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SC Dangers at sea
Word formation (2): prefixes and opposites, other prefixes and suffixes Im ED a) Read t he fi rst part of t he article. fill in gaps I -6 with t he correct word, a), h) or c).
The orcas' friendly and coopera tive na ture is very 7uscfv.I.. for finding food. Orcas h u n t in t heir pods and then work together to kill. In 1999 a I3I3C team fil med a pod hu nti ng a grey whale and a)
oversleep c) sleepy its cal f. The jou rnalist described the event:
"The desperate calf * wa s fighting for i ts life a nd I wanted t he orcas to fi n ish their job qu ickly. Bu t the mothe r was tire............... in her attempts
6 a) incommon b) u ncommon c) ovcreom mon to protect her calf. Her joh was an 9...............possi ble one." The total worldwide population of orcas is
known, bu t is thou gh t 10 be arou nd I 00,000. It is likely tha t we have 11 ····-···estimated how many there are because they live in all of t he world's ocea ns. Although they ha\'cn 't been h unted since 198I, scien tists believe their n u mbers are If you t h ink you ha\'C a 1 ...$.(P.l. $.L. baby, decreasing. In particular. fishing and oil consider this: baby killer whales don't sleep for t he first mon t h of t hei r life so thei r mothers have to stay awa ke too! In fact, the name 'killer whale' is a li ttle accidents are reducing their food supplies. There are abou t 40 orcas in aquarium s all over the world, bu t many people 13..........agree with keeping them in these cond ition s and believe .................. and also 3..................................... it's ••••• responsible. The mosL famous orca,
Kei ko, who appeared i n the I 993 film F ree Willy, was in an aq ua ri u m u ntil scien tists attem pted to t he dol ph in fami ly. Second l y, they are usually 15........... m• troduce I1·1m m· to a pod 1.11 t he w1'Id.
of a ny orca a uacks on h u ma ns in t he wild. I nstead, t hese a n i mals arc high ly sociable a nd even quite 5•••• •................ They l ive i n grou ps called 'pods', wi th between 5 a nd 30 orcas, for their whole lives. And it is very 6............ to see one swimmi ng alone.
b) Read the second part of t he article an d add the correct suffo or prefix to \vords 7-16. Use these suffu..:cs and prefixes.
Suffixes:..fut; -less Prefixes: re-, im-, under-, over-, ir -, dis-, un- (x 2) The $20 million attem pt was......_ successfu l, howeve r, and Keiko swam 1,-f OO kilomet res on his own to Norway where he spent the last two yea rs of h is life.
*ca lf "' a rou ng whale
Read both parts of the article again. Arc t hese sentences tme (T), false (f') or the article doesn't say (DS)? 11] Killer wha les arc not a type of whale. 2 0A h uman has never been killed by an orca. 3 DOrcas h u m alone. 4 0I n 1hc d escription, the you ng grey w hale su rvivcs. 5 D There arc proba bl y more t ha n 100,000 orcas in t he world. 6 DI n I 981 h u nti ng whales was made illegal. 7 D Pollu ti on is a problem for orcas. 8 DKei ko was fou nd in a n aquari u m i n Mexico. 9 D Keiko hcca me pa rt of a pod when he was released.
Warnings and advice lml / a) Make sentences with these words. l 9'-
JON The footbal l stad ium? Is it noisy? CLARE Yes, it can be. a) th in k I should I we I visi t I do you I Whi ch? Wb.i.b..9.9..Yf:!M.thla.twgJ.IJ9.1.J.l<:l..v.iin.................................... b) the st reets I you I Make sure I the stadiu m I around I avoid. c) Complete t he conversation with sentences e)-h) from la). NINA Mik e, you've been lo t he Caribbean, haven't you?
When is it a good t im e lo go?
c) ca reful I in I Vine Street I you're I Be I wh en.
d) hea rd I had n't I before I t ha t I I.
e) you I advice I give I Could I some I m e? MIKE That was beca use it was t h e start of their hurricane season. 7.....................................
f) lwould n't I were you I I I him I list en lo I if.
g) mak e the I sam e m istak e I or else you 'll I in summer I Don't go I as Idid.
My h oliday was a d isaster, so I wou ld listen lo m y advice!
1 had no idea. So you wen t in t h e summ er?
h) really I thank s I That's I uscful.
F,.i. p EH -.... E;" MIKE Yes, in A ugust.
Review: indirect and direct questions Rewrite these direct questions as ind irect questions. Use t he words/phrases in brackets. Did you repl y to his ema il? (Coul d you tell)
2 I s A rgent ina hot al this t im e of year? (Do you know) - 3 Who sells maps aroun d here? (Can you tell)
JON We're look ing for a h ouse in you r area, Clare. Here's some in form ation abou t a few pla ces. 1 WIJk.IJ..Q.q_yq.u..thln.twgJ.IJ_qµ(d.v.i it?... CLARE Hmm. 2 ••• •• It's a bit of a bad neighbourhood.
\, / ..()-.. \ 4 Sh ould Ihook a hot el befo re I go? (Do you thi n k)
s Why is it so expen sive? (Have yo u a n y id ea)
Reading and W riting Portfolio 8 p78) JON Vine St reet? 3................ Thanks. Anythin g else?
.•••••••••••••••••. ••••••• ••••••••••••••••• ••••••••
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