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Important moments
" a) Match beginnings of sentences 1-9 to endings a)-i). t) Com plet e the senten ces with th e correct form of get and these words/phrases. My h u sban d's Spanish, so he gets ...gJ.... 2 I f we had a G PS, we wo u l d n't gel............... .$Qmethi11g to drlnlf into trouble a round in touch with older ri d of the job here 3 I don't know w h en he got............... 4 Ca n you do t he wash i ng-u p when you get............... 5 Duri n g the day we get...... 6 If he doesn't have enough sleep, he gets......... _ 7 ls it tomorrow or Su nday th at Simo n gets.... 8 That sou n d on m y ph one m ean s I 've got............... 9 a) angry at t h e t in iest proble m. b} to work, bu t it must have been late. c) a tex t message. d) h om e from work t his evening? e) a l ot of presen ts from m y colleagues. f) a lot of ph one calls t rying t o sell us stuff. g) fed u p w i t h the weat h er in England. h) lost, wou ld we? i) back from his h oliday?
Its so h um id, isn't it? Gary's gone tg_ge.J.$.Q.IJl.thiri.9.JQ_drin.k 2 I haven't seen jess since last Decem ber. I m ust
··-··--·····-·-·---·-·······--········h er soon. 3 I would n't touch th at i f I were you. M ark did, a nd h e
4 Will and Lu k e haven 't arrived ye t. I n fact, if t h ey
s I ha rd ly ever t ake a tax i whe n I'm abroad. I prefer
6 W h at docs t h e lcu cr say, Mich elle? Have yo u ? 7 I can't move as quickly as I used to. I guess I'm j u st
a) Choose t he correct word s. If t h ey wouldn't have!q;jEj> got l ost, th er'd arrived on t i m e. 2 K en would have/ had ru ng h er i f h e'd have got/got t h e m essage. 3 I f h e wouldn't have/ hadn't got t o work late
a n ewspaper t h at day.
6 wo rried if yo u m e kn ow.
again, h e hadn't/wouldn't have got sacked. 8 He.......................... u ni versi t y if he... ....................... t he exa m.
4 Kat and Jo hadn't/wouldn't have gon e to t h e fil m if they'd have/'d seen th e review. s If Sue hadn't/ wouldn't have got i n t ou ch wit h me, I wouldn't have/hadn 't known Vi wasn't we l l. 6 We hadn't/wouldn't have got h om e if he hadn 't/ wouldn't have given us a li ft.
b) Read the sent ences in 3a) again and answer t h ese questions. a) Did t h ey get lost?.. Yes. b) Did t h ey a rrive lat e? e a) Fill in the gaps in t he story with t hese ve rbs.
ger asked took got (x 2) split u p had started felt went
Th i rty years ago Jod i e was goi n g ou t wi t h a boy ca lled Ca llu m. On h er
2 a) Did Ken get t he m essage?............... 6.••.....•••••••••.... u pset. A t th e end of t he even i ng, sh e 7 ...... a t axi
because t h e u nd ergrou nd h ad closed. Th e ta x i d river was rea lly 3 a) Did Ton }' arrive on ti m e?............... b) Did h e l ose h i s j ob?....... friend l y so t hey 8..................... t al k i ng. They 9•.......•.•...........on so we ll
4 a) Did t h ey read th e rev iew?.... b) Did th er sec th e fil m?............... 5 a) Did Sue get i n t ouch?............... b) Did Sue t ell me Vi was ill? 6 a) Did we get hom e?............... b) Did he give us a lifL?..............
Fill in t he gaps wi t h the correct fonn t hat t he t axi d ri\"cr 10•.•...• h er for her ph on e n u m ber. Who
b) Read the st ory again a nd com plete t he cond iti on al sent en ces. lf Call u m .h.?.<:/.99.L h er a present, J od i e ..W.P.tAidn'.th.P..V..go.t reall)' a ngry.
of these pairs of verbs.
score I Rot lose- not get I have leave I fail met I not be not see I not buy not be / let get I get not encourage I not become 3 I f she.......... wi th h er frien ds. 4 If sh e............
s Sh e ................... upse t, sh e.................................
........ a t axi i f t he u nd ergroun d h ad
If l ...h.Q.$.(9.(.<:/.. th e penalt y, we wo1.M o.'.th.?.Y..l.<?.$.L.
3 If th ey........................... to kn ow each
..................... open. 6 7 Th e taxi d river her for h er
8 I f sh e........... hi m h er n u mhcr, I wou ld n eve r ha ve been born! Поиск по сайту: |
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