АвтоАвтоматизацияАрхитектураАстрономияАудитБиологияБухгалтерияВоенное делоГенетикаГеографияГеологияГосударствоДомДругоеЖурналистика и СМИИзобретательствоИностранные языкиИнформатикаИскусствоИсторияКомпьютерыКулинарияКультураЛексикологияЛитератураЛогикаМаркетингМатематикаМашиностроениеМедицинаМенеджментМеталлы и СваркаМеханикаМузыкаНаселениеОбразованиеОхрана безопасности жизниОхрана ТрудаПедагогикаПолитикаПравоПриборостроениеПрограммированиеПроизводствоПромышленностьПсихологияРадиоРегилияСвязьСоциологияСпортСтандартизацияСтроительствоТехнологииТорговляТуризмФизикаФизиологияФилософияФинансыХимияХозяйствоЦеннообразованиеЧерчениеЭкологияЭконометрикаЭкономикаЭлектроникаЮриспунденкция |
Read instmctions A-D quickly. Which is probably: 1 an email to a friend?......(..... 2 written on a food packet?............... 3 connected wit h compu ter software?............... 4 a note to a new Oat ma te?
Are these sentences tmc (T), false (F) or the instructions don't say (DS)? 1 (£] The washing rnachine is u nreliable. 2 DYou shou ld n't put too m uch washing powder in the machine. 3 D The face2face CD- ROM al ways starts automatically. 4 DYou need a mouse to sta rt the CD-ROM. s DThomas oft en forgets to pu t th e ru bbish ou tside. 6 DThomas shouldn't use the sink in t he u pstai rs bathroom. 7 DThe dish i n t he recipe is suitable for vegetarians. 8 DThe reci pe ta kes less t han a n hour. Reading instructions
usef ul phrases
Ti-e vo.i rro.c.hir.e loo\\ old. but it till voff... Use tl-ese 1m:.tfud1on o.nd. you uld. l:e fine.
h1d. 1n t1on A Ire ifo.y A l /'lp.r.ge you don l put loo tnuc.h povdE'f Iii Ire f (ety. 3 Choose o. vo.'51-11 pfog'OJTYT'e - I o.lvo.p use 3! 4 Pf '':>to.rt I 5 It to. o.bou: 40 m1nul on pf ClflYllE' 3. Don't fOfg?I to Vllc.h Ire m::i.c.hir.e off vhen it \ fini!
![]() • First insert the face2face CD-ROM into your CD-ROM d rive. • If Autorun is enabled, the CD-ROM will start au tomatically. • If the CD-ROM doesn't start, double-dick on 'My Computer'. Then double-cli ck on D:. Finally double-click on the face2face icon.
1 [2J Use numhers or hullet poi nts to organise your inst ruct ions. 2 DAdd some jokes. 3 DUse im peratives. 4 DWrite the stages in t he order they should happen. 5 DGive detailed tech n ical i nforma tion about b) Which word or words in 4a) would you use:
..th.o...,............................ 2 at the end of you r inst ructions?........................... 3 mean ing 'at the same time'?............................ 4 at the begin ning of you r instructions?..........................
a) Look at these useful phrases for inst mctions. U nderline them i n i nst ruction s A-D. somet hing. 6 DUse the passive more t ha n t he active. 7 DUse illust rat ions. 1 Make sure... 2 Don't forget... 3 Remember that... 4 You will need... s Whateveryou do,... 6 Try to avoid...
a) Inst ructions also use con necting words. Look at t he reci pe (i nst ruct ions D). Which five connecting words docs it use?
b) Which phra se or phra ses in 5a) are: a) followed by the infinil ive wi t h to? ······ ······,
b) followed by t he verh+ing? c) a posi tive or negative i m perat ive?
Thanks very much for looking after the house and the dogs while I'm away. I left inslructions on the kilchen table but here are a couple of lhings IIorgo!. Remember that the rubbish is collected early on Monday mornings. You will need to put the bins outside on Sunday night. Whatever you do, don't use the sink in the upstairs bathroom. It's broken! Sorry. See you in a couple of weeks. Call me if lhere are any problems. Anya
® l First chop up the onions and garlic. 2 Then heat a little butter in a frying pan and cook the onions and garlic slowly for about 1O minutes. Try to avoid using too much heat otherwise you will burn the onions. 3 Next add the beef and cook for 10 minutes or until the meat is brown. 4 Meanwhile boil 1.5 litres of water in a saucepan with a little olive oil. Add the spaghetti and cook for about 1O minutes. 5 Add the tomato sauce, salt and pepper to the meat, onions and garlic.Leave on a low heat for 30 minutes. 6 Finally, you can mix the sauce and spaghetti or serve them separately.
a) Read t hese instructions. Which of the useful ideas in 3 does the wri ter.!lQ1 use? L....
Com ple te sentence b) so it has the same meaning as senten ce a). You can use one, t wo or three words. You must use the word in hrackets. 1 a) I f you wa n t to cat the re on Sa t urda y, It h i n k i t's a good idea to book a tabk. (need) b) I f you wa nt to cat t here on Saturday, you ...........................................book a table. 2 a) Don't forget to lock all doors and windows. (sure) b). you lock all d oors and window s. 3 a) Don 't forget t hat the oven will stay hot for up t o 30 m inutes. (rem em ber) b).......................................... the oven will stay hot for up lo 30 min utes. 4 a) Don 't usc lhe hand -held comput er i n heavy rain. (avoid) bl........................................... t h e hand-held com puter in heavy rain. 5 a) Rem em ber to take your suit to t he d ry clean er's. (forgcl) b)........................................... take your suit to the dry cleaner's. 6 a) Th e only th ing you sh ouldn 't do is press t he button on t h e left (whatever) b)..., don'l press lhe button on the left.
p roba.h}y need to chO.Ylje the clionnel fir st. I thi11k Bij Brother is on Clionnel Fou r hut you co.n check. "The record button is red, by the wo.y, - you con't h1iss d. A nd reh1eh1her to use o blank DVb!
b) Wri te the i nstructions in 6a) again as dearly as possible. Use the connecti ng words in 4a) when possible.
Do.d, H ere ore some instrudions for the DVb recorder. rollow them co.ref ully! J...P..1,1J.?t plank O.V.O.Jn..th..O.Y0..r.g_@rd.r•....................... • You arc going on holiday a nd a friend is goi ng to feed your cals. vVrit e in slruction s on how often hdshc should fecc.I t hem, where th e food is, etc. • Virile instruction s for usi ng a com puter programme )'OU know. • You hav e a new flat mate. H e/Sh e is movi ng i n wh ile you a re on hol iday. \Vri te som e instructions for him/her about general things hdsh e needs to know.
other usef ul points, for example illustrat ions b) Write instructions for one of the ideas in 8a). • Use yo u r notes i n Sa). • Use the u sefu l ideas for wri ting insl ru ction s i n 3. • Use connecting word s a nd phrases in 4 and 5. • Read and check for mistakes. • Give you r i nst ru ct ions to you r lcacher n ex t class.
Tick the things you can do in English in the Reading and Writing Progress Portfolio, p88. Поиск по сайту: |
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