Appearance and character
- pointed, protruding, round, square chin
- well cut, full, thick lips
- moustache
- hollow, plump, chubby cheeks
- straight, snub, turned up, hooked, aquiline, small nose
- green, blue, brown eyes
- long thick lashes
- penciled, bushy, arched eyebrows
- medium height (weight)
- curly, wavy, straight, black, fair, dark, black, chestnut, auburn, red, thick hair
- slim, plump lady
- ruddy, fair, dark, clear complexion
- stubborn, arrogant, stern, sociable, easy-going, prying eyes, to be life and soul
- to be on a diet
- to take after
2. Рассмотреть грамматические структуры
To be
ед.число мн. число
Present Tense
| am - I
is – he, she, it
| are – they, we, you
| Past Tense
| was – he, she, it
| were – they, we, you
| Future Tense
| will be – he, she, it, they, we, you
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