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KIM BALDWIN. adding nuances and f ourishes that told Gable she was indeed most accomplished on piano
adding nuances and f ourishes that told Gable she was indeed most accomplished on piano. When she F nished, she opened her eyes and looked toward Gable for a reaction, her face expectant and hopeful. Gable smiled and politely applauded. “That was wonderful. Just wonderful. You play beautifully.” Erin smiled back, but Gable sensed her heart wasn’t entirely in it—she almost looked…disappointed? But instead of saying anything, she launched into another medley of old standards—Gershwin this time, another favorite of them both. “How Long Has This Been Going On” was followed by “I’ve Got a Crush On You,” a song Gable had thought of many times, thinking of Erin, in the past few weeks. “Our Love Is Here To Stay” was next in the lineup, then “Embraceable You.” Gable had thought of that one a lot lately too. A chill ran up her spine. With the closing strain, Erin glanced her way again, the same expectant look on her face…and something else. Something in her eyes that wasn’t there before. Gable held her breath. She couldn’t speak. Is it? Could it…? Erin smiled like something in Gable’s expression told her what she needed to know. Her eyes closed again, and her F ngers danced over the keys. “Only You” gave way to “I Only Have Eyes For You,” then “I’m In The Mood For Love,” and F nally, “All of Me.” Gable’s heart was pounding in her ears. She didn’t dare believe it. Erin saved the best for last. It took Gable a moment to place it. An old Doris Day tune, from one of her movies. “Secret Love.” Oh my God. Gable began hyperventilating. When she looked up, she found Erin watching her. This time, neither one of them looked away. Gable felt exposed in that long, unbroken eye contact, as though Erin was looking right through her. Tears came to Erin’s eyes, and she smiled and nodded, and it was then that hope began to dawn in Gable’s heart. “Good Lord, Gable! I thought you were never going to get it.” Erin turned on the piano bench to face her. “I’ve been trying to tell you for days.” “You have?” Gable asked dumbly. It still wasn’t quite sinking in. Erin let out an exasperated groan. “I told you I have a hard time talking about my feelings. And F rst I had to be sure how you felt. • 156 •
FORCE OF NATURE Though I don’t know why I didn’t see it before. You wear your heart on your sleeve, you know,” she said, almost matter-of-factly. “Do I?” Gable tried to swallow. Her mouth was as dry as sawdust. “Mmm-hmm.” Erin’s eyes sparkled. “I’m sorry it’s taken me so long. I’ve been having a bit of a tough time F guring it all out.” “And you’ve F gured it all out now?” Gable was glad she was sitting down. “The important parts, anyway.” Erin’s cheeks colored. She got up and joined Gable on the couch. They sat a foot apart, facing each other, but not touching. “I think I F gured out who you fell for. I hope I have.” “You have?” Gable hardly recognized her voice. Erin’s face was so enticingly close, her eyes now full of mischief and mirth. Her mouth, so tantalizingly kissable. “And you’re wrong, by the way. About the reciprocal part.” “I am?” “Yup.” Gable’s mind went blank. Her head swam. “Golly.” Erin laughed. “ Golly? Gable, no one says golly. ” Erin was smiling at her— for her, just for her—and Gable felt an uncommon joy F ll her, surround her, lift her. Her heart soared, and she realized how incomplete her happy life had been until that moment. “How about…” She sighed. “I’m in shock?” “I’ll buy that.” Erin laughed again. “There’s a lot of it going around.” “So…let me get this straight…uh, I mean, about the reciprocal part,” Gable stuttered. “Does that mean…” “Does it mean that I’m lusting after you like I think you’ve been lusting after me?” There was amusement in Erin’s voice. “The answer is most deF nitely yes. Oh, yes.” Lusting after me? As Gable’s mind wrapped itself around the words, a f ash of hot desire warmed her body. “So…how did you… when did you…” “When did I realize it was you I wanted?” “Yeah.” She wants me! “Well, I knew from the beginning that there was something special about you and me…I was really drawn to you, and curious about you. And I trusted you completely right away…which is really unusual for • 157 •
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