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The science of sleepSleep is one of the body's most mysterious experiences. Scientists don't completely understand the process, but it seems that all living things need some sleep. And some need a lot more than others!
1 ·······---·····-----------······------····-----------·-·--·----···---------··················-··---------- There a rc five stages of sleep: stages 1, 2, 3, 4 a nd R EM (rapid* eye movement). I n stages 1 lo 4 our body becomes more relaxed. Ou r m uscles a nd hea rt rate slow down a nd our brai n becomes less active. Stage 5 is ca lled R EM sleep. Our hea rt beats faster a nd ou r eyes move quickly i n different directions. People d ream d u ri ng th is stage and we ca n not move at a ll - proba bly to stop us from doi ng the actions i n ou r d rea ms.
2 ······-··-························--··-······················-·-········-·---···-··········-----··········· An average person spends al most a thi rd of thei r l ife sleepi ng! Is i t a waste of ti me? Scientists bel ieve tha t when the heart a nd bra i n slow down, the body i s recoveri ng* after the day's work. They also th i nk that REM sleep is i m porta nt for memory a nd lea rn i n g - ba bies have twice as m uch REM sleep as adults.
3 ---------------------·-··-·---··--·----·---·-······-··-·---··-----·-·-·····-··-·····--·-··--·-·---··· On average a n adult needs about 7-8 hours' sleep every day. A baby needs 12-16. I n the a nimal world, bats sleep for about 20 hou rs every day. But a giraffe sleeps for only a n hour or two every night.
*rapid = very quic k * rcco\'l'r = get hack your strength
Gradable and strong adjectives; adverbs ED Fill in the gaps wit h t hese adverbs. More than one adverb is possible.
really incredi bly absolutely extremely
really hot 6 ················-··-··-······ boiling
3......................... bca u t iful 8..... ·-···················· tired 4 ----··----·····--·--·-·------ small 9 ···-----····-···-············ gorgeous
6 Pu t these in order of t he a moun t of sleep t hey need (least to most): babies, adu lts, bats, giraffes. 5 ····-····-······-·---··-----· fiIth y 10 ··---··-·-··················- tiny
"Choose t he best response for each sentence. 1 Cla re's had terri ble i nsomnia. @ Oh, dear. What's t he matt er? b) Yes, I see what you mea n. "Complete t he conversations wit h the ph rases in the boxes.
.01:1, Elear. Wnet's ti 1e 111atter? Why don't you Yes, I see what you mean I've tried that Have you tried Well, it's worth a try
RITA Mark seem s really fed u p at the mom en t. c) Ican sec why you' re upset. 2 Look at Mi ke's report. It's terri ble!
DAVID 1 Oh.d.f!r,..Wha(Hb..r:n.attrl... a) Oh, how awful! b) Oh, dear. Wh at a shame. c) Yes, 1 see what you mea n. 3 Mo's in hospital wit h a broken leg. RITA I think he's u nder pressure at work.
DAVID tal k to him about it? a) Yes, I sec what you mean. b) Oh, how awful! c) Oh, clear. Wh a t's the matter? 4 \Ve started at t he company at RITA
says I don 't under tand. ..............................., but h e t he sa me t ime, but h e's been prom oted. a) Oh, dear. What a shame. b) I ca n see why you're u pset. c) Oh, how awfu l. 5 Sally lost her job last week. a) Oh, I'm sorry t o hear that. SAM I've got too m uch work at t he moment. ALEX
SAM Idon't know where to start.
boss for help?
b) I can see why you 're u pset. c) Yes, Isec what you mean. SAM ............................................, Iguess.
Match problems 1-S to the advice a)-c). My child ren don't cat enough You ought to I'm sorry to hea r that I'd ta ke I can see why you're upset
that's a good idea might try that vege tablcs. ..). 2 3 One of my best st udents doesn't CHRIS Pat a nd Ibroke u p last week. SIMON
CHRIS Sh e wants to get back toget her, but I'm not sure.
SIMON .••.••••.....•••.. some t ime off work and think about it.
s My sister doesn't go out m uch because she's got two child ren. CHRIS Yes, ... CHLOE It was really expensive and it's already broken down twice.
a) You should offer to babysi t. b) Maybe you ought to sec the doctor abou t i t. c) Have you t ried giving t hem a choice of different types? d) I'd have a chat wit h him and find om what t h e problem is. e) Why don't you send her some now ers?
PAUL..................... write to the
Language Summary 3, Student 's Book p119
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