АвтоАвтоматизацияАрхитектураАстрономияАудитБиологияБухгалтерияВоенное делоГенетикаГеографияГеологияГосударствоДомДругоеЖурналистика и СМИИзобретательствоИностранные языкиИнформатикаИскусствоИсторияКомпьютерыКулинарияКультураЛексикологияЛитератураЛогикаМаркетингМатематикаМашиностроениеМедицинаМенеджментМеталлы и СваркаМеханикаМузыкаНаселениеОбразованиеОхрана безопасности жизниОхрана ТрудаПедагогикаПолитикаПравоПриборостроениеПрограммированиеПроизводствоПромышленностьПсихологияРадиоРегилияСвязьСоциологияСпортСтандартизацияСтроительствоТехнологииТорговляТуризмФизикаФизиологияФилософияФинансыХимияХозяйствоЦеннообразованиеЧерчениеЭкологияЭконометрикаЭкономикаЭлектроникаЮриспунденкция |
B One worldLanguage Summary 8, Student's Book p132
Changing \Neather ,,Correct t he bold words/ph rases. e l h c correct act ive or passive vcrh for m. Weather wind The passive ED Choose A 1ornado ic; a type of. 1 The K @Jis got some of i1s gas from t he 2 A shower is a long peri·od of rai n. 3 Ligh t n ing makes a noise. 4 When i t's humid, the air is d ry. s A gale 1s a t ype of ra in. 6 /\ ga le ic; more violent 1han a h ur rica ne. 7 Fog ma kes i t d i fficul!!O hear 1 hi ngs. 8 A heat wave is a period of cool weat her. 9 Floods happen where t here is too litt le wa1cr.
Cross out four letters from each word a nd label t he thermometer. 'on h Sra. 2 Several agreements have made/have been made 10 t ry and reduce green house gases. 3 The fu ll environmen tal effects won't understand/ be understood for ma ny yea rs. 4 \Vear somet hing wa rm - I hea rd 1hc weat her will change/be changed later. s Thousands of people kill/are killed every year i n swrms a nd h u rrica nes. 6 Cli ma le cha nge is affecting/is being af fected 1hc wea t her all over 1hc world. 7 It felt/was felt a lot chillier yesterday. 8 Ma ny simple 1hings ca n do/be done to prevent
2 t chiellie y 3 kc e wooll
• 4 v woa wrmn s hauoght 6 frieae z zinng
clima te change.
Read sentences 1-4. Then choose sentence a) or h) lo cont in u e. 1 I recycle as m uch rubbish as possi ble. @ I use t hree ruhbish bins for different materia ls. b) Three rubbish bins a rc used b)' me for d ifferen t ma teria ls. 2 l y ca r is envi ronmentally friend!)'. a) Someone designed ii to use pet rol a nd electrici ty. b) It was designed to use pet rol and clcct ricil) 3 Deserts <1re gelling la rger. a) They ca n on l y be stopped by plallli ng n ew t rees. b) People can stop them by planting new t rees. 4 \Ve use over 18 billion 1ins a nd cans every yea r i n t he U K. a) \Ve recycle abou t 4 billion of t hem. b) A bou1 4 bil lion arc recycled by us.
The hurricane season in 2005 was one of t he worst on record. Two of the worst hurricanes 1 ...w.re.rP.9.r.t.e.<i _ (report) in 1 orth America: Hurricanes Katrina and Rita.
na mes from lists written by the National Hurricane Centre. Only women's names 3•••••••••••••. ••••••••••••••••••••• •••••••• (use) at first, but in 1979 men's names -····--··-··-·'.·----·-·-······----··· (add). Now t here are six lists of names and hu rricanes 5.....•..........•...•.........•......•...•. (nam e) in alphabetical
••.....••..••• (use) i n
h urricane in 2010 .•. ········-·-·······--······--·-·(call) Hurricane Alex. The
(remove) from the list. Since 1954, 62 names 11••••.••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••
Wh ich container can we use for each group of t hings? Use the containers in t he box.
bet-th:! tin box can bag jar packet carton
2................................... sweets, ch ips [US], shopping Read the shopping list. Tick the usual containers. Correct the un usual containers.
Shopp1i1!J a ffiH..........b.M.tl.e............ of olive 011
4. tissues, chocola t es 3 n 111.w .......... 1.f po fa foes
5 cola, lemonade, beer 6................................... orange juice, milk, soup 7 coffee, marmalade, hon ey 8 ··-······-··--··········----··--···· tissues, crisps, sweets 4 11 flthc.................................... of soup
8 a /,,1.9 ···-········-·····-·······----····-· of!111tter
• BB Quantifiers ED Look at the picture and complete the sentences. sc Tl1ere'sff l1ere are and not any, not m uch, not many or a lot of. Tb.r...i$.n.'.t.m!!.h.... food. 2................................................................. boxes. 3.............................................................. paper. 4....................................................... t ins. s ·······································-······················ rubbish. 6 hott ks. 7...................................................... ja rs. 8 bread. 9............................................................... cans.
10 ························-······································· cartons.
There's a bit of sou p i n t he fridge. (m u ch) .T.l:!r.l$.f!.'t.mµ. h.soup.ln..th..fridg.e. 2 \Vc'vc got more t han enough time to get t here. (plenty)
3 Hardly any people I know recycle plast ic. (few) Only............................ 4 I'm a li ttle too tired to go out tonight. (bit)
s Oliver hasn 't got many teet h, but he's on ly six months old. (hardly)
6 A lot of children recycle t hings a t school. (loads)
......·· ··<:..;. J. f··· · · · · · · · - _,,
7 There 's ha rdly any olive oil i n the cu pboa rd. (only a little)
s There isn't any time left. (no)
'{) Choose t he correct words.
time, can you pu t t he recycli ng bin out? fi' fill in the gaps with a few or Cl litt le. ADAM Theres 2hard l y any/much I've got ...!lfe. W... chocola tes. 2 The wea ther is................................. wa rm today, isn't i t? 3 Would you like.................................... more coffee? 4 There a re................................. em pty rubbish in it. ROSE That's st range. Adam! Look in t he other bin! 3Much!Lots of this st uff ca n be recycled. ADAM Bu t there isn't 4any/no paper in there. I checked.
bottles for recycli ng. ROSE What abou t glass? There a re a lot/loads of bottles in here. s Cou ld you bu y.
ti ns of ADAM Sorry. You 're right. Actually, Ican see 7 a little/a few tins too. ROSE And t here's more t han a little/a few pla stic. cat food? 6 I'll give you..............
············· help if ADAM Plastic? Can 8much/many plastic be recycled? ROSE Yes, I t h i nk so. You know, 9a bit of/hardly any care could save you wai t.................................... mi n u tes. 7 He k nows........................ words of French a nd he speaks................. English. our pla net. ADAM I know. Sorry. Look, t her e's 10a few/hardly any room in the recycli ng bi n now. ROSE Stop making excu ses! There· 11plenty/several of room. Поиск по сайту: |
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