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Exercises For an Individual Work

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  1. Exercises


Exercise 1. Translate following set-outs into Ukrainian, paying special attention to placing of sense components in English and Ukrainian.

1. Turkey suspends three top serving military officers, said to be linked to an alleged plot to overthrow the government, Turkish media report. (BBC)

2. StemCells Inc has filed for Swiss regulatory approval for the first clinical trial of its nerve stem cells in patients with spinal cord injuries as much as a year old, the company said. (Reuters)

3. The largest refugee camp in the world, in Dadaab, Kenya, is facing an overcrowding crisis with at least 700 families now residing in “unacceptable living conditions” outside the camp and in peril with the approaching rain season, the humanitarian group Medecins Sans Frontieres (Doctors Without Borders) said. (CNN)

4. Some 150 members of the Special Police Operations Battalion (Bope) and the military police force, backed up by the navy’s armoured vehicles, began deploying in Vila Cruzeiro at lunchtime on Thursday, Brazilian media reported. (BBC)

5. New Zealand will institute a policy of aggressive containment to combat an outbreak of a bacterial disease threatening the NZ$1 billion ($780 million) kiwifruit industry, the government said on Monday. (Reuters)

6. Thousands of men, women and children flee by foot the war in Somalia each month, making a treacherous journey into Kenya, but they arrive to the refugee camps finding shortages of water, food, sanitation and shelter, Medecins Sans Frontieres officials said. (CNN)

7. Akbar Al Baker said he had been “taken aback” by the problems that have plagued the delivery of the aircraft, the Reuters news agency reported. (BBC)

8. The United States still leads the world with its scientific clout, armed with highly respected universities and a big war chest of funding, but Europe and Asia are catching up, according to a Thomson Reuters report released on Friday. (Reuters)

9. The self-proclaimed mastermind of the September 11, 2001, attacks probably will remain in military detention without trial for the foreseeable future, The Washington Post reported on Saturday, citing Obama administration officials. (Reuters)

10. The 28-story building was under renovation when it went up in flames, the Xinhua news agency said. (CNN)

Exercise 2. Translate following set-outs into English, paying special attention to placing of components in English and Ukrainian.

1. Як повідомив у коментарі кореспонденту ЛІГАБізнесІнформ спікер Міністерства закордонних справ України Олександр Дікусаров, декілька членів української делегації намагалися у Франкфурті-на-Майні в нетверезому стані потрапити на борт літака, що прямував в Йоганнесбург. (Новинар)

2. Як повідомлялося, 9 грудня у Бердянську Запорізької області співробітники ДАІ затримали водія, який керував транспортним засобом у стані алкогольного сп’яніння. (Новинар)

3. Як повідомили у комітеті Верховної ради з питань промислової і регуляторної політики і підприємництва, з ініціативою перенести з 15 грудня на 15 січня 2001 року кінцевий термін подання заяв на отримання свідоцтва платника єдиного податку на 2011 рік виступили глава комітету, народний депутат (фракція БЮТ-Батьківщина) Наталя Королевська і народний депутат Ксенія Ляпіна (фракція НУ-НС). (Новинар)

4. Як повідомила агентству Інтерфакс-Україна прес-секретар авіакомпанії Міжнародні авіалінії України Євгенія Сацька, термін дії ексклюзивного права МАУ на експлуатацію повітряної лінії Київ-Лондон закінчується в липні 2011 року. (Новинар)

5. Як повідомлялося, до недавнього часу Wal-Mart вела переговори про купівлю мережі Копейка, але більш оперативну і вигідну пропозицію їй зробила X5 Retail Group. (Новинар)

6. Як повідомляє РИА Новости з посиланням на представників найбільших книжкових магазинів Москви, нова книга Віктора Пелевіна Ананасова вода для прекрасної дами в перший же день стала бестселером за кількістю продажів у Москві. (Новинар)

7. Прем’єр-міністр України Микола Азаров під час урочистого засідання, присвяченого Дню місцевого самоврядування, заявив, що інфляція нижче 10% за рік дозволить в 2011 році кредитувати промисловість за ставками на рівні 10-11%. (Новинар)


Exercise 3. a) Translate following headlines from English into Ukrainian, stating what tense is used.

b) State, which headlines are verbalized in English.

1. Sweden set to help Ireland dig out (CNN)

2. Egypt’s discredited elections blighted by shadow of police violence (Guardian)

3. Cambodia mourns stampede victims. (BBC)

4. Hedge fund FrontPoint hit by $3 billion in redemptions (Reuters)

5. Portuguese workers go on strike (CNN)

6. Irish to protest over austerity plan (Guardian)

7. Rio shaken by fresh gang violence. (BBC)

8. Seaweed prices a warning to China’s leaders (Reuters)

9. U.S. banks shake off bond jitters (CNN)

10. Russian parliament admits guilt over Polish massacre (Guardian)

11. NZ miners’ recovery ‘months away’. (BBC)

12. Thinking the unthinkable-a euro zone breakup (Reuters)

13. U.S. insider-trading probe grows (CNN)

14. Memories and maps keep alive Palestinian hopes of return (Guardian)

15. Obama’s plan to fight LRA rebels. (BBC)

16. North Korea shells South Korean island (Reuters)

17. Record Chinese bond for foreign firm (CNN)

18. US Christmas tree ‘bomb’ foiled by FBI (Guardian)

19. Polar bears given Alaska ‘haven’. (BBC)

20. Obama’s 2012 re-election prospects uncertain (Reuters)

21. Young and rich in Indonesia (CNN)

22. UK blamed for Taliban impostor (Guardian)


Exercise 4. Translate following news items into Ukrainian paying special attention to headlinese.

1. Etihad set for underlying profit in 2010

Qatar Airways and Emirates clashed with major European airlines in a row over market access and airplane financing this week, rejecting claims Gulf-based carriers were propped up by oil wealth and subsidies. (BBC)


2. Brecon Beacons helicopter rescue drama

The drama began on Friday as heavy snow swept across Wales, and members of the Central Beacons Mountain Rescue Team were called to a light aircraft crash just below Pen y Fan, south Wales’ highest mountain. (BBC)


3. EU says Italy may face fines over Naples rubbish

Italy has failed to comply with a European court ruling on the chronic Naples garbage crisis and could face fines if it does not solve the problem, a top EU official said on Friday. (Reuters)


4. Bahamas government ousted in poll

Voters in the Bahamas have ousted the governing Progressive Liberal Party in favour of the opposition Free National Movement, unofficial results show. (BBC)

5. Cyber Monday still a focus but other days seek limelight

Early discounts may have taken some of the shine off Cyber Monday but the key online holiday shopping day is still expected to attract bargain hunters who may not have had their fill over the weekend. (Reuters)


Exercise 5. Make a summary of the news issue below and translate it into Ukrainian.

1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | 12 | 13 | 14 | 15 | 16 | 17 | 18 | 19 | 20 | 21 | 22 | 23 | 24 |

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