АвтоАвтоматизацияАрхитектураАстрономияАудитБиологияБухгалтерияВоенное делоГенетикаГеографияГеологияГосударствоДомДругоеЖурналистика и СМИИзобретательствоИностранные языкиИнформатикаИскусствоИсторияКомпьютерыКулинарияКультураЛексикологияЛитератураЛогикаМаркетингМатематикаМашиностроениеМедицинаМенеджментМеталлы и СваркаМеханикаМузыкаНаселениеОбразованиеОхрана безопасности жизниОхрана ТрудаПедагогикаПолитикаПравоПриборостроениеПрограммированиеПроизводствоПромышленностьПсихологияРадиоРегилияСвязьСоциологияСпортСтандартизацияСтроительствоТехнологииТорговляТуризмФизикаФизиологияФилософияФинансыХимияХозяйствоЦеннообразованиеЧерчениеЭкологияЭконометрикаЭкономикаЭлектроникаЮриспунденкция

Наиболее употребительные сокращения

Читайте также:
  2. В настоящее время наиболее существенное влияние на совокупный спрос в российской экономике оказывает такой неценовой фактор . как
  3. Возможные последствия серьезного сокращения рекламных вложений
  4. Волжский филиал «САН ИнБев» попал в число наиболее успешных производств в Волгоградской области
  5. Глава 4. Наиболее верный путь к человеческому разуму.
  6. Глава 4.Наиболее верный путь к человеческому разуму.
  7. Д. Наиболее короткие волокна находятся у основания улитки
  8. Диагностика и лечение наиболее часто встречающихся переломов лодыжек (типа Дюпюитрена, типа Десто).
  9. Какая из перечисленных ниже стран достигла в последние 4 десятилетия наиболее высоких темпов экономического роста?
  10. Какое наиболее серьезное осложнение может возникнуть при лечении препаратами
  11. Какой микроорганизм наиболее часто вегетирует на ожоговой поверхности первые дни после травмы?

a.m. - ante meridiem (лат.) — во столько-то часов до полудня

С - centigrade - по стоградусной шкале Цельсия (о температуре)

e.g. — exempli gratia (лат.) - напри­мер

etc. — et cetera (лат.) — и т. д.

hr. — hour — час

i.e. — id est (лат.) — то есть

kg. - kilogram - килограмм

lb. — pound — фунт

L — litre — литр

m. — metre — метр

mi. — mile — миля

mill. — minute — минута

NB - nota bene (лат.) - pay attention— обратите внимание, заметьте

p.m. — post meridiem (лат.) пополудни

s. — second — секунда

t. - ton - тонна

vs - versus (лат.) - против

w. — watt — ватт

X-rays — Roentgen rays - рентгенов­ские лучи

a.с. [alternating current] — переменный ток

amp. [ampere] — ампер

B.D.C. [bottom dead centre] - нижняя мертвая точка

b.h.p. [brake horsepower] - эф­фективная тормозная мощность

C.-I. engine [compression-ignition engine] — двигатель с воспламе­нением от сжатия, дизель

c.с./сu. cm. [cubic centimetre] — кубический сантиметр

cu. in. [cubic inch] — кубический дюйм

cu. ft. [cubic foot] -кубический фут

wt. [hundredweight] — центнер

d.c. [direct current] — постоянный ток

F. [Fahrenheit] — по шкале Фарен­гейта (о температуре)

f.p.m. [feet per minute] — футов в ми­нуту

f.p.s. [feet per second] — футов в се­кунду

ft.-lbs. [foot-pounds] — футо-фунты

gal. [gallon] — галлон

g.p.m. [gallon per minute] -галлон в минуту

hp [horsepower] - лошадиная сила

in. [inch] - дюйм

k.p.h. [kilometers per hour] - километров в час

lb [pound] — фунт

lb.-ft. [pound-foot] -фунто-фут

m.p.g. [miles per gallon] — число миль пробега на галлон топлива

m.p.h. [miles per hour] -миль в час

n.h.p. [nominal horsepower] — номинальная мощность в л.с.

n.t.p. [normal temperature and pre­ssure] — нормальные температура и давление

o.a.d. [overall dimension] — габарит­ный размер

psi. [pounds per square inch] - фунтов на кв.дюйм

r.p.m. [revolutions per minute] — оборотов в минуту

sq. ft. [square foot] — квадратный фут

t.d.c. [top dead centre] - верхняя мертвая точка

v. [velocity] — скорость

vol. [volume] — объем




Unit One

Упражнение 8

1-b; 2-c; 3-b; 4-a; 5-b.

Упражнение 18

1-14; 2-18; 3-23;4-7;5-17;6-21;7-1; 8-12; 9-10;10-2;11-19;12-3; 13-4;14-15; 15-6; 16-13;17-5;18-16;19-8; 20-22; 21-9; 22-20;23-11.

Упражнение 22

1. I study at the automobile department of a technical college.

2. After graduating from the college I’ll become a specialists un automobile industry.

3. In my opinion every specialists should know that the automobile must undergo laboratory and road tests.

4. These tests are needed in order for the automobile to meet up-to- date demands.

5.The modern automobile must have the following qualities: rapid acceleration, smooth-acting clutch, silent gearbox, dependable braking and steering systems, ease of driving.

6. The automobile engine must also have low fuel consumption and be ecological.


Unit Two

Упражнение 5

1-4;2-6;3-7;4-1;5-2;6-5; 7-3.

Упражнение 6

1.The automobile consists of three basic parts: the engine, the chassis and the body.

2.The engine is the source of power.

3.The engine includes fuel, lubricating and electrical systems.

4.The chassis comprises the power train, running gear, steering and braking systems.

5.The power train(power transmission), in turn, consists of the clutch, gearbox, cardan shaft, final drive, differential, rear axle and axle shafts.

6. The running gear includes frame with axles, wheels and springs.

7.The body had hood, fenders and accessories: heater, windshield wipers, stereo type recorder, conditioner and so on.

Упражнение 13

1-13;2-19;3-25;4-2;5-8;6-5;7-16;8-1;9-11; 10-20;11-3;12-21;13-7; 14-14;15-4; 16-17;17-6;18-24; 19-10;20-9;21-23;22-12;23-15;24-18;25-22.

Упражнение 15

1-b; 2-d;3-a;4-c;5-d;6-c.

Unit Three

Упражнение 6

1-a; 2-a; 3-b; 4-a; 5-d; 6-b.

Упражнение 7

1-b; 2-a;3-b;4-c;5-a.

Unit Four

Упражнение 8

1-i; 2-b;3-g;4-h;5 - f; 6-d; 7-e; 8-a;9-c.


Unit Five

Упражнение 9

1. The frame provides support for the body: engine and power train members.

2.It consists of longitudinal and cross members that reinforce the frame.

3.The frame has to withstand vibrations, twists and other strains.

4. The frame may be of two types: conventional frames and unibody constructions.

5. Conventional frames are made of steel channel sections welded or reverted together.

6. Frameless constructions are made integral with the body.

7.The frame is insulated from the body by rubber pads in order to prevent noise and vibrations from passing to the passengers of the car.


Unit Six

Упражнение 6

1-c; 2-b; 3-b;4-b; 5-b.

Упражнение 12

1-9; 2-16; 3-1; 4-41; 5-11; 6-3; 7-2; 8-15; 9-4;10-7; 11-12; 12-6;13-10;14-8; 15-13; 16-5.

Упражнение 14

1. The clutch is a friction device.

2.The clutch connects the engine and the gearbox.

3. The clutch is located between the flywheel and the gearbox.

4.As a rule the clutch consists of two discs: the driven disc and the pressure one.

5. The clutch is controlled by the clutch pedal.

6.When the clutch pedal is at the clutch discs are engaged and the running engine is connected to the gearbox and wheels.

7. When the driver pushes down on the clutch pedal the discs are apart, the clutch is disengaged and the engine runs idly.


Unit Seven


Упражнение 5

1-3; 2-4; 3-1; 4-2; 5-5.

Упражнение 6

1. The gearbox is designed for changing the speed of the car movement.

2.The gearbox provides for forward speeds and one reverse.

3. Gearboxes can be as follows: sliding-mesh type, constant –mesh type and epicyclic (planetary) type.

4.The sliding-mesh type is the simplest one.

5.The constant –mesh is the most widely used type.

6. The sliding gears on the gearbox shaft are designed for providing the forward speeds and the reverse drive.


Unit Eight


Упражнение 6

1-5; 2-11; 3-1; 4-6; 5-2; 6-10; 7-3; 8-4; 9-7; 10-9; 11-8.

Упражнение 7

1-4; 2-5; 3-1; 4-3; 5-2.

Упражнение 8

1.Brakes are the most important mechanisms of the car.

2. They are used to slow or stop the car.

3. Brakes can be divided into two types, namely: drum brakes and disc brakes.

4. Most cars use hydraulic or pneumatic driving system.

5. The brakes are applied when the driver pushes down on the brake pedal.

1. Brakes are used to slow or stop the car.

2. Depending on the drive brakes are classified as: mechanical, hydraulic, air, or electric brakes.

3. Brakes are controlled by the brake pedal.

4.Brakes are applied when the driver pushes down on the brake pedal (brake shoes are pressed against the brake drums).

5. In air brakes compressed air is used to apply the braking force.

6. Electric brakes use electromagnets to provide the braking effort.

7. Up-to –date cars are equipped with all-wheel brakes.


Unit Nine

Упражнение 8

1-5; 2-3; 3-6; 4-4; 5-2; 6-1.

Упражнение 9

1. To guide the car it is necessary to have the steering system.

2. The steering gear assembly incorporates: steering wheel, steering column, gearing, pitman arm, steering knuckle arms and ball joints, levers and tie rods.

3. There are different steering gears, namely: rack and pinion type, recirculating ball type, and worm and sector type.

4. When the driver turns the steering wheel to the left or right, the steering mechanism causes the pitman arm to turn to the left or right.

5. This movement is carried by the tie-rods to the steering knuckle arms and wheels, causing them to turn to the left or right.


Unit Ten

Упражнение 5

1. Many modern automobiles are equipped with onboard computer systems for better automobile operation.

2. The program of such a computer has only two memories: read only memory (ROM)and random access memory (RAM).

3.The computer software tells the computer what to do, and when to do it in a specific sequence.

4. The program is stored in a permanent memory.

5.The microprocessor contains a ROM and a RAM.

6. Some computers have the ability to learn. This is referred to as an adaptive memory.



1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | 12 | 13 | 14 | 15 | 16 | 17 | 18 | 19 | 20 | 21 | 22 | 23 | 24 | 25 | 26 | 27 | 28 | 29 | 30 |

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