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Moving house

Читайте также:
  1. Beatles’63 – With The Beatles – Parlophone – UK – 15.500 (mono, original Y/B label, 5N/5N, Garrod/Lofthouse flip-back cover, Emitex inner)
  2. Discount house, deposit, loan, charter, lend, borrow, denomination, claim, installment, repository.
  3. Ex. 21. For questions 1-15, choose from the houses (A-E). Some houses may be chosen more than once.
  4. Ex. 34. Which houses would you like to live in? Why? Give arguments. Use the following criteria.
  5. Organise the following words into three lexico-semantic groups – homes and houses; road transport; clothes.
  6. The House on Maple Street
  8. Toward a synthesis of cinema - a theory of the long take moving camera, Part 1
  10. Метод скользящих средних (Moving average)
  11. Основные возможности HouseCreator 3.0


Homes ml

- Look at the pictures. Wri te the names.

Wh o lives in a...

semi-deta ch ed hou se? ...JJ.$9..?!!J.d.Mll<lL..

2 d et ached hou se?

3 bu n galow?

4 t erra ced house?

Sam Lisa and fvfike


The Stephens family James and fvfel

t) Do the puzzle. Find the type of house (+).

A room or pla ce...

  at t h e t op of t h e h ouse. most best the least far as close
  w h e re yo u wo rk.        


1 out side t he house.

Making comparisons ED

Look at t he advertisements and match t he places to sentences

1-8. Write P (Poplar), H (Hackney) or B (ow).


Popla r Hackney Bow

3-bedroom 2-bedroom NEW

semi-detached spaciou s terraced 3-bedroom house (needs work) hou se flat

120 square metres 150 square metres 100 square metres Built in 1910 Built in 1920 £250,000

£230,000 £280,000 Distan ce to

Distance to Distance to underground: 7 m i n s


It 's fa r more spacious t han t h e ot h er two.

2 D It's sligh tly cheaper t han th e l lackney hou se.

3 D It isn 't as big as th e ot h ers.

4 DIt needs a lot more work t h an t h e ot her two.

5 D It 's a bi t m ore expen si ve t han t h e Bow flat.

6 D It 's a li tt le ol der t ha n t h e Hack n ey hou se.

7 D I t's slightl y fu rt her from t h e und ergrou nd t han t he

Hackney hou se.

8 D It's sl igh tly closer t o t h e u n dergrou nd t ha n t h e

Poplar h ouse.



Glen and Bev went to see the three places. Fill in their comments with these words.


.small little much less similar



4 wh ere you cook.

The Poplar house has got t h e 1 ...s.maUs.t... ga rden I've ever seen.

s wh ere you wash.

6 where t h e car is parked.

7 at t he bott om of t he h ouse.


It isn't 2...........

It 's very 3..


The Bow flat is

......... to t h e u n dergrou nd as th ey said.

........... t o ou r ho use.


4.......................... i n t eresti ng t han t h e ot hers.

11 B I A L c   N y  
  )           I


I t's 5............. m ore mod ern t h a n t h e ot h er two.

It n eeds 6




....... work of t h e t h ree.


I The Hackney house feels a ot he r t hree.


light er t ha n t h e

It 's i n t he 8•....... •....... n eigh bo u rhood.

It seem s t o be t h e 9..............••• popul a r of t h e th ree. •

1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | 12 | 13 | 14 | 15 | 16 | 17 | 18 | 19 | 20 | 21 | 22 | 23 | 24 | 25 | 26 | 27 | 28 | 29 | 30 | 31 | 32 | 33 | 34 | 35 | 36 | 37 | 38 | 39 | 40 | 41 | 42 | 43 | 44 |

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