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Questions for computer based testing on Academic writing$$$1.What can find some errors in mechanics? $$ computer grammar checkers $$$2.What word in a sentence should be capitalized? $$ the first one $$$ 3.What should be capitalized after a colon? $$ a series of questions $$$4.What shouldn’t be capitalized after a colon? $$ single words or short phrases $$$5. How are the nouns naming a person and place called? $$ common nouns $$$6.What nouns shouldn’t be capitalized? $$ common nouns $$$7.Where can be used periods? $$ at the ends of statements and commands $$$8.Why does English depend on commas? $$ to make meaning clear $$$9.Why do we use commas? $$ to separate sentence parts $$$10.Where do we use semicolons? $$ between independent clauses $$$11.Why do we use colons at the end of independent clauses? $$ to focus attention on the following words $$$ 12.What is English writing like? $$ direct $$$13.In what manner do we usually state our thoughts writing in English? $$ straightforward and forceful $$$14.How do we call the way of writing when ideas flow in a straight line? $$ a linear $$$15.In what style of writing the ideas are repeated? $$ in parallel style $$$ 16.In what language the paragraph may begin and end on the same topic? $$ Spanish $$$ 17.What rule of English writing does the Spanish one break? $$ paragraph unity $$$18.What is the writing process? $$ creating, organizing, polishing $$$19.In what manner do we usually state our thoughts writing in English? $$ straightforward and forceful $$$20.What is the first step in writing? $$ choosing a topic $$$21.It’s always easier to write about a subject...? $$ you enjoy $$$22.What is a common mistake of beginning writers? $$ too big topic $$$ 23.When you choose too big topic, you aren’t able to.....? $$ complete it $$$24.What are the four useful techniques of writing? $$ journal writing, free writing, listing, clustering $$$25. Journal writing is one way to...? $$ get and develop ideas $$$26.What is a collection of personal writing? $$ a journal $$$27.Where can you record your daily experiences? $$ in journal $$$28.What is the advantage of journal writing? $$ you write just for yourself $$$29.Writing technique in which you write without stopping for some period? $$ free writing $$$30.Do you stop to think about grammar and spelling while free writing? $$ no $$$31.What do you mark at the end of specified for free writing time? $$ key words $$$32.What do the key words help for? $$ further develop of ideas $$$33.What does free writing practice help for? $$ easily flow of ideas $$$34.After practicing free writing you have enough material for....? $$ paragraph or essay $$$35.Writing technique in which you think of topic and make list of words and phrases? $$ listing $$$36.What shouldn’t you write while listing? $$ complete sentences $$$37.What is the goal of listing? $$ as many ideas as possible $$$38.What should you do after listing ideas? $$ find main ones $$$39.What should you do after finding main ideas? $$ put ideas into groups $$$40.Why do we need putting ideas into groups? $$ for paragraph topics $$$41.What is clustering? $$ way of getting ideas $$$42.What is inside the circle in clustering? $$ the main topic $$$43.The group of connected circles are called...? $$ clustering $$$44.What are the three prewriting skills? $$ free writing, listing, clustering
$$$45.How do many writers organize their ideas? $$ by making outlines $$$46.How does making outline help you? $$ puts your ideas into logical order $$$47.Having an outline in front of you keeps you....? $$ on target $$$48.An outline can be......? $$ formal or informal $$$ 49.A formal outline has a system of.......? $$ numbers, letters, indenting $$$50.In formal outline we don’t number...? $$ single items $$$51.How do we call the first copy of writing? $$ draft $$$52.What does rough mean? $$ not smooth and polished $$$53.The first draft should be written...? $$ at first set $$$54.In the first draft you needn’t worry about....? $$ correct grammar and punctuation $$$55.The sentence that states the central idea of an essay? $$ thesis statement $$$56.The sentence that states the central idea of a paragraph? $$ topic sentence $$$57.What can find some errors in mechanics? $$ computer grammar checkers $$$58.What word in a sentence should be capitalized? $$ the first one $$$ 59.What should be capitalized after a colon? $$ a series of questions $$$60.What shouldn’t be capitalized after a colon? $$ single words or short phrases $$$61.What can find some errors in mechanics? $$ computer grammar checkers $$$62.What word in a sentence should be capitalized? $$ the first one $$$63.What should be capitalized after a colon? $$ a series of questions $$$64.What shouldn’t be capitalized after a colon? $$ single words or short phrases $$$65. How are the nouns naming a person and place called? $$ common nouns $$$66.What nouns shouldn’t be capitalized? $$ common nouns $$$67.Where can be used periods? $$ at the ends of statements and commands $$$68.Why does English depend on commas? $$ to make meaning clear $$$69.Why do we use commas? $$ to separate sentence parts $$$70.Where do we use semicolons? $$ between independent clauses $$$71.Why do we use colons at the end of independent clauses? $$ to focus attention on the following words $$$ 72.What is English writing like? $$ direct $$$73.In what manner do we usually state our thoughts writing in English? $$ straightforward and forceful $$$74.How do we call the way of writing when ideas flow in a straight line? $$ a linear $$$75.In what style of writing the ideas are repeated? $$ in parallel style $$$ 76.In what language the paragraph may begin and end on the same topic? $$ Spanish $$$ 77.What rule of English writing does the Spanish one break? $$ paragraph unity $$$78.What is the writing process? $$ creating, organizing, polishing $$$79.In what manner do we usually state our thoughts writing in English? $$ straightforward and forceful $$$80.What is the first step in writing? $$ choosing a topic $$$81.It’s always easier to write about a subject...? $$ you enjoy $$$82.What is a common mistake of beginning writers? $$ too big topic $$$ 83.When you choose too big topic, you aren’t able to.....? $$ complete it $$$84.What are the four useful techniques of writing? $$ journal writing, free writing, listing, clustering $$$85. Journal writing is one way to...? $$ get and develop ideas $$$86.What is a collection of personal writing? $$ a journal $$$87.Where can you record your daily experiences? $$ in journal $$$88.What is the advantage of journal writing? $$ you write just for yourself $$$89.Writing technique in which you write without stopping for some period? $$ free writing $$$90.Do you stop to think about grammar and spelling while free writing? $$ no $$$91.What do you mark at the end of specified for free writing time? $$ key words $$$92.What do the key words help for? $$ further develop of ideas $$$93.What does free writing practice help for? $$ easily flow of ideas $$$94.After practicing free writing you have enough material for....? $$ paragraph or essay $$$95.Writing technique in which you think of topic and make list of words and phrases? $$ listing $$$96.What shouldn’t you write while listing? $$ complete sentences $$$97.What is the goal of listing? $$ as many ideas as possible $$$98.What should you do after listing ideas? $$ find main ones $$$99.What should you do after finding main ideas? $$ put ideas into groups $$$100.Why do we need putting ideas into groups? $$ for paragraph topics $$$101.What is clustering? $$ way of getting ideas $$$102.What is inside the circle in clustering? $$ the main topic $$$103.The group of connected circles are called...? $$ clustering $$$104.What are the three prewriting skills? $$ free writing, listing, clustering $$$105.How do many writers organize their ideas? $$ by making outlines $$$106.How does making outline help you? $$ puts your ideas into logical order $$$107.Having an outline in front of you keeps you....? $$ on target $$$108.An outline can be......? $$ formal or informal $$$109.A formal outline has a system of.......? $$ numbers, letters, indenting $$$110.In formal outline we don’t number...? $$ single items $$$111.How do we call the first copy of writing? $$ draft $$$112.What does rough mean? $$ not smooth and polished $$$113.The first draft should be written...? $$ at first set $$$114.In the first draft you needn’t worry about....? $$ correct grammar and punctuation $$$115.The sentence that states the central idea of an essay? $$ thesis statement $$$116.The sentence that states the central idea of a paragraph? $$ topic sentence $$$117.What can find some errors in mechanics? $$ computer grammar checkers $$$118.What word in a sentence should be capitalized? $$ the first one $$$ 119.What should be capitalized after a colon? $$ a series of question $$$120.What shouldn’t be capitalized after a colon? $$ single words or short phrases $$$ 121What can find some errors in mechanics? $$ computer grammar checkers $$$122What word in a sentence should be capitalized? $$ the first one $$$ 123What should be capitalized after a colon? $$ a series of questions $$$124 Why do we use colons at the end of independent clauses? $$ to focus attention on the foolowing words $$$ 125What is English writing like? $$ direct $$$126In what manner do we usually state our thoughts writing in English? $$ straightforward and forceful $$$ 127How do we call the way of writing when ideas flow in a straight line? $$ a linear $$$ 128In what style of writing the ideas are repeated? $$ in parallel style $$$ 129In what language the paragraph may begin and end on the same topic? $$ Spanish $$$ 130What rule of English writing does the Spanish one break? $$ paragraph unity $$$ 131What is the writing process? $$ creating, organazing, polishing $$$132 It’s always easier to write about a subject...? $$ you enjoy $$$ 133 What is a commom mistake of beginning writers? $$ too big topic $$$ 134When you choose too big topic, you are’t able to.....? $$ complete it $$$ 135What are the four useful techniques of writing? $$ journal writing, freewriting, listing, clustering $$$ 136jurnal writing is one way to...? $$ get and develop ideas $$$ 137 What is the advantage of journal writing? $$ you write just for yourself $$$138 Writing technique in which you write without stopping for some period? $$ freewriting $$$ 139Do you stop to think about grammar and spelling while freewriting? $$ no $$$ 140What do you mark at the end of specified for freewriting time? $$ key words $$$ 141What do the key words help for? $$ futher develop of ideas $$$ 142What does free writing practice help for? $$ easily flow of ideas $$$ 143After practicing free writing you have enough material for....? $$ paragraph or essay $$$144 Writing technique in which you think of topic and make list of words and phrases? $$ listing $$$ 145What shouldn’t you write while listing? $$ complete sentences $$$ 146What is the goal of listing? $$ as many ideas as possible $$$ 147What should you do after listing ideas? $$ find main ones $$$ 148 What should you do after finding main ideas? $$ put ideas into groups $$$ 149Why do we need putting ideas into groups? $$ for paragraph topics $$$150.In formal outline we don’t number...? $$ single items $$$151.How do we call the first copy of writing? $$ draft $$$152.What does rough mean? $$ not smooth and polished $$$153.The first draft should be written...? $$ at first set $$$154.In the first draft you needn’t worry about....? $$ correct grammar and punctuation $$$155.The sentence that states the central idea of an essay? $$ thesis statement $$$156.The sentence that states the central idea of a paragraph? $$ topic sentence $$$157.What can find some errors in mechanics? $$ computer grammar checkers $$$158.What word in a sentence should be capitalized? $$ the first one $$$ 159.What should be capitalized after a colon? $$ a series of questions $$$160.What shouldn’t be capitalized after a colon? $$ single words or short phrases $$$161.What can find some errors in mechanics? $$ computer grammar checkers $$$162.What word in a sentence should be capitalized? $$ the first one $$$163.What should be capitalized after a colon? $$ a series of questions $$$164.What shouldn’t be capitalized after a colon? $$ single words or short phrases $$$165. How are the nouns naming a person and place called? $$ common nouns $$$166.What nouns shouldn’t be capitalized? $$ common nouns $$$167.Where can be used periods? $$ at the ends of statements and commands $$$168.Why does English depend on commas? $$ to make meaning clear $$$169.Why do we use commas? $$ to separate sentence parts $$$170.Where do we use semicolons? $$ between independent clauses $$$171.Why do we use colons at the end of independent clauses? $$ to focus attention on the following words $$$ 172.What is English writing like? $$ direct $$$173.In what manner do we usually state our thoughts writing in English? $$ straightforward and forceful $$$174.How do we call the way of writing when ideas flow in a straight line? $$ a linear $$$175.In what style of writing the ideas are repeated? $$ in parallel style $$$ 176.In what language the paragraph may begin and end on the same topic? $$ Spanish $$$177.What rule of English writing does the Spanish one break? $$ paragraph unity $$$178.What is the writing process? $$ creating, organizing, polishing $$$179.In what manner do we usually state our thoughts writing in English? $$ straightforward and forceful $$$180.What is the first step in writing? $$ choosing a topic $$$181.The main point of each paragraph? $$ topic sentence $$$182.What do writers use for supporting their ideas? $$ objective data $$$ 183.The reader expects the writer to …...? $$ make conclusion $$$184. The reader is unlikely to believe the writer’s conclusion without….? $$ specific support and proof $$$185. English writing moves between....? $$ telling and proving $$$186.What leaves the reader feeling that the writer has discussed all points? $$ a good conclusion $$$187. A conclusion in a short composition may be just…..? $$ one sentence $$$188.What is the reaction from mates for your writing? $$ feedback $$$189.Even professional writers….. their writings? $$ revise $$$190. Does free writing need to think about grammar and spelling while writing? $$ no $$$191.What is marked at the end of specified for free writing time? $$ key words $$$192.The key words help for……? $$ further develop of ideas $$$193.Free writing practice help for…..? $$ easily flow of ideas $$$194.After free writing practice you get enough material for....? $$ paragraph or essay $$$195.Writing technique for topic and list of words and phrases? $$ listing $$$196. Don’t write ……………while listing? $$ complete sentences $$$197. The goal of listing is………? $$ as many ideas as possible $$$198. The action after listing ideas is to……? $$ find main ones $$$199. The action after finding main ideas is to………..? $$ put ideas into groups $$$200.Why do we need putting ideas into groups? $$ for paragraph topics $$$201.Clustering is …….? $$ a way of getting ideas $$$202.What is making a sentence grammatically and mechanically correct? $$ editing $$$203.The group of connected circles are called...? $$ clustering $$$204.What is making a sentence clearer? $$ rephrasing $$$205.Many writers organize their ideas……….? $$ by making outlines $$$206.Making outline helps you to……? $$ put your ideas into logical order $$$207.An outline in front of you keeps you....? $$ on target $$$208.An outline can be......? $$ formal or informal $$$209.A formal outline has a system of.......? $$ numbers, letters, indenting $$$210.In formal outline we don’t number....? $$ single items $$$211. The first copy of writing is a ……? $$ draft $$$212. rough means……..? $$ not smooth and polished $$$213.The first draft should be written...? $$ at first set $$$214.In the first draft you needn’t worry about....? $$ correct grammar and punctuation $$$215. The central idea of an essay is given by….? $$ thesis statement $$$216.What states the central idea of a paragraph? $$ topic sentence $$$217.Something that can find some errors in mechanics? $$ computer grammar checkers $$$218. A sentence that should be capitalized? $$ the first one $$$ 219.We should capitalize after a colon……? $$ a series of questions
$$$220.We shouldn’t capitalize after a colon…..? $$ single words or short phrases $$$ 221. Man, country, state are…..? $$ common nouns $$$222. India, London are……? $$ proper nouns $$$ 223.What is a word that express action? $$ a verb $$$224. …..connect the words and show their relationship. $$ Conjunctions $$$ 225. A group of words that express a complete thought? $$ sentence $$$226. A sentence that has two independent clauses is……….? $$ a compound sentence $$$ 227. The way of writing when ideas flow in a straight line? $$ a linear $$$ 228.The style of writing where the ideas are repeated? $$ parallel style $$$ 229.And, but, yet are…..? $$ connecting words $$$ 230.A noun or noun phrase that makes the rename is….? $$ an appositive $$$231.A part of a sentence that looks like a sentence? $$ a fragment $$$232.A writing with lots of short sentences? $$ choppy writing $$$ 233.Normal word order is…? $$ subject-verb $$$ 234.Inverted word order is….? $$ verb-subject $$$ 235.What is a book of synonyms? $$thesauruses $$$ 236. Everyday spoken language is…? $$ informal language $$$ 237.Non-progressive verbs are…? $$ certain verbs $$$238. Simple present is used for…..? $$habitual action $$$ 239.Adjectives usually come before…? $$ nouns $$$ 240. Adjectives usually are…? $$ singular
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