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Influence of Borrowings

Читайте также:
  1. Assimilation of borrowings
  2. Assimilation of Borrowings. Degrees of Ass and factors determining it.
  4. Borrowings.
  5. Causes and ways of borrowings. Criteria of B
  7. Classification of borrowings according to the borrowed aspect.
  9. Classification of borrowings according to the degree of assimilation.
  10. Criteria of borrowings in English.
  11. Etymological survey of the English vocabulary. Native words VS borrowings.
  12. Etymology. What makes it important for contemporary Lex. The role and place of borrowings in e

The great number of borrowings in English leаt some important upon the language.

The first effect of foreign influence is observed in the volume of its vocabulary. Due to its history the English language, more than any other modern language, has absorbed foreign elements in its vocabulary. But the adoption of foreign words must not be understood as mere quantitative change. Any importation into the lexical system brings about semantic and stylistic changes in the words of this language and changes in its synonymic groups.[7]

It has been mentioned that when borrowed words were identical in meaning with those already in English the adopted word very often displaced the native word. In most cases, however, the borrowed words and synonymous native words (or words borrowed earlier) remained in the language, becoming more or less differentiated in meaning and use. Cf., e.g.,-the sphere of application and meaning of feed and nourish, try and endeavour, meet and encounter.

As a result the number of synonymic groups in English greatly increased. The synonymic groups became voluminous and acquired many words rarely used. This brought about a rise in the percentage of stylistic synonyms.

Influence of Borrowings on the Semantic Structure of Words. As a result of the differentiation in meaning between synonymous words many native words or words borrowed earlier narrowed their meaning or sphere of application. Thus the word stool of Anglo-Saxon origin, which in Old English denoted any article of furniture designed for sitting on, under the influence of the French borrowing chair came to be used as the name for only one kind of furniture. Due to borrowings some words passed out of the literary national language and have become dialectal, as ea nomok воды (OE. ea— nomoк воды, peка)','heal, hefe — скрывать, noкрывать (OE. helan), etc. Another instance of foreign influence upon the semantic structure of some English words is semantic borrowing, i.e. the borrowing of meaning from a word in a foreign language. This often takes place in English words having common roots with some words in another language (international words today reflect this process best), e,g. the
words pioneer and cadres which are international words have acquired new meanings under the influence of the Russian nuonep and кадры. Sometimes English words acquire additional meanings under the influence of related words having quite different roots, e.g. the political meanings of shock and deviation have come from the Russian ударный and уклон.

Influence of Borrowings on the Lexical Territorial Divergence. Abundant borrowing intensified the difference between the word-stock of the literary national language and dialects. On the one hand, a number of words were borrowed into the literary national language which is not to be found in the dialects (such as literary words, scientific and political terminology, etc.). In a number of cases the dialects have preserved some Anglo-Saxon words which were replaced by borrowings in the literary language. Thus the Scotch dialect has preserved such words as ken — знать (OE. cennan); eke — добавление (OE. eaca); eath — глад -кий., легкий (OE. ease); flemeo6pamumь в бегство, изгонять (OE. flyman).

On the other hand, a number of words were borrowed into dialects and are used throughout the country. Thus, the Scottish and Irish dialects have suffered much'greater Celtic influence than the literary national language or the Southern dialect, as the Celtic languages were longer spoken in Scotland and Ireland — some sections of the population use them even now. The Irish dialect, for example, has the following words of Gallic origin: shamrock — трилистник, dun — холм, colleen — девушка, shillelagh — дубинка, etc. In the Northern, Scottish and Eastern dialects there are many more Scandinavian borrowings than •in the national literary language as most Scandinavian settlements were found in the north of the country, e.g. busk — 'get ready1; fell —'hill'; mun—'mouth'; wapentake —'division of shire'.

Some Scandinavian borrowings ousted native words in dialects. Since many of these words were of the same root a great number of etymological doublets appeared, e.g. dagdew, kirk—church, behk—bench, kist—chest, garth—yard, loup—leap, etc.

Influence of Borrowings on the Word-Structure, Word-Clusters and the System of Word-Bull ding. The great number of borrowings could not but leave a definite imprint on the morphological structure of words in English. A number of new structural types appeared in the language. This took place when the morphological structure of borrowings, obscured at the time of adoption, became transparent in the course of time and served as a pattern for new formations.[8]

Among the affixes which can be considered borrowed by English[9] some are highly-productive and can combine with native and borrowed items (e.g. re-, inter-, -able, -er, -ism, etc.), others are not so productive

and combine only with Romanic stems (co-, de-, trans-, -al, -cy, -ic, -icaf, etc.), still others are often met with in borrowed words, but do not form any.new words in English (-ous, -ive, -ent, etc.).

Some borrowed affixes have even ousted those of native origin, e.g. in Modern English the prefix pre- expressing priority of action has replaced the native prefix fore-, which was highly productive in Middle English and early New English, especially in the 16-17th centuries.

Another imprint of borrowings on the structural types of words in English is the appearance of a great number of words with bound morphemes, such as tolerate, tolerable, tolerance, toleration, etc.

Clusters of words in English also underwent some changes—both quantitative and qualitative—due to the influx of borrowings. On the one hand, many clusters of words were enlarged. Not only were new derivatives formed with the help of borrowed affixes, but some borrowings entered the clusters of words already existing in English, Mention has already been made of Scandinavian borrowings like drip, tryst.[10] Some Latin and French borrowings entered the clusters of words borrowed from Romanic languages before, e.g. when the French borrowings exploitation, mobilization, militarism, employee, personnel, millionaire were taken over into English in the 19th century, they occupied the position of derivatives of the words exploit, mobilize, etc. borrowed much earlier.

On the other hand, the influx of borrowings in English has changed the very nature of word-clusters which now unite not only words of the same root-morpheme, but also of different synonymous root-morphemes, as in spring—vernal, two—second, dual, sea—maritime, etc.

Influence of Borrowings on the Phonetic Structure of Words and the Sound System. As a result of intense borrowing there appeared in the English language a number of words of new phonetic structure with strange sounds and sound combinations, or familiar sounds in unusual positions. Such are the words with the initial [ps], [pn], [pt] (as in Gr. psilanthropism) which are used in English alongside with the forms without the initial sound [p].

If there were many borrowed words containing a certain phonetic peculiarity, they influenced to some extent the sound system of the language.

Thus abundant borrowing from French in the Middle English period accounts for the appearance of a new diphthong in English—[oil, which, according to Prof. B. A. Ilyish, could not have developed from any Old English sound or sound combination, but came into English together with such French words as point, joint, poise. The initial [sk], which reappeared in,English together with Scandinavian and other borrowings, is nowadays a common beginning lor a great number of words.

Abundant borrowing also brought about some changes in the distribution of English sounds, e.g. the Old English variant phonemes [f] and [v] developed into different phonemes, that is [v] came to be used initially (as in vain, valley, vulgar) and [f] in the intervocal position (as
in effect, affect, affair) which was impossible in Old English. The affricate [dsz], which developed at the beginning of the Middle English period and was found at the end or in the middle of words (as in bridge — OE, bricg; - singe — OE. sencsean), under the influence of numerous borrowings came to be used in the initial position (as in jungle, journey, gesture).

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