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F. The Office Party

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  10. о проведении командного первенства по страйкболу «Камбоджа» среди потенциальных членов команды «ALKOLINE-party», посвящённого Дню рождения Микки Мауса.
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Scott and Ashley Morton are at Scott's office party.

Ashley: Scott, who's the man who's talking so loudly?

Scott: Which one? Everybody's talking loudly.

Ashley: The bald man with the moustache.

Scott: Oh, him! That's Harrison. He's the company's presi­dent.

Ashley: And that woman who's standing next to him? Is she his wife?

Scott: The one with the grey hair? Why do you think she's his wife?

Ashley: She's the only one who isn't laughing at his jokes!

Scott: But everyone else has to! Same again, honey?

Ashley: No, thanks. I'll just have a mineral water.

Man: Hello, I haven't seen you before.

Ashley: That's because I don't work here. My husband does.

Man: Oh, what's his name?

Ashley: Scott. Scott Morton. Do you know him?

Man: No, I don't work here either — my girlfriend does. I

suppose she knows him.

Ashley: Where is she?

Man: She's over there. That attractive, blonde girl who's

talking to that funny-looking man with the beard and

glasses. I wonder who he is.

Ashley: That "funny-looking man" is my husband.



Ex. 1. Here are some English proverbs. Learn and comment on them. Find Russian proverbs corresponding to them. Make up your own situations illustrating them.

1. Appearances are deceitful.

2. The face is the index of the mind.

3. A fair face may hide a foul heart.

4. Beauty lies in lover's eyes.

5. Handsome is as handsome does.

6. To be up to ears in love.

7. To wash one’s dirty linen in public.

8. Too many cooks spoil the broth.

Ex. 2.Make up dialogues on the given situations.

1. Showing your family album to your friend.

2. Prove your friend that it is better to have many sisters and brothers than to be an only child in the family.


Ex. 1. Supply the correct reflexive pronouns in the following.

Example: enjoyed... very much at the party. I enjoyed myself very much at the party.

1. I see you've cut _____ again. Won't you ever learn how to shave? 2. How did Tom dry_____? — He used your towel. 3. She has no reason to blame_____ for what has happened. 4.1 think that poor dog has hurt_____ 5. “One prides _____ on one's patience,” the boss said, in his usual pompous manner. 6. We amused _____playing football on the beach. 7. Our new neighbours knocked at our door and introduced _____ 8. Sheila prides _____ on her ability to judge people's characters. 9. Bill had to absent_____ from work when his baby was born. 10. Strictly between_____, she's wrong. 11. She's very certain of_____ 12. Granddad doesn't like living by_____ (= without help, alone) 13. Jimmy tied his shoelaces all by_____ (= without help, alone) 14. She made the dress by _____ (= without help, alone) 15. Harry knows how to take care of_____ 16. I've cut_____ with the bread knife. 17.Take care of_____! 18. You saw what happened_____ 19. They _____ saw what happened. 20. Just among _____, he is stupid.


1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | 12 | 13 | 14 | 15 | 16 | 17 | 18 | 19 | 20 | 21 | 22 | 23 | 24 | 25 | 26 | 27 | 28 |

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