АвтоАвтоматизацияАрхитектураАстрономияАудитБиологияБухгалтерияВоенное делоГенетикаГеографияГеологияГосударствоДомДругоеЖурналистика и СМИИзобретательствоИностранные языкиИнформатикаИскусствоИсторияКомпьютерыКулинарияКультураЛексикологияЛитератураЛогикаМаркетингМатематикаМашиностроениеМедицинаМенеджментМеталлы и СваркаМеханикаМузыкаНаселениеОбразованиеОхрана безопасности жизниОхрана ТрудаПедагогикаПолитикаПравоПриборостроениеПрограммированиеПроизводствоПромышленностьПсихологияРадиоРегилияСвязьСоциологияСпортСтандартизацияСтроительствоТехнологииТорговляТуризмФизикаФизиологияФилософияФинансыХимияХозяйствоЦеннообразованиеЧерчениеЭкологияЭконометрикаЭкономикаЭлектроникаЮриспунденкция |
Protective parents
"Fill in t he gaps wit h a re flexive pronoun. M y daughter ma de the decision ..ber$(f... Zero conditional; co ls with modal verbs and imperatives; in case
form of these verbs. 2 The wash ing-up isn't going to do. know! .............. }'OU
.btty go (x 2) book call send get be
3 We really enjoyed ·······-·········· very m uch. last n ight. Thanks
My son's ju st gon e on holiday to ltaly wi t h his friends. They d id n 't book a hotel or anyt hing. 4 M y son m ade d in ner for t he whole fa mily hy ........................... last nigh t! s Dave and Polly designed their cottage MARY Don't wor ry. My daughtrr only 1 ••.l?..<!YL a flight when she z............................. away. 6 Si mo n! If you don't li ke t he way I've clone i t, do i t PAT Bu t when we •••••• on holiday, we
·················-··········! al ways 4 ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• a room in adva n ce! 7 Promise me that you will both look after MARY Yes. And when we •.•.• t here, I st ill 6....... my parents. Nowada}'S
8 I did n't need any help - I made u p my mind I 7. •••••••.... •••••..•.• •• l u cky if m y da ugh ter s............................. me a postcard. •
a) Fill in the gaps in these clauses with Tf or Wh en. .....If... you don 't like t he presen t, 2 .Wh.en. I finish an exercise, 3............... you live to be 100 i n the U K, 4....... I'm older, 5............... this bus stops, 6............... he doesn't feel bette r soon, 7............... you get u p in t he morning, 8............... you finish a mal, b) Writ e zero or first conditional sentences. Use the if/when clauses in 3a) and these word s. 1 you I not I have to I keep i t. !f,Y.9.1!..<:/.Qn 't.Ukethe pr e.$. n.t... yoY..<:/.or.(th.<J..v. JQ.. egpJt..... Read Lucy's tips and fill i n th e gaps. Use a modal and the verb in b rackets or t he imperati\'e of the verb. Someti mes more than one answer is possible.
• If you want to show your children you love them,1..•s.p.emL (spend) time with them. And when you haven't got time,you 2 ••• h.q,v.l<:/.1J.:.tm!1.ke.... (not make) excuses. Explain to them why you're busy. • If you want your children to talk to you, you 3........................................ (not tell) anyone their secrets. Teenagers need to trust you and if they 2 I I check I t he answers immediately. can't do that,why you anything? •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• they..................................... (tell)
3 you I get I a letter from the Queen.
4 I I start I saving some money. • Teenagers see everything you do. Unless you can stop doing something yourself, for example smoking, how 5...................... you................................... (expect) your children to stop? If you remember anything at all about your younger days, you time. When children come to you for advice, 7........................................ (listen).Their problems may be different from those you had. •
5 you I hel p I me with t hese bags? with them,8................................... (not expect) things to get better.
6 we I h ave t o I call the doctor.
7 you I listen I 10 t he rad io?
8 you I always do the washing-up? e Fill in t he gaps with if or in case. 1 I'll read t h e inst ruc t ions in case. t hey say anyt h ing uscf ul. 2 We should ma ke some ext ra food now.................... he changes h is mind. 3 I'm not making him d i n ner.................. he won't hel p me wi t h the washing-u p. 4 \Ve don't buy t ravel insurance...................... we aren't going abroad. s \Ve always b u y travel insurance............... we have an accident. 6 I ri ng my brother....... my car breaks down. 7 Ta ke a mobile phone with you................... t he car breaks down. 8 Read t he i nst ructio ns fi rst...................... you don't want to brea k i t. 6C Touch \NOOd
" Read the article a n d fill i n t he gaps wit h t hese sentences. a) In 0El, num> 5ttcccssful people shu pl:·go t a 'l ttt k) b1 eak' b} But t he pieces of pa pe r he used kep t falli ng ou t c) A young, rela t ively u n known singer w<1s asked to take over d) I le cll·cid cd to move t he fa m i l y to Australia e) A week later she had a part in a film
Arc these sentences t me (T), false (F) or t he a rticle doesn 't say (OS)? [£]The art icle says t ha t people become successfu l because 2 A ret ha Frankl in used to sing i n her ch urch. 3 0Sarah Michelle Gella r's act i ng career sta rted slowly a t fi rst. 4 0Luciano Pavarott i became world -famous in 1963. S 0Mel Gi bson's parents were millionai res. 6 DMel G i bson had a figh t at t he aud i t ion for 1'vlc1d Max. 7 DPost-hrn n otes were inven t ed i n 1974. 8 D pencc r Si l ver invented Post-ltrn notes by hi mself.
Synonyms CD e Read the art icle agai n and match words 1-6 to synonyms a)-f). break a) role 2 legendary b) opport u nit y 3 pa n c) di-;covcry 4 unknown d} t rying s invent ion e) u n hea rd of 6 attempting f) nry fa mous
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