АвтоАвтоматизацияАрхитектураАстрономияАудитБиологияБухгалтерияВоенное делоГенетикаГеографияГеологияГосударствоДомДругоеЖурналистика и СМИИзобретательствоИностранные языкиИнформатикаИскусствоИсторияКомпьютерыКулинарияКультураЛексикологияЛитератураЛогикаМаркетингМатематикаМашиностроениеМедицинаМенеджментМеталлы и СваркаМеханикаМузыкаНаселениеОбразованиеОхрана безопасности жизниОхрана ТрудаПедагогикаПолитикаПравоПриборостроениеПрограммированиеПроизводствоПромышленностьПсихологияРадиоРегилияСвязьСоциологияСпортСтандартизацияСтроительствоТехнологииТорговляТуризмФизикаФизиологияФилософияФинансыХимияХозяйствоЦеннообразованиеЧерчениеЭкологияЭконометрикаЭкономикаЭлектроникаЮриспунденкция |
A load of old ju nk
CJ Fill in the gaps with t he correct fonn of these verbs. throw (x 2) come take sort give t idy put go
l've been ..d?.?!.r:i.119. ou t t he ju n k in t he loft. The future ED a)
![]() Why are you wa t ch i ng me? 2 Ha ve you to keep? ... ou t wh ich clot hes you want b)... 2 Have you asked your boss abou t promo t ion? 3.................... your t oys away - i t 's time for bed! 4 I'm........................ ou t t hese old CDs! Do you wan t an y of t hem? s Don't forget to............................. t h rough t he pocke ts before you wash those t rousers. 6 l don't want an y money for t he old sofa - I'm happy to.......................... i t away for nothing. 7 When are you goi ng to................ away t hose old newspapers? a Are you........................... back ton igh t or arc you staying a t your friend's house?
3 ls Ti m t here, please?............... 4 Have you decided what you want? s \Vhy wo n 't you l e nd hi m your laptop?
a) Wai t a m i n u te. rtl just check. b) Because you 're going to cu t yourself. c) Because he'll break i t. d) Yes. I'm going to have some la m b. e) Not yet. l'm seei ng h i m t his afternoon. b) Mat ch sentences a)-e) in 2a) to these uses of t he future. 1 a prediction....d..... 2 a prediction based on present evidence..
mess earlier. ......... u p t he livi ng room? I t was a 3 a decision made at the t ime of spea king..... 4 a plan to do som ething.............
s a n a rrangemen t............
1/'ll leave at five o'clock because I need
MEL I know. 2....... you.. (buy) him a present? to ca tch a t rai n. 2 Don't tell my brother. Hc'/l/'s going to be furious. 3 I t hink this house will/is going to be worth a lot more in the future. 4 This t raffic is terrible. \Vc'll/'re going to be very late. s \Vc're looking/'ll look a t some houses on Saturday. Do you wan t to come? 6 A The ki tchen is really dirty. B ls it? OK, I'm sorting it out/'ll sort it out la ter. 7 I'm going to work/'m working a lot harder for my RUTH Yes. That's why I wanted to come to the market. MEL Well, maybe we 3.••••••.••••••••••• (find) somethi ng here. RUTH It 4 (be) hard. It's mainly a load of old junk. ELLEN Do you t hi nk we 5............................. • (need) an y of this slllff agai n? next English exam. JERRY Well, I ..................... defi nitely ·········-······
There is one mistake in each of t he conversa tions. \Vritc t he correct sen tence. A Arc you to looking for a nat or a house?
ELLEN (not listen) to any of these CDs.
to charity?
(give) t hem B We'll have to sec what we can afford. Arn,YO.l!..l9.9.king fQ.r g,f(!!.t.Qr..?..h.9VSL. 2 A Wha t you a re going to do wi th all those old clot hes? B 1'11 probably give them to cha rit y.
3 A What arc you doing la ter? B I'm play cards so I'll be back late. JERRY Maybe. They cost m e h u ndred s of pounds, though. Wait. I've got an idea. I 8 (sell) them on t he I nternet! ELLEN Good idea. People 9......................................... (buy) anything on eBay.
BEN .............................. (tidy) the flat t his 4 A I hea rd you're moving to the coun t ry. B Yes, it's going be a big change. weekend. I t's a mess.
(not do)
s A I'll cal ling you t his evening about t he meeting. B OK. But I'm going to bed early ton igh t so call before n i ne. anythi ng on Sat urday. 1 12..................................
BEN Ah. 1 can't do i t tomorro\\ ' I'm really sorr)' I 13 (meet) Amy. 6 A M um and Dad will be fu rious when th ey sec t his! B I'll t o t idy it up before t hey come back. PETE OK. 1 14... on Su nday then. (give) you a hand
Put the verbs in brackets in the correct fonn. Use the Present Continuous, be going to or 'II + infinit ive. Sometimes more than one answer is possible.
PETE I I mm. 1 15...............................(take)Am y to my
(tidy) 1he flat then? RUTH Simon 1 .'s having. (have) a birt hday l u nch on Sunday. BEN
weekend. Arc you frec then? (do) it next
d) The history of prefahs i n general..... e) Ilow BoKlok housing is buih. --·
Read the article agai n and complete the sentences wi th t he meaning of t hese names and num hcrs.
2 12
The min i m u m n u mber 3 1998 The year.. 4 Over 2,000 The n u m ber of s Japa n a nd t he UK The cou n t ries where
Verb patterns (1) ml 0 Complete sentence b) so i t has the same meaning as sentence a). 1 b) BoKlok allows f,qw.-.ir!(QrrJ.P.Qp(e to P.!!y.their wmhqrne. 2 a) It looks li ke pref abs a rc more popula r nowadays.
3 a) Over 2,000 people in Scandinavia have bought a BoKlok home. b) Over 2,000 people i n cand i navia lrnvc decided
4 a) I n t he fu t ure perhaps more people will live in prcfahs. b) In t he futu rc more people migh t s a) Man y people w<1n1 to bu y th eir own home.
working with BoK.lok UK to be part of a revolution in housing in the UK. BoK.lok means 'Live Smart' and is a project to provide affordable homes to people on average incomes. It aims to bu ild small communities of BoKlok housing with at least 12 flats, 6 in each block. 2 So will you soon be able to go to I KEA and drive away with a new home? Well, no, you won't. BoKlok finds the land, gets pem1ission to build, and the low-cost housing will only be available to people who can't afford their own home. The flats are built in a factory and delivered to the sire - IKEA supply the kitchens and the bathrooms. Buyers can then choose furniture and get advice on interior design from IKEA. 3 BoKlok has been selling housing in Scandinavia since 1998 and the flats cost about 30% less than a normal flat. So far, BoKlok has sold over 2,000 homes -all of them in communities with shared facilities, such as gardens, to make neighbours socialise as much as possihle. 4 Houses of this type are called prefabs* in the UK and the USA. And they"re not a new idea. In the early 20•h century. the large American shop, Sears, offered prefabs. In japan and the UK after World War ll, prefabs were a popular way of building new houses quickly and cheaply. 5 Nowadays the price of housing in many countries makes it very difficult for a lot of people to buy or even rent. Prefabs offer home-buyers modern, quality homes which are designed by architects and are often very environmentally efficient. In the USA the popularity of prefabs is growing rapidly with young people who want a 21" century designed house.
'prefabs - shon for prefabri cated houses
Materials Im What is the main material usually used in these / i tems?
.rubber plastic metal paper wool card boa rd wood glass cotton leather
Fill i n the gaps in the conversations with the phrases in the hoxes.
.You 1,1se ti 1em Do you mean it's made of You mean the word for what they're called They're usually It's stuff for
a tyre ...ml:!.o.e.r.... 6 a ball point pen.......... 2 a mi rror.................... 7 a microwave oven......................
MAN 1 .YQ.11..1!$...them. to start a barbecue.
3 sh oes. ············-····· 4 socks...................... s boxes...................... 8 a jumper..................
10 a magazi ne......................
JUAN matches?
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