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SIGNS GIVING NOTICE OF FACILITIES WHICH MAY BE USEFUL TO ROAD USERSEx.1. Read the text and translate into Ukrainian. / Прочитайте та перекладіть текст на українську мову: Information, facilities or service signs are rectangular show the services along the roads. Most countries use blue on them. Signs giving notice of facilities which Вказівні знаки may be useful to road users 1. “Main road” a) “Головна дорога” 2. “End of main road” b) “Кінець головної дороги” 3. “Motorway” c) “Швидкісна дорога” 4. “End of motorway” d) “Кінець швидкісної дороги” 5. ”Built-up area” e) “Населений пункт” 6. “End of built-up area “ f) “Кінець населеного пункту” 7. “One-way traffic” g) “Односторонній рух” 8. “U-turn” h) “Місце розвороту” 9. “Parking” i) “Місце стоянки” 10. “Direction sign at intersection” j) “Направлення на перехресті” 11. “Distance” (km) k) “Відстань” 12. “Placename” l) “Назва об’єкту” 13. “Road number” m) “Номер дороги” 14. “Filling station” n) “Автозаправна станція” 15. “Breakdown service” o) “Пункт технічного обслуговування” 16. “First-aid station” p) “Пункт медичної допомоги” 17. “Telephone” q) “Телефон” - 20 - 18. “Refreshments or cafeteria” r) “Пункт прийому їжі” 19. “Hotel or motel” s) “Готель” 20. “Camping site” t) “Кемпінг”
Ex.2. Comment on the signs. Explain what they mean. / Прокоментуйте знаки. Поясніть їх значення: a)
d) e) - 21 - Ex.3. Read and translate the text into Ukrainian. / Прочитайте текст і перекладіть на українську мову: What transport was invented first? Over the last two hundred years, means of transport have changed and developed a great deal. Oddly enough, the first successful development was in air travel when, in 1783, the French Montgolfier brothers launched the hot-air balloon. Twenty years later, in England, the steamboat and steam train made their first successful trips. Nearly 40 years later the first version of the modern bicycle was introduced, and in 1903 the first successful aeroplane flight was made by the Wright brothers of Ohio, USA. · which of these means of transport are still in use? How have they changed? Ex.4. Find the "odd one out". / Віднайдіть зайве слово: 1. Aeroplane: seatbelt, wing, deckchair, cockpit. 2. Car: windscreen, boot, brake, anchor. 3. Bicycle: pedal, saddle, exhaust pipe, chain. 4. Train: buffer car, track, handlebars, luggage rack. 5. Ship: deck, bonnet, bridge, cabin. *** J Motor Fun J Instructor: What will you do, if brakes are out of order on your car? Beginner: I’ll try to bump into something which is not very expensive. J Nick had bad marks. Father said, “If you learn well I’ll give you my car”. “All right” said Nick. “I’ll learn well”. In a month Nick got bad marks again. Father asked him, “Nick, why have you bad marks? What did you do this month?” “I learned motoring,” was the answer. Самостійна робота 5 Ex.2. Match the following English words with their Ukrainian equivalents. / Співставте наступні англійські слова з їхніми українськими еквівалентами:
Signs giving notice of facilities which may be useful to road users
1. “Main road” a) “Швидкісна дорога” 2. “One-way traffic” b) “Головна дорога” 3. “Motorway” c) “Місце розвороту” 4. “Direction sign at intersection” d) “Односторонній рух” 5. “Road number” e) “Пункт технічного обслуговування” - 22 - 6. “Parking” f) “Кемпінг” 7. “Filling station” g) “Місце стоянки” 8. “First-aid station” h) “Направлення на перехресті” 9. “Camping site” i) “Номер дороги” 10. “U-turn” j) “Автозаправна станція” 11. “Hotel or motel” k) “Телефон” 12. “Telephone” l) “Готель”
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