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Problems and solutionsa) Pu t paragra ph s A-f i n t he correct order to make two lett ers. Reading letters to a newspa per about problems i n towns
Lett er 1: _f_ •..... '............... Lett er 2:,................,............... b) Wh ich letter is about: a) a pollut ion problem?...............
It is time that both the school and the council take some action about thi s problem. For example, students should be told that it can take up to J 2 years for a cigarette stub to decompose*. I n addition ju st three or four bins, that arc emptied regularly, would help the problem enormously. Brighton is a beautiful town. We should keep it l ike that.
*decompose = gradually become worse in condit ion inexpensive to repair the path and replace some of the lights. Furthermore it would encourage people to walk or cycle to work rather than drive on our already busy road s. I f th e council do not want to do this, the park should be closed al night and they should lock the gates. It would be very inconvenient for everyone who lives in my area but at the moment it is simply not safe. E I enjoyed the a rticle about the environment and our town last week. However, you failed to mention the most obvious problem in Brighton: litter. I l ive opposite Brighton lligh Secondary School. Every evening when I come home from work, I pick up a collection of crisp and sweet packets that have been left in my front garden. Furthermore, I am not alone. My neighbours have to do the same thing. In the street, it is even worse with old cigarette stubs and chewi ng gum stuck to the pavement. ®
worki ng lights and it is impossible to see anything at night.:\Ioreover, when I am not worryi ng about hitting a pede stri an or being attacked, I am worrying about falling off my bike. The path is in a terrible condilion, with several dangerous potholes. Nothing has been done about this even thou gh I have phoned the council several times.
Read t he letters again. Arc these sent ences t rnc (T), false (F) or the lett ers don't say (DS)? I n letter I th e writ er... is a teacher. 2 D t hi n ks child ren should be m ore respon si ble abou t li tter. 3 D belie ves teach ers could h el p m ore with th e In lett er 2 t he wri t er... 5 Dof ten cycles through t h e pa rk. 6 D ha s fa llen off h is/h er bi ke before. 7 Dhas t ri ed con ta cti ng t he cou n cil a bou t th e ligh ts. D t hi nks th e park should be dosed a t n igh t. probl em. 4 Dt hinks that som e more bi n s would com plet ely B
The wri t ers of both letters... Dli ve i n t he sam e town. • sol ve the problem. 9
Help with Writing
Each letter is organised into three paragraphs. Match paragraphs A-f to functions 1-3.
.....A...... ' 2 Suggcslion of a sol u tion:
3 Int rod u ction to t he problem:
b) Complete these rules wi th t he connecting words in 4a).
2 \Ve use........................... to cont rast 1wo sentences. (We alwa)'S pu t a comma after t h is word.) 3 We use or at t he begin n i ng of sen tences to add more infonnalion. a) Formal letters often USC the passive. U nderline examples of the passive in the letters. b) Why is the passive used in the letters? Tick the correct reasons. DThe subject isn't i m porta n t. 2 DWe wa nt to keep t he su bjec t secret. 3 DThe c;ubject is obvious. 4 DWe don't know t he subject.
Choose t he correct words. Sometimes both answers are possible. The park is em pt y i n t he week. Moreover/, it is q ui te crowded a l weekends. 2 Even though/However, t here is a lot a t raffic, I Joye where I l ive. 3 Schools arc not teaching st udents abou t recrcling. Furthermore/ Even though t here a rc vcr)' few rcc)'cli ng bi ns in our town. 4 Even though/Although I recycle a lot of rubbish, Iknow Icould do more. s There is not hi ng to do in our town at weekends. Moreover/
6 There aren't man)' places to park here. In addition/Furthermore the ca r pa rks we have a re incredibl y ex pensive. 7 The British recycle about 12% of their rubbish. Furthermore/ However, Ihe Japanese recrcle over 40% of t heirs.
Write t hese sentences in the passi\'e. They've pu t in more C)'clc lanes..MP.r.e._(;y(.fe /afJ.$.b.a.v.e.b.e fJ.P.V.t io....
3 People don't use rccrcl i ng bi ns regular!)'
4 o one ever empties the bins..
6 They told me that t hey would replace the ligh ts.
a) Think about a problem in your town or city. Make notes in t he table.
f urther details about the problem possible solutions possible results
b) ·write a fonnal letter to a local newspaper about the problem you chose in Ba). • Use you r notes from Sa). • Use the organisation of the l etter in 3. • Use the con ncc1ing words in 4 where possi ble. • Use t he passive if a ppropriate. • Read and check for mistakes. • Give)"OUT letter to your!cacher next class.
Tick t he things you can do i n English in the Reading and Writing Progress Port folio, p88.
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