АвтоАвтоматизацияАрхитектураАстрономияАудитБиологияБухгалтерияВоенное делоГенетикаГеографияГеологияГосударствоДомДругоеЖурналистика и СМИИзобретательствоИностранные языкиИнформатикаИскусствоИсторияКомпьютерыКулинарияКультураЛексикологияЛитератураЛогикаМаркетингМатематикаМашиностроениеМедицинаМенеджментМеталлы и СваркаМеханикаМузыкаНаселениеОбразованиеОхрана безопасности жизниОхрана ТрудаПедагогикаПолитикаПравоПриборостроениеПрограммированиеПроизводствоПромышленностьПсихологияРадиоРегилияСвязьСоциологияСпортСтандартизацияСтроительствоТехнологииТорговляТуризмФизикаФизиологияФилософияФинансыХимияХозяйствоЦеннообразованиеЧерчениеЭкологияЭконометрикаЭкономикаЭлектроникаЮриспунденкция |
C Natural medicinesReading: guessing meaning from context
"Read the article quickly. Complete the sentence. Choose a), b) or c). The wri t er t ried th e sand cure... a) beca u se he had h ealth probl em s. b) bm didn't enj oy th e experien ce. c) an d t h ough t i t was a posi t ive experien ce.
a) Look at the words in hold in t he article. Are they nou ns, verbs or adjectives? t ri be 2 ga ining 3 allevia t es 4 ba cks up 5 pea k 6 scorching 7 crun ch i n g 8 measly noun The Sahara Dese1t is one of the driest regions on eaith. Very little grows in temperatures that can reach 57"C. So what could be healt hy about this place? According to the Saharawi, a tribe who live in the desert in the Western Sahara, it has more than enough of what is needed: heat and sand*. The Saharawi have been using the sand cure* for hw1dreds of years. And recently this t reatment has been gainin g popularity with tonrists. My guide explained the technique: "We make a big hole, cover ourselves i n lotion*, get in the hole and stay b) Choose the correct meani ngs of the words in 2a). tribe a) b) group of an imals 2 gain ing a) increasi n g b) decreasin g 3 allevia t es a) doesn't h elp b) h el ps 4 back s up a) support s b) doesn't su pport 5 peak a) lowest po i n t b) highest poi n t 6 scorching a) very hot b) very cold 7 crunch ing a) ch ewi ng b) d rin kin g 8
Read the article again. Arc t hese sentences t me (T), false (F) or the article doesn't say (DS)? [£] The sand cure is a m odern namral cure. 2 DTh e sa nd cure is onl y prac t ised i n the Saharan desert. 3 D Tourist s have been trying t h e sand cure. 4 D Th e sand cure can hel p wi t h stomach problem s. s DLocal doctors don't think t h e sand cure is usefu l. 6 DTh e writ er t ried th e sand cure bec ause h e had h ad too much t ea. 7 DIt's good to try t h e sand cure on w i nd y days. s D Th e writ er spent less t i me i n the san d t h a n t h e in the sun for a few hours." The Saharawi believe the cure alleviates skin and back problems. And a local doctor backs up their claims. Dr Coulon has been a doctor in Morocco for more than 30 years and has tried the sand cure herself. "It's very good for your bones, muscles and circulation," she says. So, after several cups of mint tea, Iagreed to try the cure myself. At midday the heat is at its peak and you can hardly walk on the scorching sand. Istmted wishing for a cooling wind. Bad idea. The experience of being buried in sand is not unpleasant - it's a bit like a hot, dry bath. But the experience of crunching on sand in your mouth is not pleasant at all. After 20 minutes I was so relaxed I felt I could stay there for ever. The desert is so quiet. But ten minutes lat.er, my guides starting helping me out. I had spent a meas y half an hour in the sane!. The Saharawis spend two hours. My conclusions? Well, Ice1tainly felt more relaxed and very clean -when I'd got all the sand out of my ears, nose and mouth, of course.
Saharawi usually do. */ci1io11 a liq uid th at you put on your sk in 10 protect it •
Com plete the pu zzle wit h character adjectives.
N ZB T 3v H 4R u
60 I A 'S SL s T L I c
People w h o... 1 a re very i n t erest ed a nd i nvolved i n an act ivi t y. 2 become a n gry easily. 3 h u rt or a na ck oth ers. 4 a ren 't poli t e. s alwa ys t h i n k t h ey are t he best. 6 u pset ot her people by t h eir behaviou r. 7 are selfish beca use t h ey're allowed to do wh at they wa n t. a wi ll always su ppo rt t h ei r frien ds. 9 don't l i ke wo r ki n g. 10 m ake a lot of noise.
Match sentences 1-5 to t he softer opinions i n sen tences a)-e) abou t professional foot ball players.
quite helpful 1 She can be helpful qffile m t imes. 2 He tends hei ng rat h er noisy i n class. 3 On w hole most of our st udent s a rc ha rd - \Vorking. 4 General speaki ng, m y ch ild ren a rc quit e pol i te. S Some modern films ca n he a bi t violence. 6 My teenage son ca n be a rroga nt a bit. 7 They can be ra t her i n polite a t t i mes.
Use t he words/phrases in brackets to soften t hese opinions about men and women. MEN Th ey sn ore. (Some of t h em I ca n I at t i m es) .S.Pm..ofJh.em.,ao..snc;irn.fJt tim.$.•... 2 They a re con sid erat e. (n ot very I at ti me)
3 They are unt idy. (Some of them I can I rat her) They are selfish towa rds t hei r younge r tea m -mates. .....<:!)... 2 Th ey're of t en a hit st u pid. '
4 Th ey arc beucr wi th mon ey. (tend to I a bi t)
4 They usually a ren 't violen t people. s They t h i nk t hey know everyt h i ng. ··--·········
a) Some of them can he qui te arrogant at t imes. b) They tend 10 be rather hard-working. c) On t he whole, most of t hem aren·l very i ntelligen t. d) They ca n he a bit inconsiderate towa rds you ng players. e).enerally speak i n g, t hey aren 't aggressive. s Women li ke sh oppi ng. (Gen erally speak ing I m ost)
6 They are more orga nised t ha n men. (On t he whole I tend to)
Language Summary 5, Student's Book p125
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