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Faking it
Are you fed u p with your job? Have you ever wanted to do somethi ng com pletely different? A top chef perha ps? Or maybe a raci ng driver or even a nig htclu b DJ? Faking It is a reality TV prog ra mme "Read the a rticle quickly and write the correct na mes. 1 Who learned to cook professionally?.............. 2 Whose experien ce involved a sport? 3 C) Read the article again and answer the question s. 1 Which people successfully 'fa ked it'? .f.<;f_.P. vHn.. n.d.J?J.ti.m:Jer Sump(_$.!!.(g_$_$fl!.lly 'fak1?.<;:/.i. f,... 2 Wha t skill does Ed thin k he has i m proved? that does exactly that. The programme trains people to 'fa ke it' i n a totally different job. They a re given fou r weeks to Lea rn the skills of their new jobs. Then they have to convince a grou p of experts that they a ren't fa ki ng it. Previous shows have ta ken a fast food worker a nd trained hi m as a top chef. 1Ed Devlin had never cooked anything more tha n a burger, but he beat three other professional chefs. At the moment Ed is still doing the job he was doi ng before. However, he says he is m uch better at cutting up onions now! Maxi millia n Deverea ux, a professional chess player, 3 What did Maxi millia n t hi n k he did wrong? lea rned how to be a football ma nager. He did n't
4 Why d id Ja tinder decide to go on the programme?
s Where d id Ja tinder meet Robbi e Williams?
6 What happened?
7 What has Jati nd er decided to do after her experience?
Rewrite sentences l-6 in the article using t he words in bracke ts.
• ma nage to persuade* the experts, but he enjoyed the experience. He thin ks his body la nguage at football matches wasn't good enough. "I never managed to look comfortable," he says.
Jatinder Sumal works in her fa mily's newsagent's in Scotland. She learned to be a show busi ness reporter! When a TV resea rcher phoned her a nd offered her the cha nce, Jatinder thought it was a joke. 3Although she had never heard of Faking It, her friends said it was a really good show. So Jatinder thought she would have a go. Jatinder said the worst moment of her experience was at a film premiere. 4She tried to interview Robbie Willia ms, but she could n't think of anything to ask him! "I was very nervous," she said. "I could n't stop sha king." 5lt was a terrible experience, but Jatinder q uickly recovered. And at the end of her month's trai ning, when she interviewed a pop grou p in front of the experts, they thought she was a gen uine showbiz* reporter. 60espite her success at 'fa ki ng it', Jatinder doesn't plan to leave her job. "I would n't give u p my life here in Glasgow for anything," she said. 'Tm just glad to be back to my old life."
*pcrsucl(lc = make someone believe something *showbi z s show bu sincss
" fill in t he gaps wi t h t he words i n brackets.
e a) Fill i n t he gaps wit h t he words in the boxes. .feeHng' sufferi ng getting (x 2) taking
a) I haven 't been ...feeling \'t'r)' well recently. doctor. b) Ikeep migrai nes i n t he morni ng. ru n ny) c) I fave)'OU been..... ....... a nyt hing for them?
d) How long have you been from t hem?
(dia rrhoea; poi soning; sick)
a prescri ption some antibiotics another appointment a week take them paracetamol) 4 A....................... of................ is t h a t)'Ou feel
don't work wi t h a................ (infection: virus; a nt i biotics) f) Pu t t he conversation i n t he correct order. a) DOCTOR Now, what seem s to be t h e problem? .7....... b) DOCTOR Doesn 't it? lt'.5 vcr)' red. Do you k now if f) Come back if you're not feeli ng better i n
g) How of ten should I? h) Herc's a prescri ption for i) Do Ineedto make?
b) Complete the conversation wit h sentences a)-c) in 3a). CASS, a)
DOCTOR Isec. 3 CASS About a mont h or t wo. DOCTOR Right. That's qu i te a long time. 4.. CASS Pa racetamol a nd aspi ri n. DOCTOR OK. Pai nkillers arc fi ne. An y other problems? CASS Well... 5......... today. but it's not seriou5.
c) Com plete t he conversat ion wit h sentences 0-j) in 3a). BOB So)'OU t hi n k i t m igh t be a n i nfect ion.
7 DOCTOR Yes, I'm goi ng to wri te one.
BOB Tha nks a lol. ..... c) PATIE NT It doesn't h u rt........ d) PATIENT 1 keep gelli ng a rash on m y arm. e) DOCTOR Right, let m e have a look a t you. f) PATIENT I'm allergic to cats, but we haven't got one. DOCTOR Twice a day, after me&lls. 9 BOB DOCTOR No. 10
Language Summary 10, Student's Book p136
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