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Emails with news

Читайте также:
  1. A Save, copy, delete
  2. Anatomy of an email
  3. Chapter 10 Quiz
  5. D. Harassment
  6. G Motorola DynaTAC 8000 Range. Released: 1984 to 1987
  7. Glossar
  8. I. Read and translate the text
  9. Intermediate Reading and Writing Progress Portfolio
  10. Love it or hate it
  11. Medical myths

Read t he email and fil l in gaps 1-8'"it h the correct words.

Reading an informal email

Writing short emails and notes:useful phrases Review verb patterns; homes

1 @ absol u t ely 5 a) e n ough big

e o o

b) very b) bi g enou gh

c) fai rl y c) enough room

2 a) more far 6 a) B&Bs

b) more fu nh cr b) airport s

c) fu rt h e r c) station s

From: alex @rousso.co.uk

To: huwprice@medaid.com; arvind@ 24-7work.com; (plus 10 others...) Subject: Greetings from Scotland!



Hi everyone,

3 a) read 7 a) nigh ts

We've finally moved! The house is 1

a/;>9/ut /y.. gorgeous - better

b) 'd read b) plan es

c) 'vc read c) flyi ng

4 a) to pa ck 8 a) thi nk s

b) pa ck i n g b) t hin ki ng

c) pa ck c) t hin k



Read t he email agai n. Arc these sentences t rnc (T) or false (F)?


[TIAl ex and Lu cien's ca t had n eve r been ou tsid e before.


A lex wa nt s to find olll where Pat A usti n lives.

3 They did n 't go to t he pa n y because th ey were tired.


Th ey're havi n g a pa rty a t thei r n ew h ouse n ext year.


Their n ew hou se has enou gh spa ce for som e gu ests to stay.

6 It's a good idea t o book t rai n or plan e

ticke ts to Ed i n bu rgh in ad vance.

than I remember it. And the cat's fascinated by the garden - she was

born in our old flat and she's never been 2••.•.•.••••........... than the balcony! We're so grateful for all your cards and presents. I 3. the cards again this morning and they made me cry! (Can anyone tell me what Pat Austin's email is? She sent some flowers to our new address.)

We're so sorry that we didn't come to Jackie and Bill's party on Saturday afternoon. What happened was that we were supposed to finish 4.........•.•.......• in the afternoon. But we quickly realised the lorry wasn't 5....................... So in the end we had to hire another van and Mike had to drive to Edinburgh in the evening.

Talking of parties, we're going to have a house-warming party on 3rd February. Would you all like to come? I know it'll be a long time after we've moved in but we might have a chance to decorate first. We'd rfiltlfil get organised before you come! I'm telling you about this more than three months in advance so there are no excuses. There are lots of 6 nearby and some of you can sleep here. Don't forget to book train or plane tickets soon if you're going to come! Superflights (www.superflights.com) are offering 7 ••••••••••••.••••••••• to Edinburgh for £30 at the moment but they'll get more expensive soon.

Everything's still in boxes of course, but I don't start work for a week.

7 D A lex and Lu cien moved because

Lucien's got an interview next week so 8

.................• of him on Wednesday.


Luci en ha s got a n ew jo b.


Help with Writing



a) Fi nd ph rases 1-8 in the letter and u n der li n e t hem.

We'd rat her...

2 \Ve're so sorry t hat...

3 Don't forget...

4 Can anyone t ell m e...?

s Hope you have...

6 We're so gratcful for...

7 What h appen ed was t ha t...

8 Wou ld you l i ke...?



Anyway, more news soon. Hope you all have a lovely break during the holiday!

Much love,

Alex (and Lucien)



b) t-.t at ch ph rases 1-8 in 3a) with meani ngs a)-h).

a) 0apologi si ng e) Di nvi t ing someon e

b) D remi nd i ng f) D say i ng your preferen ce

c) Dwi sh i n g someone a good t hing g) Dexpla i n i n g w ha t ha ppe n ed

d) D t hankin g h) D aski ng for info rmation

c) Wh ich phrase or phrases in 3a) arc often followed by:

a) an i nfini t i ve...........

b) an i nfi n iti ve with to


Q a) Complet e t h ese senten ces with ph rases 1-8

/ in 3a).

.W.'.r.$.\U.o.r.ry.t.l:mt. we did n't do t he washing-up. I prom ise I'll do i t when I get home.

2...................................................................... a good ti me at t he

gig. I'd love to come bu t I've got to work tonight.

3 if t his is rubbish?

I'd like to get rid of it.

4 A Il ave you decided how you're gelling to Alex's pa rty?

B ny tha n get

the t rai n.

5 you r help last

Sat u rday. You must be as tired as we are today.


6 ···········································-····-····················· to mee t inc for

l u nch tomorrow? I've gOl a m eet i n g near you r office and it fi n ishes at abou t on e o'clock.

7 I did n't tell you why we lef t early on f-riday, did I?

................................................................... I got a phone

call from the babysi tt er.

8..................................................................... to ri ng you r m u m.

Sh e called yesterday.

b) Read the situations and write sentences using the correct form of the phra ses in 3a).

You have just arrived at the cinema. You are meeting a friend a nd you are late because you

cou ld n't find you r keys. Apologise to your fri en d and explain w ha t ha ppened.

!.'.m..$.Q sorry.th.CJ.t.l 'm.l. •.What.h.CJ.PP.f D.< 9..w.i!.$..that

!..@.uief n 'tfin.d my_k.eyL..

2 It's you r paren ts' wedding an niversa ry tomorrow. Remind your hrothe r.


3 You are l ooki ng for t he stat ion bu t you are lost. Ask a grou p of people.


4 You received a birt h day presen t from friends

who a re goi ng on holiday tomorrow. Thank t hem for the present a nd wish them a good ti m e

on hol iday.


5 You want to go to a pop concert on Friday.

Invite you r friend an d say you prefer going with someone rat her than goi ng alone.


a) latch sit uation s 1-3 to plans a)-c) for a short email.

You borrowed a friend's CD and broke i t.


2 You had din ner a t a friend's hou se on Friday.


3 Your boss is going on holiday next week.



a) • tha nk your friend.

• invi te you r friend to go ou t next week.

• rem ind your friend to bri ng your jacket you lef t at his/h er house.

b) • say you 'd pref er to work a t home on Friday.

• ask him/her for his mobile nu mber i n case of em ergency.

• w ish him/her a good time.

c) • a pologise for t he accident.

• explai n what happened.

• say what you're goi ng to do.

b) Wri t e three short emails for situation s 1-3

in 5a).

• Use the pla ns i n 5a).

• Use the ph rases in 3a).

• Read and check for mistakes.

• Give you r emails to you r teacher nex t class.



Tick t he t hings you can do in Engli sh in the Read ing and Writ ing Progress Portfolio, p88.

Reading and Writing Portfolio 6


1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | 12 | 13 | 14 | 15 | 16 | 17 | 18 | 19 | 20 | 21 | 22 | 23 | 24 | 25 | 26 | 27 | 28 | 29 | 30 | 31 | 32 | 33 | 34 | 35 | 36 | 37 | 38 | 39 | 40 | 41 | 42 | 43 | 44 |

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