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8 modest 9 accidental f} Read the article. Choose the hest answers.
There is a popular saying in Japa nese:"There arc two kinds of fool*. Those who never climb Mount Everest and those who do it twice." So what is Alan Hinkes? An 1a QY.flJl).[QJ!S.. fool perha ps?
1 A lan is from... than have tried this extremely d......................... achievement. a) epal. @1he UK. c) Japa n. 2 A lan H inkes h as cl i m bed... a) Everest 14 t imes. The world 's tallest mountai ns are all in Nepal and Pakistan.
b) 14 mou n tain s in 1 epal and Paki st an. celebrate - it's i.......... to remember that you have to get
3 A lan climbs m ou nia i n s because... a) h e loves doi ng il. b) h e doesn't li ke t eachi ng any more. c) h e get s a l ot of mon ey for it. 4 A la n h u n h is back... a) in a sn owstorm. b) beca use h e sn eezed. c) whe n h e fell. 5 To pay for h is t rips, Ala n... a) speaks about h is adven tu res. b) m akes film s aboul climbi ng. c) bot h a) a nd b). 6 In his cou n t ry, Ala n is... a) very well- kn own. b) a h ero t o some peo pl e. c) a schoolteacher. • down the mountai n again.
One of Ala n's most 6s................................ in jurie s on a mou ntai n was rather un usual. He was eating a cha pati - a type of Indian bread - when the nou r got u p hi s nose and he sneezed *. He
remember hi m more for the chapati 9a............................... than the mou ntains he's climbed. Each tri p costs him about £30,000 and he raises t he money by givi ng tal ks and selling videos of his clim bs. Now, ma ny people want hi m to recei ve a knighthood · from the Queen. Perhaps the 'fool' Alan Hinkes will soon be Sir Ala n Hinkes...
*f ool = st upid person
*J111igl11/11;11d = an awa rd from 1he Queen of England for doing somet hing special
Choose t he correct preposi tion. Sometimes more than one answer is possible. I'm feeli ng very nervo u s @!Q!at the flight next week. I'm really scared with/of/at 11ying. 2 I'm fed u p by/with/on my h u sband's snori n g and h e gets ann oyed about/with/of m e when I wa ke him u p. 3 The ma nager didn't seem con cerned with/about/by ou r worries and we \ve re so a ngry at/on/with h im
.are the besr 's the best 'd recommend sounds wonderful wo uldn't go really useful
AN N You've bee n to I ndia, Louise. Wh at 1 arg_ th..b_g.t. places to visi t? LOUISE I ..•..... ·•··•·•·••·•••••••••••••·•·••••••••••• ••·•• Kerala - i n th e t hat we ch ecked ou t ea rly. 4 Ni kk i was very upset of/by/about splitting u p wi t h sou t h. Bea u tifu l lakes, canals... it's l i ke pa radise. Mar k, bm she t old m e she was fed u p of/at/with AN N That ••.•••...•••.•...... • ••••••••••••••• •••••• • Wha t hi m goi ng ou t every n igh t.
I} a) Make questions with these words. k n ow I Do I any good I stay I pl aces I t o I you? .0..Q.YQ.t!..k.'19.W..?rJY.9.Q9.dP.(?.{ gHQ..$.t.?y.?. 2 any th i n g I \VO rt h / l s I seei n g h ere I t here?
3 tips I got I ot her / I lave I you I any?
4 near I abou t I sea I places I Wh a t / t he? ·························· ti me of yea r to visit? LOUISE Well, I ·······-·············································· be twee n Septem ber and J an uary. I t can be really wet t hen. AN N That 's 6
to know bother should go to Do you know any And is there
AN N good p laces to st ay?
s place I a I t h e I to I Wh at's I best I ca r I hi re? AN N Th at's good 9••••••••••••••••• • •••••• 10...... anyt h i ng else worth visi ti ng i n t he south? LOUISE Of course. I nd ia's a big place. If you li ke b) Complete the conversations wit h the sentences i n 1a). beach es, you .......••••••....••.•••..••••••......... Goa. 1 A .0..Q.YQ.l.!..K.f'.l.Q.W.fll1Y.9P.9.d p/?($.JQ. J?.y?..... B Sorry, n o. Bu t I wo ul d n't recom m end a n ywhere n ea r t h e sta t ion. 2 A............................................ B I'd reco mmend on e of t he com pa n ies at t he I've heard And what about You really must It's probably best Have you got any
AN N........................ m oney? airport.
3 A B Yes. You shou ld definitely visi t t h e cath ed ral. LOUISE
AN N t o ta ke cash. Credit cards aren't very useful ou tside hig ci t ies.
4 A B It isn 't reall y worth going th ere. The beach es a re qu i t e dirty. LOUISE Lots. 15...................••.....••••••......••••.......... vi si t on e big city. I n dian cit i es a rc j u st incred i bl e. ANN Yes,
••••••••••••............................ t hat. B Yes. You sh oul d learn a bi t of t he lan guage. It <9 Reading and Writing Portfolio 3 p68)
Language Summary 4, Student's Book p122
Riders Music collocations ED "Fill in t he ga ps with t he correct form of these verbs.
see go (x 2) play appea r have Seven things you didn't know about ••
+ In 1958, while Elvis '_Wg.$.. m.lng. (earn) a month. + In 1959, a teacher J---·--- ---··(throw) a 16-year-old Jimi Hendrix out of school because he
his class. + In April 1964, while the Beatles s·····- ··-···················....... (finish) their second album,
US charts. (have) hit records in all of the top S positions in the
Nowadays the business of selling music is a little more complicated than simply have to promote their records so they + In 1963. Roy Orbison 7---·····-·····-·......... (be) on tour with the Beatles. He
(wear) sunglasses. have to 2.. ········-··--···· on TV + In 1970, while the rock group Pink Floyd •••.•••••• (playing) in front of and talk about the new album.What's a large lake in London, the music " -·········-···· ···-·- (be) so loud that some of more, fans like
·- ···--········ the fish in the lake • -· (die). their favourite group play live so groups + Sheryl Crowe n·-··- (lose) her two front teeth when she also have to 4
........................... on -········· onstage -·········· ••• ··············-········ (be) eight. Over lS years later she
and 6• • •••••••••. concerts waitress accidentally •••• _ (hit) every night is exhausting, but ii you want to 7.·-····............ analbum in the charts, you have to promote it! her with a glass. The same two front teeth -···············-···-·············-··(fall) out. + In 2000. while Madonna 18_ -··· (stay) in Sweden for the MTV Music Awards. she
![]() colour of the room. She 10 -··-.•• ········-········-· • (want) a 'calm
f) Fill i n the gaps with t he verhs in brackets. Use the Past Simple or Past Contin uous. colour' to help her meditate. Madonna 11.·--··---·········-----···(not joke) and the hotel immediately 11 •••••• -·····- •. (paint) the room.
CJ fill in t he gaps with usecl to or the Past Simple of the verb in brack ets.
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