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  1. Finite versus non-finite verb forms

Germans value order, privacy and punctuality. They are thrifty, hard-working and industrious. Germans respect perfectionism in all areas of business and private life. There is an innate distaste for stepping out of line.

Family size is generally very small. Both parents often work outside the home. Responsibility and achievement are family values. It is common for young people to live together before or instead of marriage. There is greater variety of lifestyles in Germany today than in the past.

In corporate culture a strict vertical hierarchy exists, and power is held by a small number of people at the top. The corporate organization is logical and methodical; procedures and routines are done “by the book”.

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The boss is respected for being strong and decisive and working hard. Subordinates rarely contradict or criticize the boss publicly. The boss gives direction and may make even minor decisions. Objective criticism isn’t given or received easily; compliments are seldom given for work accomplished.

Rank is also very important, and it would be a mistake to set up a meeting between two people of different ranks. Fast-track promotions are rare; steady progress and job security are considered more important than rapid promotion. Cars, size of office and holiday venues are all important symbols of individual success.

Cultural achievement is Italy’s greatest source of pride. Inventiveness, imagination, intelligence and education are prized. Personal relations are scrupulously maintained with loyalty highly valued, especially in families. Italians are receptive to new ideas and fresh solutions.

The family is the most important affiliation in Italy. Strong, traditional ties bind families together. Northern families live in a nuclear unit. In the south, many generations live in the same town or even the same home.

Speaking about corporal culture we must note that there is a wide diversity of organizational styles. Organizations are built mostly on personal alliances.

The boss of the company is generally the owner, chairman or managing director. The boss is respected for charisma, creativeness, empathy and reliability.

Nothing of importance is done by a textbook plan. Pragmatism and improvisation are the key to success – protocol, rules and organization charts are generally ignored.

Decisions are generally made and agreed to privately before meetings; the purpose of the meeting is to evaluate the mood and test the support of colleagues, not to make a decision. New ideas are generally cleared with everyone before being presented in meetings. Decisions that are made and agreed to may never be implemented.


1. to value[ˈvæljuː] Germans value order. ценить Немцы ценят порядок.
2. privacy[ˈprɪvəsi] личное пространство
3. thrifty[ˈθrɪfti] бережливый
4. industrious[ɪnˈdʌstrɪəs] старательный
5. innate[ɪˈneɪt] врожденный
6. distaste[dɪsˈteɪst] They have an innate distaste for disorder. неприязнь у них врожденная неприязнь к беспорядку.
7. responsibility[rɪˌspɒnsəˈbɪlɪti] Children are great responsibility. ответственность Дети – большая ответственность.
8. hierarchy[ˈhaɪərɑːki] In corporate culture a strict vertical hierarchy exists иерархия В корпоративной культуре существует строгая вертикальная иерархия.
9. routine[ruːˈtiːn] повседневное дело
10. decisive[dɪˈsaɪsɪv] решительный
11. subordinate[səˈbɔːdɪneɪt] подчиненный
12. to contradict[ˌkɒntrəˈdɪkt] противоречить
13. to criticize[ˈkrɪtɪsaɪz] No boss likes when his subordinates contradict and criticize his actions. критиковать Ни один начальник не любит, когда его подчиненные противоречат и критикуют его.
14. publicly[ˈpʌblɪkli] публично
15. minor[ˈmaɪnə] незначительный, второстепенный
16. to accomplish[əˈkʌmplɪʃ] Compliments are seldom given for work accomplished. проделать, завершить За проделанную работу редко говорятся комплименты.
17. rank[ræŋk] Rank is also very important for Germans. звание, должность Должность также важна для немцев.
18. fast-track [fɑːst træk] стремительный
19. steady[ˈstedɪ] постепенный
20. rapid[ˈræpɪd] Steady progress and job security are considered more important than rapid promotion. быстрый Постепенный прогресс и гарантия обеспечения работой считаются более важными, чем стремительный карьерный рост.
21. venue[ˈvenjuː] Holiday venue is an important symbol of individual success. место Место отдыха – важный символ индивидуального успеха.
22. inventiveness[ɪnˈventɪvnəs] изобретательность
23. imagination[ɪˌmædʒɪˈneɪʃn] воображение
24. intelligence[ɪnˈtelɪdʒəns] Inventiveness, imagination, intelligence and education are prized in Italy. умственные способности Изобретательность, воображение и умственные способности высоко ценятся в Италии.
25. to maintain[meɪnˈteɪn] They maintain personal ties. поддерживать Они поддерживают личные связи.
26. loyalty [ˈlɔɪəlti] верность
27. receptive[rɪˈseptɪv] Italians arereceptiveto new ideas and fresh solutions. восприимчивый Итальянцы восприимчивы к новым идеям и свежим решениям.
28. affiliation[əˌfɪliˈeɪʃn] союз, объединение
29. to bind[baɪnd] связывать
30. alliance[əˈlaɪəns] союз
31. charisma[kəˈrɪzmə] The boss is respected for charisma. харизма Начальника уважают за харизму.
32. reliability[rɪˌlaɪəˈbɪlɪti] надежность
33. to ignore[ɪɡˈnɔː] игнорировать
34. to evaluate[ɪˈvæljʊeɪt] оценивать
35. to clear[klɪə] прояснять
36. to implement[ˈɪmplɪment] Some decisions may never be implemented. применять на практике Некоторые решения возможно никогда не будут применены на практике.
1. Answer the questions:


1. What do the Germans value most of all?

2. What is common for young people in Germany?

3. Who holds the power in corporate culture?

4. Why do the subordinates respect the boss?

5. What do you know about promotions in German companies?

6. What qualities do the Italians prize?

7. What can you tell about families in Italy?

8. How can you describe corporate culture in Italy?

9. What role does the boss play in a corporation?

10. How are decisions made in Italian companies?



2. Read the statements and say whether they are true (T) or false (F). Correct the false ones:


1. There is an innate distaste for stepping out of line in Germany.

2. In Germany the boss gives direction but the subordinates make minor decisions.

3. Germans give a lot of compliments for work accomplished.

4. In Germany steady progress and job security are considered more important than rapid promotion.

5. Cultural achievement is Italy’s greatest source of pride.

6. The family is not such an important affiliation in Italy today than it was before.

7. Organizations in Italy are built mostly on personal alliances.

8. In Italy nothing of importance is done without a textbook plan.

9. In Italy decisions that are made and agreed to are always implemented.



3. Complete the sentences:

1. Germans...................................................................... order, privacy and punctuality.

2.............................................................................. and achievement are family values.

3. In corporate culture a strict vertical................................................................... exists.

4. Subordinates rarely.........................................or............................. the boss publicly.

5............................................................... is also very important in German companies.

6. In Italy personal relations are scrupulously.............................. with........................... highly valued, especially in families.

7. Strong, traditional ties...................................................................... families together.

8. The boss is respected for.........................., creativeness, empathy and.......................

9. The purpose of the meeting is to...............................the mood and test the support of colleagues.



1. Match the words with their Russian equivalents
1.contradict i.подчиненный
2.fast-track j.восприимчивый
3.industrious k.противоречить
4.intelligence l.место
5.venue m.стремительный
6.subordinate n.старательный
7.routine o.умственные способности
8.receptive p.повседневное дело


2. Give the English equivalents:


1. во всех областях деловой и личной жизни..........................................................

2. жить вместе, не вступая в брак...........................................................................

3. существует строгая вертикальная иерархия.......................................................

4. объективная критика воспринимается нелегко..................................................

5. скромное и сдержанное поведение......................................................................

6. построены на личных союзах..............................................................................

7. прагматизм и импровизация – ключ к успеху.....................................................

8. проясняются лично накануне встреч...................................................................


3. Match the following English words with their definitions:


1.hierarchy i.faithfulness
2.to criticize j.spiritual power, attraction
3.to bind k.to neglect
4.loyalty l.to connect
5.charisma m.structure, chain of command
6.to ignore n.position, system
7.rank o.careful with money, saving
8.thrifty p.to reprimand




1. В этой стране существует строгая иерархия во всех сферах деловой и личной жизни. ……………………………………………………...………………………...


2. У него врожденная неприязнь к публичному проявлению эмоций. ………..……


3. Все больше молодых людей в России предпочитают жить вместе, не вступая в брак. …………………………………………………………………………...……..



4. Структура военных организаций методична и логична, все мероприятия и текущие дела совершаются согласно существующему распорядку. ……….……


5. Вы можете критиковать или возражать мне, но только не публично. ……...……


6. Ее профессиональное продвижение было стремительным. ……………...………


7. В Японии деловая встреча людей разных служебных положений считается грубым нарушением этикета. ……………………………………………..………..


8. В России марка машины и расположение офиса считаются проявлениями делового успеха. …………………………………………………………...………...


9. Молодые люди, как правило, крайне восприимчивы к новинкам технического прогресса. …………………………………….……………………………………...


10. В корпоративной культуре этой страны существует большое количество разных стилей организации бизнеса………………………..………………………


11. Президента уважают за харизму и надежность. …………………………………


12. Он всегда игнорировал протокол и правила поведения. ………..……………….


13. Мы не можем применить это решение на практике, не прояснив ситуацию до конца. …………………………………………………………...……………….…...


14. Оценив обстановку и шансы на поддержку в коллективе, начальник решил не рисковать……………………………………………..………………….………..





1.Read, translate and discuss the information given below:


1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | 12 | 13 | 14 | 15 | 16 | 17 |

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