1. What advice did Miss Barrett get a) from her college professor b) from the English Syllabus c) from Dr. Bester, her immediate supervisor инспектор? What did she think of all this advice? 2. How did Miss Barrett characterize her pupils? 3. On what "principles" were the books for the school in question selected? 4. What was the quotation that involved the class in a spirited горячий discussion? 5. What problems emerged in the course of the discussion? 6. Why did the teacher regard the groan her pupils gave at the sound of the bell as the highest compliment to her? 7. What was the cause of Miss Barrett's conflicts with McHabe? 8. What did Paul Barringer look like? 9. Was his attitude to teaching similar to Miss Barrett's? 10. How did Miss Barrett classify her fellow-teachers? 11. What was the teachers' dislike of Dr. Bester motivated by? 12. What opinion have you formed of Miss Barrett on the basis of her letter?
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