АвтоАвтоматизацияАрхитектураАстрономияАудитБиологияБухгалтерияВоенное делоГенетикаГеографияГеологияГосударствоДомДругоеЖурналистика и СМИИзобретательствоИностранные языкиИнформатикаИскусствоИсторияКомпьютерыКулинарияКультураЛексикологияЛитератураЛогикаМаркетингМатематикаМашиностроениеМедицинаМенеджментМеталлы и СваркаМеханикаМузыкаНаселениеОбразованиеОхрана безопасности жизниОхрана ТрудаПедагогикаПолитикаПравоПриборостроениеПрограммированиеПроизводствоПромышленностьПсихологияРадиоРегилияСвязьСоциологияСпортСтандартизацияСтроительствоТехнологииТорговляТуризмФизикаФизиологияФилософияФинансыХимияХозяйствоЦеннообразованиеЧерчениеЭкологияЭконометрикаЭкономикаЭлектроникаЮриспунденкция

Unit 11. Phraseological Units

Читайте также:
  1. B. magnetic tape units
  2. Bottom-Supported Units
  4. Classifications of phraseological units.
  5. Complete list of US Army Vietnam Artillery Units
  6. Complete the following similes. Translate the phraseological units into Russian.
  7. Complete the paired phraseological units in the sentences below.
  8. Free word groups vs/coTlocation, cliches, set expressions, idioms, phraseological units)
  9. How to Distinguish Phraseological Units from Free Word-Groups
  10. IX. Say what structural variations are possible in the following phraseological units. If in doubt, consult the dictionaries.
  11. Lexical Units for Inclusion
  12. Lexicology as a branch of linguistics. Lexical units.


Exercise 1. Translate into Ukrainian by choosing absolute/complete equivalents.

1. “Ministers appear determined to use the Coroners and Justice Bill as a Trojan horse with which to smuggle authoritarian measures on to the statute book.” (I., Oct 22, 09) 2. “And a deal sooner I would,” says Fletcher; “for what’s more against one’s stomach than a man coming and making himself bad company with his religion, and giving out as the Ten Commandments are not enough for him, and all the while he’s worse than half the men at the tread-mill? (Eliot) 3. “They were always fight – I mean, father had – that is, I mean, WE had more trouble keeping peace between them than we did between any of the rest of the Aiders,” corrected Pollyanna, a little breathless from her efforts to steer between the Scylla of her father’s past commands in regard to speaking of church quarrels, and the Charybdis of her aunt’s present commands in regard to speaking of her father. (Porter) 4. A pause – in which I began to steady the palsy of my nerves, and to feel that the Rubicon was passed; and that the trial, no longer to be shirked, must be firmly sustained. (Bronte) 5. Man is unaware that not only his own life is in his hands, not only the life of the whole living world on Earth, but also the Idea of life itself, with all its previous manifestations, searches, strivings, sufferings and joys. Who gave him the right to take charge of everything living on Earth (included himself) as though it was his property? Who permitted him to behave according to the principle: “ after us the deluge ”? (Parkhom) 6. No matter what foolish declarations people make about money, they one and all, if they live in Paris, must grovel before accounts, do homage to figures, and kiss the forked hoof of the golden calf. (Balzac) 7. Then good-bye and good-bye, and charming occasion worthy of the Golden Age, and more about the flitch of bacon, and the like of that; and Twemlow goes staggering across Piccadilly with his hand to his forehead, and is nearly run down by a flushed lettercart, and at last drops safe in his easy-chair, innocent good gentleman, with his hand to his forehead still, and his head in a whirl. (Dickens) 8. They have got to live a man’s life, pushing all these things before them, and get on as well as they can. How many a poor immortal soul have I met well-nigh crushed and smothered under its load, creeping down the road of life, pushing before it a barn seventy-five feet by forty, its Augean stables never cleansed, and one hundred acres of land, tillage, mowing, pasture, and woodlot! (Nhoreau) 9. They worry that any decision they make about testing will open a Pandora’s box. 10. This book is concerned not with the loss of the faith but with its regaining, of the lost sheep who returned to the fold. (C.R.) 11. Those people, a dominant force in mainstream American media, comprise a fifth column in support of those skilled at waging war by way of deception. (P.C.)


Exercise 2. Translate into Ukrainian by choosing near equivalents.

1. A band of self-appointed secular (as they dub themselves) fundamentalist “lumpen-activists” has now developed the habit of shedding crocodile tears every time women activists inside Iran are arrested. (Bashi) 2. Coming from a daughter of Nicholas, a Liberal of the old school and most tyrannical, it was a startling remark – showing in a flash what a lot of water had run under bridges since the death of Aunt Ann in ‘86, just when the proprietorship of Soames over his wife’s body was acquiring the uncertainty which had led to such disaster. (Galsworthy) 3. Heidi ran backwards and forwards as busy as a bee and brought out everything she could find in the cupboard, for she did not know how to be pleased enough that she could help to entertain the doctor. (Spyri) 4. The scientists’ work sheds light on factors underpinning seamount biodiversity, suggesting ways to improve their environmental management. 5. There is little room for mistakes. As much as there is a need for proper planning, there is also a need for attention to detail and learning from past mistakes. There is a need for caution and as we have labeled it here, a need to measure twice but cut once. 6. This is how our brave security personals are being treated and our ruling elites shed the crocodile tears when they lose their lives and we also walk with them. (Sanhati) 7. Ana. You are preparing some torment for me. Don Juan. All that is superstition, Ana. Remember: the devil is not so black as he is painted. (Shaw)


Exercise 3. Translate into Ukrainian by choosing genuine idiomatic analogies.

1. “I’m sorry,” said Miss Finch, “but she just doesn’t like men.” Like mistress, like maid, was what Sloan’s grandmother would have said to that, but Sloan himself, wise in his own generation, kept silent. (Aird) 2. Every man has his faults; I have and so have you – you will allow me to say so! (Schumann) 3. For a while she had kept both herself and the child on the twelve shillings a week that twelve hours’ drudgery a day procured her, paying six shillings out of it for the child, and keeping her own body and soul together on the remainder. Six shillings a week does not keep body and soul together very unitedly. They want to get away from each other when there is only such a very slight bond as that between them … (Jerome) 4. Karma is a much used term in New Age and Theosophical circles. It means in short: the law of cause and effect. Etymologically karma means action. Superficially it means to many people something like: “ He that mischief hatches, mischief catches. ” (Hesselink) 5. Never, under no circumstances, as in I’d never visit them again, not for love or money. 6. Republican Senator Chuck Grassley of Iowa told ABC television news that he had not asked about those remarks on Tuesday ‘because so many other people asked about it and how many times can you beat a dead horse to death’. (A.F.P) 7. The fellow was a sly one, for his tithe was not too high, and Pastor Soren seemed well aware of it, for he talked to the man so that a dog would not have taken a piece of bread from his hand; and the more he scolded, the angrier he himself became … Well, Heaven knows, every man has his faults. (Blicher) 8. Unexpectedly, with a submissive alacrity that he found positively disquieting, she agreed with him. Oh, absolutely agreed! It was no use crying over spilt milk. No use building castles in the air. What was needed was a plan – lots of plans – serious, practical, sensible plans for the new life. (Huxley) 9. My dear, I was avoiding honest work before you were born – don’t teach Gramdpa how to suck eggs. (Hellman) 10. When it dawned on us, we gazed at each other incredulously. “It ccan’t be,” I said slowly. “It’s impossible.” “It could be,” she answered, logically. “And it is just possible.” I pressed both hands to my head … “For God’s sake,” I said, “ don’t let’s cross bridges before we come to them. We’ve weeks of work yet before we make the final antigen test.” (Cronin) 11. You have to accept the crotchets of an author of great parts. Homer sometimes nods and Shakespeare can write passages of empty rhetoric. (Maugham) 12. It is an ill wind that blows nobody any good, but then John Quinlan was about as close to being a nobody as anyone could get. (Scott)


Exercise 4. Translate into Ukrainian by choosing approximate analogies.

1. “There is nothing wonderful in that,” replied Sancho, “since he is a knight-errant too; what I wonder at is that my beast should have come off scot-free where we come out scotched. (Cervantes) 2. Who was the blundering idiot who said that “fine words butter no parsnips ”? Half the parsnips of society are served and rendered palatable with no other sauce. (Thackeray) 3.You always try to make a cat’s paw of me, but I refuse to do any more of your work. 4. If you’re stuck in traffic, try not to make a mountain out of a molehill worrying about it too much. It could be much worse. 5. My self-pity was at that time valuable, for it kept hope alive. Had I sturdily said to myself, “ you have made your bed and you must lie on it, serve you right”, I should have accepted this as the last word on the subject and have sunk into despair. (Johnson) 6. Well, it was not like the doctor to hold his peace at this glaring opposition to his favourite theory, and yet, to Tom’s astonishment, he forbore to quote that threadbare and detestable adage, ‘ Early to bed and early to rise makes a man healthy, wealthy and wise ’ – proverbial and uncomfortable philosophy that Tom hated with all his foolish young heart. (Carey) 7. “Why’s Terry so nervous today?” Olive asked. “He’s like a cat on hot bricks. ” Looking at his tender toes, Terry replied: “If you had to walk on garden walls without shoes, you’d be like a cat on hot bricks too!” 8. The most depressing rumours are about here as to the next … production – Julius Caesar or some such obsolete rubbish … Will nothing persuade H. I. that Queen Anne is dead? (Shaw) 9. I always thought he had a few more irons in the fire besides this work here. He never spent more than half his time with our business. But he’s had plenty of time to do us down. (Priestley)
10. ‘For one heat, all know, doth drive out another,

One passion doth expel another still.’ (Chapman)


Exercise 5. Translate into Ukrainian by employing descriptive translation.

1. “Who’d employ me at my age?” “Don’t sell yourself short! You’re intelligent and you’ve got loads of experience.” 2. And I will not say what my first act was when I found myself alone with my white elephant in the middle of the room; enough that the siphon was still doing its work when the glass slipped through my fingers to the floor. (Hornung) 3. I boxed, swam, sailed, rode horses, lived in the open an arrantly healthful life, and passed life insurance examinations with flying colours. (London) 4. It makes mesas and heaps up the waves as a rich man plays with remote corporations that swallow and shift poor fish by the thousand. (Updike) 5. Members of Parliament and ladies of fashion … now and then … going for each other like Kilkenny cats. 6. The news of his retirement came out of a clear blue sky and everyone was surprised. 7. I soon found out there are different ways on how to do it. Some uses water, sugar and salt solution, some adds chili or sili, our local chili. The original recipe though is the brine solution, using rock salt and water. Choosing which solution I should use is a no brainer. I have a sweet tooth therefore I chose the sugar and water solution. 8. Due to its transparent nature, a natural gemstone called beryllium aluminum silicate (beryl) was often used for divination. Scottish Highlanders termed these objects “stones of power.” Though early crystal balls were made from beryl, they were later replaced by rock crystal, an even more transparent rock. 9. She was horrified to see that he had a bandage round his head … ‘Landy! Landy! Are you all right?’ He jumped from the train before it had stopped. ‘ Right as a bank. ’ (Cusack) 10. I always thought he had a few more irons in the fire besides this work here. He never spent more than half his time with our business. But he's had plenty of time to do us down. (Priestley) 11. Cowperwood bristled internally. ‘That's all very well,’ he said, preserving his surface composure, ‘but why make fish of one and flesh of another?’ (Dreiser) 12. “ Take the helm, son,” Jonathan’s father always told him, “ take the helm and life will reward you greatly for it; let no one tell you otherwise.”


Exercise 6. Translate into Ukrainian.

1. “Always one for a joke, master Roc … like his father. Now lie were one for a joke till …” His hands began to pluck at the cloth of his trousers nervously. “ Like father, like son,” said Roc. “Well, we must be moving on.” (Holt) 2. “But why, headmaster? On what do you base that?” “Aha,” said Mr. Gorringer, “ old birds are not to be caught with chaff. I sensed it as soon as you failed to name him among your “possibles.” (Bruce) 3. “I can’t say no to this letter,” she said to her brother. “She sounds like a really nice girl.” “Then don’t say so,” said Franklin Hubert. “ Blood is thicker than water. And it’s time he did something about supporting you.” (O’Hara) 4. “I have behaved very badly to you, I know that now. There was a lot of time for thinking in Ireland, and I did not really think about much else. Not that what you did was right.” He looked up fiercely … “But I should not have done or said the things I did. Two wrongs don’t ever make a right, but I was so angry that I did not even consider your side of it.” (Arnold) 5. “I know,” Brian said, “but I love her, you see. You think I’m trapped just because she’s having a kid? Well, what you lose on the swings you gain on the roundabouts. ” (Sillitoe) 6. “If you take my advice, you won’t elect yourself the one for him to confide in,” said Brown. “Knowing you, I’d say you were at least considering it. But you may be stirring up a hornet’s nest, opening up a can of Worms. Let sleeping dogs lie. ” (O’Hara) 7. “Let me see!” he would say. “I saved five pounds out of the brickmaker’s affair; so, if I have a good rattle to London and back in a post-chaise and put that down at four pounds, I shall have saved one. And it’s a very good thing to save one, let me tell you: a penny saved, is a penny got!” (Dickens) 8. “May I be permitted to inquire, if you are charged to convey that information to me in those hopeless words by the lady of whom we speak?” “I have no charge from her.” “ The drowning man catches at the straw. With no disrespect for your judgment, and with no doubt of your sincerity, excuse my saying that I cling to the belief that there is yet hope that I am not condemned to per­petual exile from that lady’s presence.” (Dickens) 9. “My father’s a banker during the week and a country gent at week-ends. Takes all sorts, you know. ” “Takes all sorts?” “ To make a world. ” (Stewart) 10. “O, society!” said Kate, with a light-hearted laugh, “society, in the sense you mean, and I have only a bowing acquaintance. Every cloud has a silver lining; and that is one advantage of being completely insignificant, that you are not in much terror of Mrs. Grundy.” (Broughton) 11. “One asks why. Where’s the security risk? We’re travelling as a group. Who could we talk to except ourselves?” “ But the walls have ears. We could be overheard talking. Is that what you mean?” (Ambler) 12. “The deceased was of – er – a forceful personality. Not over-sensitive, either, from all accounts.” “Ah, I see. Fools rush in where angels fear to tread. ” (Aird) 13. “With wise and careful training many of her faults may be cured,” said uncle Wallace, pompously. “I doubt it,” said Aunt Ruth, in a biting tone. “ What’s bred in the bone comes out in the flesh. ” (Montgomery)


Exercise 7. Translate into Ukrainian.

1. “You don’t think I’m going to die?” she says, lowering her voice, and laying her hand on his arm, while her great feverish eyes burn into his very soul. “People are not any the more likely to die for being thin and weak, are they? Creaky doors hang the longest. ” (Broughton) 2. “ You scratch my back, I’ll scratch yo urs,” Bombini said. “Something for you, something for me. You lend me your mule, I’ll lend you my ox.” (Crichton) 3. “You’re too devilish tricky for me, Justin. I want a hand in the affair.” “No.” Hugh shook his head. “Let Avon play his game to a close. There are too many of us to join with him, and there’s a proverb that says too many cooks spoil the broth. ” (Heyer) 4. But you know the old saying? Out of sight, out of mind. If people aren’t there to be talked about the talk dies. (du Maurier) 5. I believe that the Church in this country is in drastic need of reform. I think we have too many saints and not enough sanctity; too many cults and not enough catechism, too many medals and not enough medicine, too many churches and not enough schools. We have three million workless men and three million women living by prostitution. We control the State through the Christian Democratic Party and the Vatican Bank; yet we countenance the dichotomy which gives prosperity to half the country and lets the other half rot in penury. Our clergy are undereducated and insecure and yet we rail against anticlericals and Commu­nists. A tree is known by its fruits – and I believe that it’s better to proclaim a new deal in social justice than a new attribute of the Blessed Virgin. (West) 6. I won’t hang about any longer. I’ll go and see Irene. If you want things done, do them yourself. (Galsworthy) 7. In England it is, of course, an acknowledged fact that marriages are made in heaven. In other countries … they are chiefly made by the parents and guardians of the contracting parties. (Malet) 8. In the meantime I warn everybody to be upon his or her guard. So far the murderer has had an easy task, since his victims have been unsuspicious. From now on, it is our task to suspect each and every one amongst us. Forewarned is forearmed. Take no risks and be alert to danger. That is all. (Christie) 9. It was difficult for him to forget that his wife had quarrelled with him, but he hardened his heart and did his best to forget. Unfortunately – as he knew only too well, for he had said it often enough – it never rains but it pours. This treacher­ous Saturday was destined to give him a series of shocks, of varying degrees of severity. (Priestley) 10. It’s no good my saying one swallow doesn’t make a summer, he doesn’t see that it was just a fleece, he thinks the whole thing was due to his own cleverness. (Maugham) 11. Mrs. Pearce. We shall have to be very particular with this girl as to personal cleanliness. Higgins. Certainly. Quite right. Most important. Mrs. Pearce. I mean not to be slovenly about her dress or untidy in leaving things about. Higgins. It is these little things that matter, Pickering. Take care of the pence and the pounds will take care of themselves is as true of personal habits as of money. (Shaw) 12. Now, in his prime, he considered himself a fine big fellow – with a soldierly straightness to him, his red hair thick as ever and a fine moustache to boot. And another thing. He believed that clothes made the man and the man he had made of himself was a Dublin squire. Sports clothes took years off him, he thought, and he always bought the very best of stuff. (Moore) 13. Police arrests are being given maximum publicity as a reminder that crime doesn’t pay.


Exercise 8. Translate into Ukrainian.

1. Right up to senility the total decrease in learning ability after age twenty is never more than 15 per cent! That does not sound, I submit, as if no one can ever learn anything new after the age of twenty. Believe me, the old saw that claims: you cannot teach an old dog new tricks is a baseless, if popular, superstition. (Lewis) 2. That was when you never ought to have asked for the security, George, and when you never ought to have got it, all things considered. But what’s done, can’t be undone. (Dickens) 3. The next morning she had a letter. When she saw the handwriting she thought, “ Talk of the devil and he’ll appear. ” And her heart leapt suddenly. (Bromfield) 4. The tall gamekeeper … looked with some surprise from Mr. Winkle, who was holding his gun as if he wished his coat pocket to save him the trouble of pulling the trigger, to Mr. Tupman, who was holding his as if he were afraid of it … “My friends are not much in the way of this sort of thing yet, Martin,” said Wardle, noticing the look. “ Live and learn, you know. They’ll be good shots one of these days.” (Dickens) 5. They dispersed – Hamish to his office, Arthur to Mrs. Gallo­way’s, Tom and Charles to the cloisters, that famous play-place of the college school. Stolen pleasures, it is said, are sweetest, and just because there had been a stir lately amongst the cathedral clergy, touching the desirability of forbidding the cloisters for the boys for play, so much the more eager were, they to frequent them. (Wood) 6. We admire the people who possess the practical wisdom we want; but we don’t quarrel with them. Then why should they quarrel with us? Live and let live, we say to them. Live upon your practical wisdom, and let us live upon you! (Dickens) 7. Well, I’ll tell you, Miss Grange, seeing’s believing. I don’t ever believe anything till I see it in the papers. (Maugham) 8. When I last saw my brother I was still in the schoolroom, and I confess that at that time he realized my ideal of what a man ought to be. I am not sure that he would realize it now, and I am quite sure that he does not realize Clarissa’s ideal. Did you ever hear our English proverb, ‘ What is sauce for the goose is sauce for the gander ’? Clarissa has taken that as her motto. (Norris) 9. When the commissioner accused the road builder of bribery, the contractor said the pot was calling the kettle black. 10. When the Times on February 2 announced the Cyprus Plan, its political commentator explained that any base on the island must be a British and not a NATO base, because “NATO might be wound up at some future date”. An interesting incidental remark. Coming events cast their shadows before. (L.M., March, 59) 11. Yes – perhaps, in retrospect, it might have been a good idea to have flown the boys out of New York, but it’s easy to be wise after the event. (du Maurier) 12. You are hanging around the grounds of a big house after dark; without the consent, or even the knowledge, of the owner. Next thing you know you’ll be inside. Mind you I prefer no charges. But we work here on the sound policy that prevention is better than cure. So I’m just warning you. (Croniri)


Exercise 9. Translate the following into English using suitable idiomatic phrases. Consult the reference list below.

1. Ти мені добряче набрид. Перестань гасати. Скінчиться тим, що ти впадеш. 2. Як ми вже впевнились, тут сталося багато змін. 3. Краще не звертати уваги на нього. Зрозуміло, що він встав не з тої ноги. 4. Навряд чи зараз можна відновити всі подробиці того, що трапилось, адже багато води сплило з тих пір. 5. Вечори запитань та відповідей перестали користуватися успіхом. 6. Радий тебе бачити. Як тобі живеться? 7. Я знаю його змалку (з пелюшок), на нього це схоже. 8. Ви накоїли таких справ. Не знаю навіть, яким чином все владнати. 9. Я не здивуюсь, якщо в решті решт він стане міністром. 10. Тебе неможливо зрозуміти, вченими словами так і сиплеш. 11. Ну, викладайте, що там у вас на думці? Ви що, обоє язика проковтнули? 12. Ти, певно, побував в добрячій колотнечі: руки в тебе геть усі подряпані, всі штани в бруді. 13. Дочекаєшся від неї допомоги. її і сліду нема. 14. Не намагайтесь звалити всю провину на мене. Я бував в подібних халепах і раніше, все це знаю. 15. Робити було нічого, довелось надягнути сірий костюм, що побував в бувальцях.

(have known better days; the bird has flown; have had enough; have done it; have got out of bed on the wrong side; a lot of water has flown beneath the bridge; have been and gone and done it; have swallowed a dictionary; have known him since he was in petticoats; have seen (good) service; has the cat got your tongue; before one has finished; I’ve been there before; how’s the world been treating you; as we have seen).


1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | 12 | 13 | 14 | 15 | 16 | 17 | 18 | 19 | 20 | 21 | 22 | 23 | 24 |

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