АвтоАвтоматизацияАрхитектураАстрономияАудитБиологияБухгалтерияВоенное делоГенетикаГеографияГеологияГосударствоДомДругоеЖурналистика и СМИИзобретательствоИностранные языкиИнформатикаИскусствоИсторияКомпьютерыКулинарияКультураЛексикологияЛитератураЛогикаМаркетингМатематикаМашиностроениеМедицинаМенеджментМеталлы и СваркаМеханикаМузыкаНаселениеОбразованиеОхрана безопасности жизниОхрана ТрудаПедагогикаПолитикаПравоПриборостроениеПрограммированиеПроизводствоПромышленностьПсихологияРадиоРегилияСвязьСоциологияСпортСтандартизацияСтроительствоТехнологииТорговляТуризмФизикаФизиологияФилософияФинансыХимияХозяйствоЦеннообразованиеЧерчениеЭкологияЭконометрикаЭкономикаЭлектроникаЮриспунденкция |
Look after yourselfLanguage Summary 9, Student 's Book p134
doct0tt> place. of wk
t hcsc words.
s.i.ugeon GP doctor operating specia list A&E asthma prescription ward attack allergy migra i ne chem ist's / •..:agl Q_..n...·_·_·-----111 tv1 • • ••••••••••••••.. 1he111e.
_ ---- 111 a 110"'..f"'al tLparln 111 n!">Utf t\! otl'e,.r
1!:11e.">"'> \rave. ----cance.t
Fill in the gaps wi t h which, that, wlw, whose, where or when. Sometimes more t han one answer is possible.
no!>C.t 'C\I".> n l-enr1............. ---·····
------ an 111f e.c!K.11
u n h calt hy.
IVl11e. 11 i 'f.lltlnr l'e../a 10......
3 After the acciden t t hey took her to t he A&E "J OC1Ct, r Cu a 12 ••.......... atYf (Xi Colle.c1 \!(Xit me.dic11,
from migra i n es? she works.
t11bk.1-;,, e.c f'wn +e 13................
6 Is t here a good ti me I ca n come and visi t you in hospi tal? 7 8 I know several people................. d on't eat meat, b u t ca t fish.
C):\latch begin ni ngs of sentences 1-10 to endi ngs a)-j). 1 I t hi nk i t's a good idea ----.......... a) which somet imes affects your sigh t, too. 2 A migra i n e is a pai nful h eadache '--- b} you sec yo u r G P soon. 3 4 He gave me some juice s I t's likcl}' his 6 The headaches 7 A su rge ry is a A fast is a period 9 The juice I t r ied 10 He·s t he t}1pc of per on d) w h ose diet is very u nhealt hy. e) you don't eat anyt hi ng before t he opera tion. f) whe n you don't cat food. g) I get som et i m es aff ect m y sigh t, t oo. h) t hat tast ed li ke d i rt y wat er. i) where you sec you r G P. j) tasted like di rty water.
a) Is wJ10, t hat or wl1id1 th e subject (S) or the object (O) of the relative clau se? 1 Th e GP who Mike has seen... 0 2 A hospital t hat doesn't have an A&E depart ment... S:...... 3 The people t hat t he allergy affects.................. 4 The specialist that is goi ng to speak to you...
5 The patient who t he surgeon opera ted on...
6 The wa rd which Istayed in.................. 7 An operation which lasted eight hou rs.................. 8 The migrai nes that he gets..................
b) In which phra ses in 4a) can we l eave out who, t hat or whid1? .7..... (The G P Mike has seen...),................ join the sentences. Use whid1, t hat, who, wlwse, wl1ere or wl1en if necessary. Make any ot her changes you n eed to. I'm on a diet. It doesn't allow me to eat bread or past a. l'.m..9.!J...9.fgtwb.ir;h..d.9.fto.'.t..q,f.low..m..t.o.gq_tf;ggg_ef g_r.pi!.J.... 2 I'm goi ng on a ret reat. Ithink you've been on i t.
3 She's the woman. She ru ns an organic fruit and vegetable sh op.
4 I t h ink i t's very interesting. You decided to become a surgeon.
5 I regularl y get migraines. They're really painful.
6 Ik's got a disease. I had never heard of it.
News collocations Im "Pu t the news stories in the correct order.
A a) Par is, France. Frenc h surgeons refused to call off b) off er of a shorter wo rking week. They are protesting c) ill ness t hat requires an operation, u n ion leaders d) in a demonstra tion next Mon day. If someone is taken e) thei r strike yesterday and rejected the government's f) promised that there wou l d no shortage of surgeons. g) against lon g hours and over 2,000 surgeons will take part h) to hospi tal i n an emergency or is sufferi ng from an B a) Londo n, England. A government report that was b) a target of em ploying 20% more n urses by 2010. c) t he offer of a job in the priva te sector if they made d) carried ou t i n ten hospitals all over the UK. These e) published yesterday has discovered somet hing f) the sam e money. The report comes from a survey g) worrying abou t n urses. Over 25% would accept •• h) results arc a proble m for a governmen t t rying to meet Present Perteet Simple active and passive for recent events ED Correct the mistakes in t hese senten ces. 7 has Anyone injured already been taken to hospi tal.
2 I've just bee n offer another joh.
3 You have just changed the TV chan nel? 4 Her new record still h asn't released. 7 5 The prime minister hasn't said ye1anyth ing. 6 Scie ntists alread y have discovered some causes of migra i nes. 7 Have you bei ng paid for t hat
8 You have n't still told anyone.
strike again I have I U ndergrou nd d ri vers I on I gone. .U.o.d. rgrn.uo.d..dr:ivers bP.v..gQn..9.n. trike..9.g?!J11,.......... 2 been I The reports I yet I publ ished I haven't.
Fill i n t he gaps in these news stories with the verbs i n the boxes. Use the Present Perfect Sim ple active or passive.
oot-firnt Me- not see
3 i n I part I never / I've I a demonstrat ion I ta ken. ...@.t../?.grJ.fO!!.(!Q. and police say they ..•.h. Y..bd....
4 has I been I The offer I just I govern ment I by t h e I rejected.
s al ready I called I have I off t he I The u n ions I st rike.
6 last year's I government I The I)'Cl I m et I hasn't I targets. little informa tion a bout where he could be. Damian
shock be publish
just -···-·-·--------···-········ a report a bout it a nd the results
7 bee n I f ou r I have I so far I su rveys I carried I out. Two men 7 ••• •.••••••••.•...•.••• just with the murder of a local busi nessmen. A th ird suspect 8............. from Paddi ngton police 8 hi m I already I they I Have I to hospital I taken? station, bu t police. the
suffer see go
"Rewrite t he sentences using the words in bracket s. Ibelieve you shou ld take plenty of water. (good idea)
Ks..?! good idea tQ.J.<!.k.p.l!JJY.9f water..... asthm a for fou r yea rs. She
...................................... 2 M y advice is t o get bott led wa ter. (were) to several hospitals a nd •......••... If.................................................................. 3 ladvise you to see a dentist soon. (had better)
4 ls booking ahead sensible? (good idea) ls................................. ---? 5 Th e worst t h i ng to do is feed t he a ni mals. (Whatever) by some of the best specia lists. receive finish release
bu t Tom Cruise's new film 14 ••••••••••.•••.•.••.•. only ju st................ at cinemas i n Londona nd it
6 You should take all your valuables ou t of rou r ca r. (Don 't)
.... already......................... excellent
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