Solidus of emperor Theodosius I. Struck between 383 and 385 at Constantinople
Anastasius I. 491-518 AD. AV Semissis
Anastasius I, AV Solidus, Constantinople
Justinian I, AV Solidus, Constantinople
Justinian I, Tremissis,
Phocas, Solidus
Phocas, AV Solidus, Constantinople
Heraclius, Solidus, Constantinopole
Justinian II, AV Solidus, Constantinople
Исаврийская династия
Irene, AV Solidus, Constantinopol
Leo V the Armenian, with Constantine. 813-820. AV Solidus
Аморийская династия
Theophilus AV Folliss. 829-830Half-length figure fcg. wearing loros and tufa decorated with pellets, holding in r. labarum with cross and streamers and in l. globus cruciger
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