АвтоАвтоматизацияАрхитектураАстрономияАудитБиологияБухгалтерияВоенное делоГенетикаГеографияГеологияГосударствоДомДругоеЖурналистика и СМИИзобретательствоИностранные языкиИнформатикаИскусствоИсторияКомпьютерыКулинарияКультураЛексикологияЛитератураЛогикаМаркетингМатематикаМашиностроениеМедицинаМенеджментМеталлы и СваркаМеханикаМузыкаНаселениеОбразованиеОхрана безопасности жизниОхрана ТрудаПедагогикаПолитикаПравоПриборостроениеПрограммированиеПроизводствоПромышленностьПсихологияРадиоРегилияСвязьСоциологияСпортСтандартизацияСтроительствоТехнологииТорговляТуризмФизикаФизиологияФилософияФинансыХимияХозяйствоЦеннообразованиеЧерчениеЭкологияЭконометрикаЭкономикаЭлектроникаЮриспунденкция |
Your holiday, my job
Present Perfect Simple ED
1 A Shi rley hasn't b!l.. (not go) abroad.
2 A........................ you ever tou rism? ............. (work) in
3 A You .................... never ..... (bring)
-k10IE fen•a1d to see (somebody} off get around put up with pick (somebody} up check into set off get back
Are you looking forward to MUM 1."-.re you excit ed ah out tomorrow? CASS Of course. We're 2lcavin g very early, t hough. MUM Iknow. Ist ill want to come to t he airpon to 3say goodbye to you. CASS Of course. Than ks, Mu m. MUM And give me a q u ick call when you4've arrived at the hotel. CASS Sure. Are you goi ng to m iss me? MUM A bit. 13ut al least Iwon't have to 5t olerate your loud music. CASS And you won't have to give me lifts so Ican 6travcl about. MUM:-\o. Th at's t rue. So what time do you 7ret urn? CASS At one o'clock in t he morning.
MUM Th at's late!
CASS I know. So I was wonderi n g... can you 8m eet me in t he car? mc back an yt hi ng from your holidays. B Yes, I have! Igave you a pictu re of Ven ice once. 4 A \Vow! You two have got a good su n ta n. B Yes. We................. ju st (get back) from t wo weeks in t he Caribbean. s A Hi, ca n l speak to Pat or Ha rry Skilton please?
6 A The passengers arc angry abotll the late fligh t s. B 1 know.I al read y.................. (deal) wi t h t hree com pla i n t s today. "A rc sentences 1-9 correct? Change t he incorrect sentences. 've known l hi m si nce l was you ng. 2 Wend y and Ca rl never saw ou r old house. 3 \Vc'vc ru n a bed a nd breakfast since t h ree rears. 4 I like your hou se. How l ong d id you live here? s Mar k isn't h ere. He's been to work. 6 \Vc'vc set off hours ago, bu t we're st uck in t rnffic. 7 We haven't had a holiday t his year. 8 Did you check i n to t he hotel yet? 9 No one has picked m e up at the ai rport.
"Fill in t h e gaps with t h e Past Simpl e or Present Perfect Simple of t he verbs in brackc1s.
is a head chef in a restaurant for 1,000 people. But it's not a nonnal restaurant It's open for breakfast, lunch and dinner, and it's always full.
Jose Guerreiro trained as a chef in Goa, India and 1 $p.nt... (spend> seven years working in restaurants in Indian cities. Then he saw an advertisement which changed his life. ·-·-----·- (always love> travelling so this seemed perfect," said Jose. He was But this is the first time I'_ -·--·----..·-- lbe> Head Chef on a cruise. I 1..........,, (never feel> so nervous in my life!" Jose shouldn't be nervous. In over 20 years as a
I 10....,,_,,........................_......... Ideal with> every kind of special diet you can think otr he laughed. 'We had one passenger who 11 • •............._................ (not can> eat meat, fish, milk products or bread!" I saw Jose again at the end of the first week. I asked him "What 12 _ ···-·-- ••_............. we ··-··................... ··---------·-.... (eat> so far, Jose?" offered the job and it 1
•......... ------------ _ "So far, you 13 .........................................._.. • (drink> .
(not takel him long to make his decision. Six months later he started work on a cruise ship. The Sea Princess. 15 years later, Jose is Head Chef on the same ship. "I •-·---·------·........,, -·lwork> on four ships since I 5...............-......................... (join> the company.
38 Lonely Planet
ml I) a) Fill in ga ps 1-3 wi t h t hese \'crbs.
get go on
.... 5,000 litres of milk and 150 kg of coffee. We 1• (roasu about 1,000 chickens and made over 300 birthday and anniversary cakes. And no one 15 -··-
a) .....toge.th.r
c) e)
C) Make sentences in the Present Perfect Contin uou s with for or since. 1 Th ey st a rted going on cruises t hree years ago. .l.IJ.gyY..P.. g.a_gglog.QTJ..Q:.t!Jg.$.{Q.r.J.b.rng_ye rs. 2 Marta started giving guided tours when she was I 6.
3 Istarted look i ng forwa rd to my holiday six mont hs ago.
4 Cam bridge U niversi ty Press pu blished i ts fi rst book in 1584.
s We started goi ng ou t together when I was 18.
6 You moved in to this house two mon ths ago.
f) Choose the correct words. Sometimes bot h verb fom1s arc possible.
been staying in about 85 of t hem," he told m e. At t he moment he's in th e Gambia in Africa. U nfortu nately Philip hasn't 4fe/t/been feeling well for t h e last week. "I've 5tried!been trying a lot of different foods on my travels and I've never 6had/ been having any problems before. Bu t everyone ha s 7/ooked after/been looking after me very well! " For the last ten yea rs Philip has 8kept/been keeping a dia ry of his travels and so far he's 9pub/ished/ been publishing two books abou t his adven tures. Since he started writing, Philip hasn't 10had/been having to do other work. Ile's just 11finished/been finishing his third book and he's now plan ning his journey to Sou t h America. "I've 12explored!been exploring this world for over 15 yea rs, bu t I've got a long way to go!"
![]() How l ong I Ja ne I wai t? How to.ng ha.Ja.ne..be. n..w..Wog?..... 2 How man y cruises I you I go I on? _Hqw.mwy.rnies bfJ.v.e_yqgp_g _ n..9.n?..... 3 How man y hotels I you I work I in?
4 How man y t imes I yo u I go I on a package holiday?
s How long I he I ta ke I work home?
6 How man y times I you I get I a taxi to work?
7 How long I you I st udy I English?
8 How long I Tony a nd Maureen I be I married?
Fill in the gaps with the correct form of the verbs in brackets. Use t he Present Perfect Continuous if possible. We:.V.dgn..w.J(/]/og_ (watch) a lot of t ravel program mes recent!) 2 Why didn't you call me? How............................. you
wi t h a broken leg? 3 \Ve............................................................................... (not go) on a guided tou r of t he city before, so we'd l ike to go. 4 The su n................................... (sh i ne) all weekend. It's wonderful!
holidays for years and I've never had any problems.
(not tak e) a ny ti me off t h is year. She works so ha rd.
each other for long? 8...................................... (not travel) first class hefore and I'm qui te exci ted about i t.
(stand) ou tside fo r hou rs. Поиск по сайту: |
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