АвтоАвтоматизацияАрхитектураАстрономияАудитБиологияБухгалтерияВоенное делоГенетикаГеографияГеологияГосударствоДомДругоеЖурналистика и СМИИзобретательствоИностранные языкиИнформатикаИскусствоИсторияКомпьютерыКулинарияКультураЛексикологияЛитератураЛогикаМаркетингМатематикаМашиностроениеМедицинаМенеджментМеталлы и СваркаМеханикаМузыкаНаселениеОбразованиеОхрана безопасности жизниОхрана ТрудаПедагогикаПолитикаПравоПриборостроениеПрограммированиеПроизводствоПромышленностьПсихологияРадиоРегилияСвязьСоциологияСпортСтандартизацияСтроительствоТехнологииТорговляТуризмФизикаФизиологияФилософияФинансыХимияХозяйствоЦеннообразованиеЧерчениеЭкологияЭконометрикаЭкономикаЭлектроникаЮриспунденкция |
Describing a holiday
Read th e lett er quickl y. a) Who is the letter to? Reading a letter about a holiday
c) What is t he wri ter doing?
Read ·t he letter and choose t he best answers. 1 Who is Anna t ravelli ng wi t h? @ David a nd her children. b) David:'> grand parents. c) Ilcr paren ts. 2 Which places have they been to so far? a) 1ew Yor k. b) New York and Boston. c) New York, Boston and Prov in ce Town. 3 Wha t an noys David? a) He prefers cities. b) His grandpa rents have di nner very ea rl y. c) The t raffic in New York. 4 When d id t hey stay i n New Ha m psh i re? a) Between Boston and Cape Cod. b) Between New York and Boston. c) Bet ween l3oston and Cambridge. s What have t he)' done on hol iday so far? a) Had friends rou nd for d i n ner. b) Visi ted rrie nds a nd rela tives. c) Bot h a) a nd h). 6 Why did t he child ren stop exploring t he woods? a) Because t here were bea rs i n t here.
them 10. c) Beca use t hey were sca red.
De 1Writin8 this in the mr. We're d riving to Provittce Towtt, a beach town ttcar Cape Coct i n M assachusetts. We're in t he seconct wee k oj our two weeks awa!:j. Attct so.fa r, M um, i t's beett reaLlu spe cial. W e spettt two cla!:js i tt N ew York. 2 Hotel was a bit basic brAt it was safe and clean. We wettt to a.few exhibitiol'lS anct Simon attct Ailsc:i hact us rou ttct Jor lu ttch - uou remembe r our nei g hbours from Orct, ctott't uow? NY is a wonctelful p lace - reall!:l exciting. The traffic got 011 m!:j ttcrvcs after u w hile - 3worse than Cc:imbrictge! 4Tltesda!j we d rove up to New Hiunt1shire. Ott the wa!:j. we SAid a quick 'hello·to Davict·s g rcmct rc:i rents near Bostott. Attcl we're goittg to go bHck attct stet!:j with t hem later i tt t he week. The!:j're well. The!:j have ctimter at about 4 p.m. t hese cfa!:js - 5rt rives Davi.ct craz!:j! I ca11.'t no rmallu benr the cou tttru. M um. You lttow me - I'm a citu g i rl. Bu t New Hampshire is so q uiet a11.d so 9ree11. - Ifell i tt love with it. We stu!:jed in A. beautiful horAsc there - some Jricttct oj DA.Viet's g rcntct mothe r ow1ts i t. Eve cmct Hcur!:J had a lot oJ Jun explo ri n g t he woocts c:it t he!?A.ck oJ the ho use - utttil Du.vid tolct them there mig ht be some l?enrs itt there! Thett theu would n't 90 back ag ai n! 6will writ e ag a in b eJore we co m e home. Love,
a) We sometimes miss out words in informal writing when it is clear what or who we arc talking about. Look at this sentence from the letter. H:R Writing this in the car. b) What types of words arc missed out in sentences 1-6 in bold in the lellcr? Pl.QfJ.Q_i,m.!!nd..q.f.!Xil.i!!ry.v.e.r.b...
1-6 in 3b). a) I'm 1 b) I...............
d) The e) it....
Cross out the words you can miss out in these sentences. 1 +flt> queue is so long. (1 word) 2 In August Sally and I are going to Washington. (1 word) 3 I can't fi nd t he map. (2 words) 4 1 have not got a n y money! (2 words) 5 Have you had a lie-i n today? (2 words) 6 We have been ou t for din ner. (2 words) 7 It is goi ng to be sun ny tomorrow. (2 words) 8 We a rc goi ng to Al's tonight. (2 words) a) Imagine you are on holiday for two weeks. Make notes on your own ideas in the d iary.
b) • Use you r notes from 5a). • Add information about wha t you liked and did n't l ike d uri ng t he fi rst week of you r holiday. • Organise your lett er into paragraphs. • Use ellipsis of words where possible. • Read and check for mistakes. • Give your Icuer to your teacher next class.
Tick the things you can do in English in the Reading and Writing Progress Portfolio, p88.
Readi ng notices
4) Read n otices A-F and senten ces a)-e). 'Which noti ce or notices would each person be i nte rested in? a} TOM Iough t 10 do more exercise......A....., b) EVA I have 10 get a pa rHime job. c) MARK I fou nd something in a classroom recentl y................ d) SALLY Ilost somet h i n g recently................ e} VICTORIA Ihave to find some accom modat ion before u n iversi1y starts.
© Lost an 6 bike. for -5ale. I.!' momhs old - vC. J,1so ono (for iwc k ".>(lie.1) Call t--\1ke. on
In friendly shared house near college. Available from 1st October. £90 p/w + bills n/s only room-for-rent@ukmail.net Cleaner needed
.. Yoga class 8 week begin ner s' cou rse in sports cent re. 7-8.30 p.m. Mondays a nd Th ursdays. Call Sue Tel. no. 01222 641813 (eves. on l y)
Rec! bctg i11 dctss 78 011 Wec!11csc!ct!:1. Pls. hel p! I t's got ctU m!:1 11otcs i11 it. Cctrlct 07980 545618 ® FOUN D MoMe.. phofle.. '" roo1>1 'IA. Noi:.1a 332 (tiacJ:.). last Tue... at about 7 p.1>1. 7232 '/12119 (Paul)
A rc t h ese sentences tm c (T), (F) or th e not ices don 't say (DS)? 1 [£] Mike wants more than £150 for his bike. 2 DAnyone can apply for t he job in Percy S1ree1. 3 D Ca rla is worried about losing all her notes. 4 0This room will cost al least £.90 every week. s DThe yoga class has eigh1 lessons every two mont hs. 6 D The mobile phone was fou nd by Paul. •
Pis. = Please c) Which other abbreviations do you know? Wri te these words/phrases next to t hei r abbreviation.
b) Write t he bold abbreviations in notices A-F next to their meaning.
3 very good condi tion 4 or nea r offer.............................
7 Tu esday.............................
St. 2 Ave. 3 A pr. 4 e.g. s asa p 6 incl. 7 Rd. 8 Thx. April as soon as possi ble Road
![]() a) A l ex is offeri ng a cookery course. Th ere a rc 3-hou r classes every week - on Sat urday mornings. You can ca ll h im a fter 7 o'cloc k i n t he eYen i n g on 01923 434325.
b} Margie wa nt s t o ren t ou t a double room i n h er h ouse. It's £140 a week b u t t hat incl udes bill s. She
c) Tom is selling his televisio n. It's nea rl y n ew - he won it i n a com peti ti on two mo nths ago. lie wa nts about £120 for i t. Th e buyer will h ave to pick it u p.
a) Think of something you would li ke to sell. Answer these questions and make not es. Wh at is i t?
l s it i n good condi t ion?
I low much is it? \Vi ii }'OU t ake a n ea r offer?
How should a buyer con tact yo u?
Whe n can t h ey con t act you?
b) Write a not ice. • Use your not es from 5a). • Orga n ise you r n otice a n d ma k e i t interest ing. • sc a bbrevia ti ons. • Read and ch eck for m ista kes. • Give your n ot ice to yo u r teacher next class.
Tick the things you can do in English in t he Reading and Writ ing Progress Portfolio, p88.
a) Are th ese sentences about formal letters true (T) or false (F)? Correct the Reading formal letters
Review phrasal verbs (1): travel I
1 ITJ You should put your add ress first, before t h e add ress of the person you arc writ i ng lo. 2 D A letter which starts Dear Sir shou ld end Y0t1rs fait ltf11ll y. A letter which starts Dear Mr/Mrs, et c. + su rname shou ld end You rs si ncerely. 3 D Th e fi rst paragraph of the letter should ex plain you r reason for wri ting. 4 DYou shou ld start a new paragraph for each sentence. 5 DYou should use cont ractions (I'm, Hes, etc.). 6 DYou should wri t e your signat u re above yo u r nam e. b) Read letter A qui ckly. Wh ich rule about formal l etters in la) i sn ' t used i n this letter?
Read letter A agai n and choose the correct answer. Where is M r Tu rn bull 's holiday? a) I taly b) the SA @) The lett er doesn 't say. 2 Mr Tu rnbu ll will now set off... a) earlier. b) later. c) at t he sa m e lime. 3 Mr Tu rn bull is now stayi ng al t he hotel for... a) seven nights. b) more nights than before. @
15 Shaw Ave. Bedford MK40 2.:JA
Dear Mr TuPnbull.
Colo1' Blue Tra.vel 14 18 Summer Street MA 00105 12/ 17/06
4 They will now check out of t he hotel on... a) Frid ay. b) Satu rda y. c) Su nda y. 5 Why has t he hot el ch anged? a) The origin al hotel is fu l l. b) The original hotel is closed for redecora tion. c) Th e letter doesn't say. 6 Whal is different about t he n ew hotel? a)!l's n ot as good. b) I t 's beucr. c) I t's neare r th e airport. 7 How should M r Tu rn bull get from t he airport lo t h e h otel? a) Someon e will pi ck him tt p. b) He should gel a taxi. c) He should gel a coach. Iam writi ng to inform yoll of some changeR to yollr holido,y arrangemems in March 2007. The t11gl1t will now leave at l0.15 a.m. on Satur'Cla,y March 14Lh (06/14/07) not Friday March 13th (03/ 13/07). The hotel booking is still tbr 7 days and is therefbPe Satmuay through Fr>1dey. The 1>etum flight, is now Sat.urday March 21sL (03/21/07). IIowever, the hotel will now be Hotel Atlas. This hot81 i, a five-star hotel rather Lhan Lhe original three-star hot.el offered. Please note that all travelers will be t:.ake n from the ail'port to Lhcir hotel by a coo.ch or taxi service. We hope you are looki r,g forward to you1·holiday with ColoP Blue Travel. We are vePy gmteful for yow, cooperation w·th t.heso changes and a logize tbr any inconvcn·e1 ce caused. Please cont.a.Ct. us at th"' n.hovo address with any q1I8I'ies. Sincerely. Terr.!/ Samuel.-; Terry Samuels
b) Com plete the tahle with examples of American English from lctler A. same. Com plete the table for ending formal letters with US or UK.
know the person's na me 1...........:You rs sincerely 2............: Sincerely (you rs) British English American English don't know the person's name 3:You rs faithf ully
15 Shaw Ave. Bedford M K40 2J A
Dear M r Samuels, ® Colour Bl ue Travel 14-18 Su mmPr Street MA 00105 21/12/06 a) Read letter B. Richard Turnbull makes four common formal lett er writing mistakes in his reply. What arc t hey?
b) Richard uses British Engli sh in his letter. Find fou r examples of Bri tish English and change them to American English. Use the tables in 3 to help you. (9.f9_1Jr..(UK}..:·+ Color (US)........ 3 Tha nk you for your letter with details of our changed holiday arrangements. We realise hol iday arrangemen ts som eti mes have to change bu t th e rnrrent flight times and hotel ma ke our situation difficult. Firstly, we booked our original hotel to be near friend s. Hotel Atlas is nea rly 50 m i les away from om original hot el. Secondly, we've got a relative's wedding on 14th March (14/03/07). We've been booking holidays wit h your com pany for over ten years and t hi s is the first t ime we 've been in t his si t ua tion. I'd appreciate it if you could contact me on oo 44 1234 324732 to discu ss t his problem. You rs si ncerely, Richard Tu rnbull /2-ithard Turnbull 2 4
a) Look at the following holiday arrangements. Make not es on your own ideas in the table.
b) Write either letter a) or letter b). a) A letter from a travel com pan y explaining t he change in holiday arrangements. b) A letter from a customer who has received t hese new arrangements bu t has a problem. • Use you r notes from 5a). • Orga nise your letter correc tly. • Use ei t her America n English or British Englis h. • Read and check for mistakes. • G ive your letter to yo u r tea cher n ex t class.
Tick the things you can do in English in the Read ing and Writing Progress Port folio, p88. •
Read these reviews quickly. Wha t connect s t he two books? They arc both: a) written by jou rnalists. b) based on t rue stories. c) about real people.
Reading book reviews
Cameron Crowe was once a teenage reporter for Rolling Stone - the famous American music magazine. He uses his experiences in his novel Almost Famous (Faber and Faber, £6.99). The main character is William Miller, a 15-year-old kid who is hired by Rolling Stone magazine to go on tour with an unknown band, Stillwater. Their adventures take place all over the USA as William learns about life and love. Crowe's writing is both interesting and believable. The book also includes an interview with Cameron Crowe about his adventurous life and he explains some of the more confusing parts of the story.
In 1915 Hen ry James, the famous author, was seriously ill in h is home in London. He was waiting to die. And this is where David Lodge's historical novel Author! Author! (Secker & Warburg, £6.99) begins. Lodge tells the story of Henry J ames' successes and fa ilures in h is novels and plays from Portrait of a Lady (recen tly a film with N icole Kidma n) to his disaster of a play Guy Domville. And Author! Author! would make an interesting historical film. The title itself is fa ntastic and refers to what audiences used to shout if they liked a play. Lodge's novel is a sensitive story of an author who was never confident of his talent. And Henry Ja mes will get ma ny more fans from people who read this book. I 'm goi n g to take a couple of his novels on holiday myself!
Read the re,;cws agai n and choose t he best answer. 1 Cameron Crowe... @ was a journalist. b) was i n a hand. c) owned a maga zi ne. z \Villiam goes on tou r wi t h... a) a fa mous grou p. b) The Rolli ng Stones. c) a new grou p. 3 The reviewer of Almos! Famous particula r\)' liked... a) t he e nd of t he story. b) t he i nterview wi t h Cameron Crowe. c) t he ti tle.
4 Hen ry James wrote... a) Aut lwr! A11t lwr! b) Pv r!rn il of a Lad y. c) a book about icolc Kid ma n. s The reviewer thi n ks A111/ior! A111hor! a) is a good play. b) shou ld he made i nto a film. c) has a strange ti tle. 6 On holiday t he reviewer is goi ng to read... a) A ut hor! A111 hor! agai n. b) some more David Lodge books. c) some more I lcnry James books.
"Th e reviews use d ifferent verb forms for th e di fferent
3 will/be going to:...............
Rewrite these sentences using the word in
bra ckets. At t he end the story is amazing. (endi ng)
3 The most i m portan t person i n the book is
4 The story ha ppens in Buenos Aires,
6 The name of t he book is Loyal beca use or til l' The book te lls a) 2 The main b) 3 T he t itle is c) 4 The story takes d} s The ending e) 6 It wou Id make f } character... really good a nd refers to... a good fil m because... is amazi ng/disappoi nti ng... t he story of... pla ce in... relationshi p be t ween the man and his d og (t i tle; refer)....................
/ Remember the four parts of a review in 3 and the different verb forms in 4.
About 10 years ago I 1• wnt. (go) skiing in Lahti, Finland. And this was the reason that The Lahti File by Richard
title of the book
general comments
b) Write a review or your book. • Use your notes from Sa). • Organise your review and use t he 'ah fMm -. i n 4. • Use t he ph rases i n 5. • Read a nd check for mist akes. • Give your review to you r teacher n c \ t d.1..:-.
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........................... Reading and Writing Portfolio 5
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