snack 3. to have a lie – in 4. to have a wash 5. to stay - in 6. to go to bed 7. to bother 8. to get to work 9. to have a rest 10. to get to sleep 11. to brush one’s teeth 12. to go out 13. to cook 14. to do the washing 15. to oversleep 16. to have an early/late night 17. to have a nap 18. to do the shopping 19. to have a lunch break 20. to leave work/home 21. to do the washing up 22. to have a cleaner 23. to have a shave 24. to do the ironing 25. to come around 26. to have friends for dinner   a) to succeed in sleeping b) to go to bed very early/late c) to sleep too long d) to go to sleep e) to stay in bed until late f) to get out of bed and get dressed g) to have small amounts of food h) to make an effort i) to stop work for lunch j) to leave house for social occasions k) to visit smb. at the house l) to wash oneself m) to invite friends to one’s house for dinner n) to stay at home o) to buy the food p) to have a person who cleans q) to prepare food and heat it so it is ready r) to go away from the place you live in or work s) to cut the hair form a part of your body with a razor t) to wash the dishes u) to arrive at work v) to make clothes smooth with an iron w) to wash the clothes x) to make teeth clean using a brush y) to relax and do nothing z) to have a short sleep  

II. Translate the sentences into Russian:

1. Did you go out last night?

2. I think I’m going to stay in this evening.

3. I overslept this morning.

4. I couldn’t get to sleep last night.

5. Do you want to come around this evening?

6. I forgot to do the shopping.

7. What time did you get home?

8. I nearly fell asleep in the lesson today.

9. We had a snack before the conference.


III. Insert suitable words:


During the week I usually … … at 6.30 a.m. I sometimes lie in bed for five minutes but then I have to … …. Most evenings, I … … …. at about 11.30 p.m. I’m usually very tired, so I … … very quickly. Occasionally though, I can’t … … ….

When that happens, I sometimes manage to … … about 3 a.m., then I … in the morning. If I have a … …, I try to have a … in the afternoon. The weekends are different. On Saturday and Sunday I have a … ….


In the week I have... at 7.30 a.m., lunch at 1.00 p.m., and dinner around 7 p.m. I also have one or two …, e.g. cakes, biscuits or fruit, during the day at work. As I live alone, I also have to make my … … and …, but during the week I don’t … to cook very much. I also have to … my two cats twice a day as well.

Keeping clean

In the summer I have a … in the morning, but in the winter I often have a... instead. Sometimes I have a … at the same time, or I shave when I have a … and … my teeth after breakfast. I … my hair two or three times a week.


In the morning I … home about 8.15 a.m. and … … work by 9. a.m. I have a … … from 1 – 2 p.m. and a couple of short … during the day. I … work around 5.30 p.m. and … home about 6.15.


During the week I usually … … and have a …. But at the weekend I often …..., but quite often I also have … … …, or friends just … … for a ….


I do the … on Saturday. Fortunately I have a … and she does most of the housework; she does my …, … … and does most of the ….

IV. Find the logical endings to the sentences on the right:

1. When I come home after classes I have dinner, relax and …. a) I always come in time.
2. Doing shopping on weekdays is …. b) it takes me only ten minutes to get there.
3. I have to get up early in the morning and …. c) I go in for sports and attend fitness centre where I play tennis and swim.
4. I am never late for my classes, …. d) I have a late night.
5. I take an English – Russian dictionary, the article and start doing my homework. I have …. e) a sandwich, a big glass of orange juice and a cup of coffee.
6. The University is not far from the place I live …. f) my friends come around.
7. I must be in good form as I have a lot of work to do every day. I want to be fit, so …. g) my household duty. Usually I buy bread and milk.
8. At weekends I visit my friends or …. h) set my alarm – clock not to oversleep in the morning.
9. I don’t eat much for breakfast only …. i) to translate from English into Russian.
10. Very often, …. j) do my homework.


V. Tell about the working day of the members of your family.

Use the prompts below.

Mum watch/es to the supermarket to buy foodstuffs
Dad read/s English books in the original in the library
I do/es meals for the family
We/our family clean/s the rooms and the kitchen
My brother get/s up hard in the office till 6 p.m.
My girl/boyfriend have/has favourite TV programmes
  begin/s to University by bus or on foot
  go/es computer games with friends
  play/s lunch at the refectory, in the office, in the cafeteria with friends or colleagues
  make/s by car to his office
  cook/s business talks with his partners
  discuss/es a lot of work to do about the house
    lunch after classes in the refectory

VI. Complete the dialogue with suitable words:

- Don’t …to cook a meal this evening.

- Why not?

- We could … … instead.

- Where?

- Well I’d like to go to that new Korean restaurant. We could ask Karen and Mike to come.

- That’s miles away. No, I think I’d rather … … and have an … night.

- But it’s Friday. You can have a … … tomorrow if we have a … night.

- Yes I know but I’m tired. Look, why don’t you ask Karen and Mike to … … for a meal? I can order some pizza from the takeaway and we’ll have a nice evening.

- Sorry, but if you don’t want to come to the restaurant with me, I’ll go … … ….

VII. Find out if your partner is a lark or an owl by nature, by asking him the following questions:

v Do you like to get up early in the morning?

v Do you like morning hours?

v Do you feel bright and cheerful in the morning?

v Do you do much work before afternoon?

v Do you feel tired in the evening?

v Do you go to bed before 12 p.m.?

v Do you like to get up late in the morning?

v Do you wake up reluctantly in the morning?

v Do you hate the ringing of the alarm – clock?

v Do you feel sleepy in the morning?

v Do you like to keep late hours?

v Does your brain work intensively after midnight?

v Do you get to bed very late?


VIII. Tell in the form of a small dialogue what you usually do. Use the phrases below:

v in the morning

to get up

I can’t say that I like the ringing of the alarm – clock

to be sleepy

to feel bright and cheerful

to be ready for activities

it takes me….to have….

to leave home

to get to ….by bus which is always overcrowded

to affect one’s spirits badly

not to vary greatly

v during a lunch break

to have a break for dinner….. at …..o’clock

to last for….

to go to the canteen

to go downstairs (upstairs)

to have a smoke

to exchange news

to have a short rest

to call smb.

to be over

to go on with/resume the studies


IX. Work with a partner. Take it in turns to read out the text called «A day in my very wealthy life» and add the following details using your own ideas:

A. What did you have for breakfast?

B. What was the present?

C. What did you have for lunch?

D. Describe your last holiday.

E. How did you spend the afternoon?

F. What did you order?

G. Who was it and what happened.


The first thing I did when I woke up in my favourite house this morning was to admire the fabulous views from my bedroom window. While I did an hour’s exercise with my personal trainer, my housekeeper prepared my breakfast A. After a luxurious bath, I spent some time with my secretary and told her to send cheques to all the charities I support. As I was leaving the house a special delivery arrived. It was a present from my secret admirer B.

I instructed the pilot of my private plane to take me to my favourite city. During the flight, I had a light lunch C and looked at photographs of my last holiday D. As soon as we landed, I contacted a dear friend of mine and arrange to meet her for dinner later. I spent the rest of the afternoon doing what I love doing most E.

Then I met my friend at the restaurant, I was starving, so I ordered all my favourite things on the menu F. Just as we were leaving the restaurant, I spotted somebody I’d always wanted to meet G. It was the perfect end to a perfect day.


X. Agree or disagree with the following viewpoints:

1. Day planner helps you not to waste time and never forget the most important appointments and things you must do by all means.

2. Do you agree with the proverb «Never put off till tomorrow, what you can do today».

3. You’ll make good progress in everything if you set a big goal and plan your daily round to achieve it.

4. Planning your day and following a strict timetable is only necessary for outstanding people. Ordinary people can do without planning.

1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | 12 |

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