АвтоАвтоматизацияАрхитектураАстрономияАудитБиологияБухгалтерияВоенное делоГенетикаГеографияГеологияГосударствоДомДругоеЖурналистика и СМИИзобретательствоИностранные языкиИнформатикаИскусствоИсторияКомпьютерыКулинарияКультураЛексикологияЛитератураЛогикаМаркетингМатематикаМашиностроениеМедицинаМенеджментМеталлы и СваркаМеханикаМузыкаНаселениеОбразованиеОхрана безопасности жизниОхрана ТрудаПедагогикаПолитикаПравоПриборостроениеПрограммированиеПроизводствоПромышленностьПсихологияРадиоРегилияСвязьСоциологияСпортСтандартизацияСтроительствоТехнологииТорговляТуризмФизикаФизиологияФилософияФинансыХимияХозяйствоЦеннообразованиеЧерчениеЭкологияЭконометрикаЭкономикаЭлектроникаЮриспунденкция |
Save, copy, delete
Abi lity a)
![]() ![]() In the 2P1 century,you 1€}>/couldn't ignore computers or the Internet. They're a necessary part of life and they 2can/are brilliant at save you time and money. This two-day course is suitable for beginners who have used a computer, but find email and the Internet difficult 3understandlto understand. You should have some experience of computers and 4canlbe able to use a mouse and a keyboard. And if you haven't got a clue how 5startlto start. then don't worry!
• know how 6to set up/setting up an email account, and read and send emails.
M C M P R I N T E S S P E S C A N N E R)S P K R M C A M S C A C E E R I 0 R S 0 E U A A Y S E N R 0 R U E N K B C R M T Y 0 I S N E 0 R U 0 I E S S R E R B E S U E E R T P A S K E Y B O A R D J O Y 0 S S C R E E N E C 0 M O N I T O R I S D K CJ Cross out the incorrect words. 1 save a document/an email/a hard disk 2 delet e a document/a link/a folder 3 make a back -up copy of you r icons/hard disk/documents • can/be able to search the Internet accurately. • 8couldlbe able to buy something on the Internet safely.
b) Read about the experience s of t h ree people who went on t he course. Fill i n the gaps with t he correct form of the verb in brackets (infinitive, infinitive with to or verb+ing).
We're addicted! We're still useless at 4.................. (send) emails, but we're brilliant at 5................... (search) the Internet for the lowest prices. My husband was able to 6............. (find) a book Iwanted for half the price it is in the shops. Unfortunately we also managed 7.................... (order) two copies, but never mind! Great course. Thanks. Pat, Sunderland My children use the Internet for their homework every night. Iwas always 4 pri n t an email/a folder/a document hopeless at ........... (help) them and I hadn't found anyone who could s log on lo the lnternet/online/ ........................ (help) me. Now I'm better at ............................. (understand) your computer 6 click on an icon/a website address/ search results than they are.And Ifind the Internet easy •• (use). Of course, Istill have no idea how 12......... (work) the video
a password
recorder! Diane, Sheffield ---..
![]() ![]()
Rewr ite these sentences using the words in bracke ts. 1 My daughter can use a com pu te r m uch be tler than m e. (k now h ow) .My.9a.Ygh.t.e.r kn.g.w.$..h.o.wt.0..1,m:..a. q:mp1,.1Je.r.m.u.c.b......... .b..t.(r..t.l:@J.m.e..•... 2 I n ever remem be r passwords. (h opeless a t)
3 My paren ts don't have a cl ue how to get broad band. (no id ea)
4 I was able 10 sen d an email, bu t I don't know if it arri ved. (man age)
s I could get emails, hu t I cou l d n't sen d any. (be abl e t o; not be abl e t o) Review: verb patterns
1 a) She doesn't let her sist er borrow her clot hes. b) Sh e doesn 't allow hUi$.t.e.r..t.9..l?.wr.o.w be.cdPt.bg_$. 2 a) I'd rat he r stay at h ome.
3 a) He con t in ues to ph one me eve ry n i ght.
b) He keeps -·····. _...........
4 a) Th ey said t o m e, "Buy a house wi t h a ga rden."
b) They told..........................................···-·····································
s a) It looked like it was closed.
b) It seem ed............... ········-···················.............................
78 Want it, need it! Electrical equipment ED " Look at the pictures. Write the names of t he electrical equ ipment neede d.
@ CD
Cl Choose the correct word s. 1 Sh e did EJ3>eheck h er em ail mo re of ten if she <fii)>1has broad band. 2 I f i t wouldn 't/didn't cost so much, /'I/ I 'd get on e tomorrow. 3 We spent/would spend less t ime on t he In tern et if t h ere was/were more t hings to do. 4 If t h ey saved/are saved t hei r docu m en ts m ore regu la rly, t h ey lost/wouldn't lose t h em. s You didn 't/wouldn 't h ave t his probl em if you made/make back -u p copies of you r hard disk. 6 Do/Would yo u get air condi tio n i n g if you would be able to/could afford i t? 7 I f h e weren't/wouldn 't be so arroga m, more people would ask/will ask for h is advice. 8 If I g ive/gave you a hand -h eld com pu ter, do/would you use i t?
Complete sentence b) so it has the same meaning as sentence a).
a) Read about a competition and fill in the gaps wit h t he correct form of the verbs in brackets.
-.O.!!.r..$.e.•.. Ldi<:J.... 9!l!PJ!.te.r.....
These people answered the question: If you, .._r,g_ul<i... 2 a) Ou r cen t ral h ea r i ng doesn 't work and I'm freezi ng. (can) buy any piece of electronic equipment, what
2 .wo.Y.l.d... it b...- (be)?
3 Read the descriptions and guess the answers! If you 3 _JHJ.$.Wf:.c. (answer) all four questions correctly, you
__ ......................... i f we had a G PS. • :.a.b..v... (have) a chance of winning this month's What 4 a) He can't record it on DV D. He doesn't have a DVD recorder.
5 You Want competition.
I6........................... (get) home.This house was built over 200 years ago and it simply didn't exist then.
............................................... m y password, bl If 1 7.........(not do) iitonight, 1 8.......................
(lind) it all in the kitchen tomorrow morning. If we 6 a) I have no idea h ow to do t his or I wou ld hel p you. 9--------..----.............. (get) one, we 10.........._.......(have)
a lot more time in the evenings and we definitely c) I go jogging a lot and the one that I have is useless and Ii} Choose t he correct ending for each sentence. Ikeep having to change the CDs. If I .............................
1 \Vi ii you lend m e yours i f... (have) one of these, the music wouldn't finish all the time @ I promise to look after it? and 1 ............................. (be able lo) carry a lot more music. b) I promi sed t o look aft er it? 2 If it cost about half as much,... a) we'll be able lo bu y one. b) we'd be able lo buy one. d) You aren't allowed to use mobiles in the car without one now. The trouble is Ispend a lot ol time driving. If I
3 Th e program will start a ut oma t ically if... a) you click on t h e docu m ent icon. b) you cl icked on t he docum en t icon. 4 If I were you,... a) I'll get a n M P3 player ........._ (not do) iisoon, I (get) a line. ............------·-------- b) I'd get an M P3 player. S I f yo u forget you r password,... a) we'll sen d you a remind er. b} we'd send you a remind er. 6 Wou l d it be m ore com fortable if... b) What is each person talking abou t in 5a)? \Vri te t he names of th e elect rical equipment. a) (f?.O.trn.tb.e.Ji.11g..
c) a) it has ai r condi ti on ing?
b) it had air cond it ion i ng? • Virus alert!
Read the article and write quest ions a)-e) i n the correct places 1-5. a) 'Wha t is sp5 \\,ti b) How do I get rid of it? c) What can it do? d) How does it get on to m y com p u ter? e) I s spywarc a com mon problem?
Nobody likes a computer virus, but at least you can get rid of it. And there is a lot of anti-virus software these days. It can find a virus, fix it and you can forget about it. Unfortunately the same isn't true for spyware. 1 WIJ..ti.upywre.?.... Spyware is software that hides somewhere on your computer. It collects information about what you do on the Internet and passes this information to companies without your permission. If you shop on the Internet and use your credit card, you should know that some spyware can record this information! Your computer can catch spyware in lots of ways. If you open the wrong email, or even visit the wrong website, spyware can download itself onto your computer. And spyware often comes with free software. Most spyware just collects information about your surfing habits for advertising reasons. But some spyware can be more powerful and will often make your computer slower. Adware is a type of spyware which is advertising
tJ Read the art i cle agai n and answer t hese questions. 1 Why ca n it he d ifficu lt to fi nd spywa rc? Be.rn..v.$.e it hides on yp_1,1_r: c.omp.1,1Jer•. 2 Wh y is spywa re i m portant if you buy thi ngs on l i ne?
3 Can you get spywarc i i' you're not using the In ternet?
4 Wha t ki nd of i nforma tion can spywa re collect?
5 Why docs most spywarc wa n t t h is information?
6 How m igh t you know you r compu ter has spywarc on i t?
7 What percen tage of com pu ters arc not i nfected wi th spywa rc?
8 What advice is gi \'en about removi ng spywarc?
Read t hese comments on t he article and fill in t he gaps \\it h a, an, Ilic or - (no article).
There are now laws against spyware in 1....th.e... USA. Criminals behind 2 -··--·most serious software can be software. It makes 'pop-up' advertisements appear while sent to prison for five years and get··-- you are connected to the Internet. Not dangerous... but very annoying. If this is the first time you've heard of spyware, you've probably got some on your PC. Surveys have found that 90% of computers have several pieces of spyware on fines of over 5... million dollars!
![]() them. And spyware will stay on your computer for a long time, quietly collecting information and sending it back to its authors. was 9 ··-·-·reason for them all. Til visit 10 site.
5............................... There is some anti-spyware software that will remove most of your problems. However, some anti-spyware software is spyware itself, so be careful! For a complete 11... --····expert m. 12..........-.. cali1'orm.a estimates that
.t stuff should be higher!
![]() ![]() ![]() ![]()
Wh ich question in each pa ir is more polit e? Choose a), b) or both if you t hink t hey arc both polit e. 1@ What's t h e t i m e, please? b) Do you know what the time is?
2 a) Ca n you tell me what happened?
Rewrit e direct question s 1-8 in the conversations using t he phra ses i n bracket s.
password? (Can you tell me) .!;;11.Y-9.IJ..t.ll.m..wb.t.. $..11).P.$.$.W9td is..?. ISABELLA Sorry, I don't know. b) Have you a n y iea what happened? JA CK 1s he at home toda y? (Do you know)
3 a) Do you think you could send it lo m e? b) Plea se cou ld you send i t to me?
4 a) Is h e coming later? b) Do you k now whet h er he is coming later? s a) Could you tell me what t h e password is? b) What's t h e password?
Match begin n i ngs 1-6 to endings a)-0 in th ese indirect quest ion s. Do you know a) will be able whether broadband to help me? 2 Ilave you an y b) is a password for t his? idea wheth er c) how t his sca nn er 3 Could you t ell wo rks? 4 Do you know d) he's made a back-up? s Ca n you te ll me e) is avai lable h ere? i f t here f) me how Isave 6 Do you t hin k he a docu m ent?
Correct t he m istakes in 1he phrases i n bold
ISABELLA Yes, h e is. He isn't well. JAC K \Vhat's his phon e number? (Have you any idea)
ISABELLA o, I'm sorry. I'll ask the secretar y.
![]() ![]() JACK Sea n, i t's ja ck Ro s from accou n ts. 1 n eed to use your PC. 4Can I get your password? (Could yo u tell me)
JA CK Sorrr There a ren 't an y. in th ese indi rect questions. a webcam is 1 Do you know what is a webcam? 2 Could you tell m e how do Idownload SEAN 6 l s t h ere a girl wi th dark hair opposite you? (Can you tell m e) software? JACK Yes, long dark hai r. 3 Can you tell t h em what are t he password s? 4 Do you k n ow how m u ch docs air condi tioni ng cost? s Do you think if we can log on wi t hout a pa ssword? SEAN
SEA N Er... OK. M y password is I- -A 13-[-L-L-A. l1's er... a place in I ta ly. Very i meresting. Isa Bella. I've never heard of it. 7Coukl you speak more quietly, please? (Do you t hink) 6 I lave you any idea where could I buy a G PS? JA CK Arc you OK, Scan?
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